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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. Man, I have noticed that DIB comes up with a new one, almost every post, and they are all spectacular, keep em coming DIB, and thanks.
  2. I didn't sound like he was blaming the victim, but these new details do change the situation some, as I am sure that DS's lawyers will argue contributory negligence. I do think that it is a little unfair to lay all of the blame on Dante, as he could have been clean as a whistle, and it probably would still not have prevented this tragic and unfortunate accident. I have been down around that area, as a matter of fact, I used to live in lauderdale, and there are some pretty crazy drivers down there, but the pedestrians are crazy too, and they generally do not obey crosswalk laws and the like. The fact that he was DUI when it happened is very stupid on his part, and the guy not being in the crosswalk does not take away responsibilty on his part totally, but it does alter things some, IMO.
  3. I saw most of the changes, and generally speaking, I am against anything that sofetns the game, and I detest the all out protection, sneeze on him and your srewed, provided the QB, but I thought I saw something about banning the crack back blocks like that punk Hines Ward likes to do, where the play is just about over, the opponent is focused elsewhere, the hit really does not have to be delivered, and if will have no bearing on the result of the play, I always kinda of that that was playing dirty, or right on the edge of dirty. I appluad that change.
  4. Well Turd, You got your wish! I tried to tell you that they were going to pull this sh--. I really thought that we would open on the road this year, never would have imagined aginst the Pats on MNF, what a screw job.
  5. I forgot to mention, love your Avatar, which one is Trent?
  6. It's not funny, the NFL hates us, and that's probably what they have in store for us.
  7. Nucci, I like your deductive reasoning, most people would hae a little trouble staying with you, but I get you right away man. I don't think that it will be a divisonal game period. I eremmember seeing who the road and home opponents were, and I can't remeber if they had Tampa or No at home, if they are, the my guess is that it will be either of the other two NFC south teams away to open.
  8. That we will be opening our season on the road this year, probably either at N.O. or Tampa. We have opened at home the last two years, and I just got a feeling that it won't happen this year. As long as we do not open on the road with a divisional game, I think we will be alright. I hate it when they make you open with a divisional foe on the road, the divisional games are just too impotrtant. That's why I do not like prime time divisional games either, but it seems like the NFL has gotten away from that a bit. Any thoughts?
  9. BTW, Here is a link to the Boggs story,http://tastybooze.com/2007/04/the-origin-of-boggs/ not real good at links, so you might have to eneter it into your address bar. Just in case you still doubt me.
  10. Dude, come on man, haven't you ever been to a keg party before? Yes, you are correct, it is my opinion that athltetes in general are able to process alcohol quicker than the average Joe, it, again, is just my opinion, and I did say reportedly Wade drank 36 beers, I cannot confirm it, as I was not on the flight with him, but do I believe, you bet I do. However, it is not opinion, but fact that the larger the person is, the better able to process alchol quicker than a lighter person, so body weight, and no doubt BMI have a lot to do with it as well, in other words, just like a lot of things, Marijuana included, the bodies ability to porocess something is dependentant greatly on that persons pyshilogical make up, and it would not take much of a strech to belive that a person with a comparably lower BMI (body fat) measurement would be aable to process something quicker, and we know that most atletes have a pretty low BMI. The supplements might actual accelerate the process. What if he were drinking shots, and not beer, kind of deflates your argument about mass doesn't it. It's pretty common knowledge that marijuana takes a lot less time to clear the system of a lean person vrs. a heavyweight person, and it is processed through the liver as well.
  11. No, but a lot of them did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Seriously though, can you shed that silly little Santa suit for me.
  12. I think that you are mistaken on Evans, Welker comparisons aside, Evans is a stud in his own right, and while I will grant you that his main threat is the deep ball, that hasn't been the only part of his game over the last couple of seasons, he has shown that he can operate underneath some, just get him the ball and watch it happen. I think that you will see him become even more versatile this upcoming season with another deep threat on the opposite side, he can adjust, and the best part, is that he is willing to, as I think that he is one of the most selfess players on the team, and will do what ever is asked of him. He will develop in to one of our best leaders as well.Will he ever be a Laverneus Coles, no, but we didn't draft him for that, and you don't ever want to take that deep threat away completly.
