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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. The AP is reporting that DS will be charged with DUI manslaughter, it carries a 15 year max. penalty. Pretty sad situation for everyone involved. Sorry no linky.
  2. Good point Big Cat! I have buried the hatchet.
  3. How is this as bad as you are claiming, ok we move down 10 spots, but we also move up basically 15 spots on the second pick, plus maybe cash or a player or draft pick to be named, for a malcontent overrated lard ass, attidude deficient Peters. This means that we can now pursue someone we have targetd in the second, that would potentially not otherwise be there. Come on!
  4. Oh, and another thing, To Big Cat, real imaginative on your handle there, you probably had to think long and hard about that one, but from what I can gather, it should be just the opposite, and we all know what that is, but I will probably have to spell it out for you, Little P%s*y.
  5. Thanks, I've been told that before oh master poster supreme, the guru of TBD. I have probably been a Bills fan before you were in diapers, and certainly before you were a little snot nosed punk, oh wait, you still are one. BTW, I willl save this so that I can shove it down your eager throat in a month or so. It probably won't be the first time that you gag and regurgitate.
  6. I didn't present this, I said my sources tell me this, usually pretty reliable, but like anything else in life, there are no guarantees, and like I said there are some contingincies attached. BTW, that is what I stated, "both their first round picks" Peters is bye-bye.
  7. Why? The consensus here is that Peters is way overrated, and BTW, after it happens, I will post my address for you, so you know where to send them! Thanks! There never going to reach a deal with him, so what do you think happens with him, he suddenly has a change of heart and now wants to play for us at less than what he is demanding, or do you think that the Bills cave? I don't believe for a minute that Peters will ever suit up as a Bill again.
  8. The main part of the deal will involve this yes, there could be other compensation in the form of cash, other later round picks, or someone as yet to be identified from Philly to sweeten the deal. Mark it down. I think that they will just plug Chambers in over at LT and hope it works.
  9. My sources tell me, that basically there is a deal in place with Philly for Peters, but it will not be executed until draft day. It is contingent on the guy that Philly is targeting still being available at he the 11th spot, if he is, they swing the deal for Peters, if not, plan B. If it works out, they get Peters, and we get their two 1rst picks, that allows us to take either the one of the linebakers or de's, and still grab Pettigrew or Unger with the second first round pick. It all makes sense, forget about Cutler, it isn't happening. You won't hear too much about it though, as Philly does not want to tip their hand.
  10. My bad, i thought that this was the Bills schedule, I take everything back now, if it is correct, I am really liking it, let's see how the Patsies like playing three consecutive division games, heck they might be out of it after week three. I still cannot be responsible for my brother's future actions, although I do not belive that he still has Shula in his cosshairs.
  11. I really hope this is a joke, three divisional games in a row, just like last year,to start the season no less, the NFL friggin hates us, come on this has to be a joke, my brother was super pissed last year at the scheduling, specifically the three consecutive division games, man, if this is correct, he is going to go spastic. I mean we are taliking about a guy who one wanted to assisinate Don Shula for christ's sake. I can no longer be responsible for his future actions.
  12. Didn't Bob Golic have a brother in the NFL, I thought that I remeber him as being pretty decent, can't remeber his name though.
  13. Yeah, maybe thats why he hiked the ball up his ass, it brought back fond memories for him.
  14. Attitude, yes, you heard me right, attitude. The Bills have to start believing that they can beat them, you are correct, that one player is not going to make a difference, and the Patsies have either held ground, or have improved slightly, I don't think that we can just continue to play them the same way we have for the last 10 years, we all started to see a little chink in their armor over the last copuple of years, and Brady's abscence brought that a little more in to focus. A little chink here, a little chink there, maybe an embarrasing loss early on, etc,etc..when the Bills start to see that other teams have come up with a blueprint, ala the NE-Giants SB, and start beliving that they are not some sort of Football Gods, and that they put they're collective cleats on the same way anybody else does, they have a chance. I really in my heart of hearts, do not belive that their is that much of a disparity in talent between the two clubs, as well as coaching, but attitude, we are worlds apart, part of that is the old cliche that winning breeds winning, and that couldn't be any truer. When the Bills were so dominant, specifically within our own division, that is exactly how the other teams started to close that gap, they started to see little rays of hope, maybe Kelly being vulnerable to pressure, Thurman slowing down a bit, Reed losing a step, our defense not so dominant, what ever it was, other teams in the division starting beliving that they could beat us, and they started to.We have the perfect opportunity to sieze the moment, do something different, rattle Brady's cage early and often, blanket their recievers, get physical with them, christ we know what we have been doing for the last 10 years isn't working, if we do not sieze the moment now, I am afraid we can look forward to many more years of domination. Go Bills!
  15. I take exception to that!
  16. Hey Seq004, one question: Is that a pole that the babe in your avatar is standing next to, or a model of Sears Tower?
  17. Another doosey from dib, nice avatar, I love you man.
  18. Yeah, I mean it is somewhat Bills related being that we play them and all, and lynch was even mentioned in the story.
  19. Good stuff, I would pay top dollar for that type of imagination.
  20. Oh, and one more thing, to those of you saying, oh, but what about team chemistry, do you really thing for one momemt that TO is going to bond with anyone on the Bills? Quite frankly, I could care less if he does, just catch td's baby!
  21. Not to add fuel to the simmering fire, but what strikes me as odd, is that T.O. said, if the workouts are mandatory or the coaches want me there, then I will be there, but didn't we hear Jauron say that he would have hoped that he would be here for the voluntaries, as he knows how important it is especially with a new team and all, ok that might not represent straight out asking him, but it sure sounds like the coaches want him here. In the end, I don't think that him being there or not is really going to make all that much difference, it might be better to keep him away until he has to be there, less distractions.
  22. Oh come on now, give her a break, I mean she probably didn't have time to put her make up on, and fix her hair up and all. I