  13. Athletes are in top shape, metaboically, as well, and I think that they can handle, again metabolically speaking more alcohol than the average Joe, that and the tolerances that the develop, so I could believe that over a relatively long period, (3-4-5-6 hours)they could and probably do consume an astronomical amount of liquor, 50 might be a reach, but 30-40 not out of the question at all, cite my Wade Boggs earlier post refernce. I was just saying, for him to have stopped at Midnight, and still be at .12, he would had to have consumed more than you are thinking, even if he had stopped at 3 or 4 am, to be a .12, he was pounding them. Rememeber , if you pound 7 drinks back let's say in a 1/2 hour, you are close to .12, but over 2 hours, you will be slightly under the limit, again if you are 220 lb.'s. To those that say it is a mute point, Did you stumble on to the wrong site, this is a discussion board, um... we discuss stuff. BTW, it is a mute point, as it is what it is, a sad and very tragic story, and my thoughts and prayers go out to both famalies. A comic was telling his grandfather an Irish Joke, and he Said, "Grandpa, two Irisman walked into a bar", and his Grandpa interupted him with "of course they did"
  14. I know what some of you are thinking, how is Cookie so knowledgable about this stuff, no need to thank me, he must have some first hand experience with this stuff. While here goes, I have, like some of you have admitted, driven, probably while being over the limit, let me correct that, at times, no doubt over the limit, but not since maybe my mid 20's, and I am pushing 50 now. I remember one time being asleep at a stop sign, with the car running, thank God we live in a pretty rural area, there probably wasn't another car that even made it to the intersection. the whole time that I was asleep, how ever long that might have been. A State Trooper woke me up by knocking on the driver side window, scared the sh-- out of me. He let me go, and I hightailed home about a mile away, he could have nailed me. I have never had a DUI, and certainly haven't killed anybody, at least not with my car, some of that could have been luck, or some of it might be due to the fact that I have this knowledge, my advice to everyone who sometimes drive responsibly after drinking, is know the law and your limits. I think that if you are aware of what these are, it is pretty hard to drive while considered to be under the influence. Remember, for a 220 lb. man he could have 5 drinks over about an hour, and he would still be under the limit. People get into trouble when they start doing shots in between beers and the like, they just do not realize how quickly this adds up, especially over a relatively short period of time. Space your drinking out, and keep track of how many you have had, no when to quit, of course the best advice would be to never drive after drinking period. With this being said, had I been unlucky one of those times, I would expect punishment to the fullest extent of the law, and I would have to accept it.
  15. Wade Boggs reportedly drank 36 Beers on a flight home from the west coast on the team plane. I stand by my math, to be at .12, 7 hours after your last drink, means he lied about when he stopped, or he drank 30-40 drinks in a 3-4 hour period, probably more. It could have been 50 over a 5 hour period. BTW, one drink is considered to be 1 oz. of 100 proof liquor, 12 oz. of beer, or 4 oz. of table wine.
  16. Man, your talking like we have some control over this situation or something, I agree with you that he s young, made a mistake and all that, but they are going to throw the book at him, and there isn't much you, I , or anyone else can do to stop it, it's in the hands of the law now and the courts, the only thing that might help, is if the guy was not in the crosswalk, his laywers might be able to argue some contributory negligence to lessen the punishment, and even though it's a cliche, the punishment that he gets from the mental anguish that he will face having to think about what he has done, will far out weigh the punishement that he will recieve from, what I am sure, will be a lengthy sentence. Although I am sure Bubba will not be far from his mind. As far as playing for the Bills, WTF, no thanks!
  17. I would estimate Dante's weight to be around 220 lb, for a 220 lb man to be over the limit at .09, he would need to consume 5 drinks in rapid fire fashion(1/2 hour to 45 min.), to be at .12, it would take 7 drinks. You subtract .01 for each forty minutes of drinking. If he stopped at Midnight, there were (10.5) 40 minute periods between Midnight and 7:00 a.m., so that would mean that his BAC at 7:00 should have been .015, well under the limit, if he wasn't really pounding them. Conversly, his BAC at Midnight would have had to been .225, for it to be at .12 at 7:00 a.m., dam good thing he didn't try to drive at Midnight. To be at .225, he would have had to either drank about 13 drinks in rapid fire fashion between 11:15 and Midnight, or he drank about 30-40 over three or four hours. Whew, I'll say he was celebrating.
  18. I have had numerous sleepless nights, thanks for your concern!
  19. I hate it when Lori's right.
  20. There is no Vick, no Pacman, no other bad boy case that I know of in front of him right now, it is the offseason, what other priority could there be? Ridiculous, if it was one of Jerry Jones's guy, he would be all over it.
  21. WTF, a week is too long. I don't remeber it taking this long with other criminals.
  22. Anybody have any idea when Goodell the Emperor will rule on Marshawn, how friggin hard could it be? To hold us captive here with our hopes clinging to a thread that it may be minimal, is just BS, I guess we should expect the worst and hope for the bset, just another example of the "Man behind the curtain" manipulating our every emotion, only we can't just "pay no attention to him". Please give us our lashes, we have had ample time to put extra underware on.
  23. I love this, especially our division, we could get a chance to have the luxury of playing teams that the Steelers have consistently beat up on, and Detroit too, although I realize there is no guarantee that we will too. Not to bash them, as it is hard to do that to a team with six SB's, but they did only have to compete against three other teams in their division to get to four of them, and two of them were like minor leauge teams.
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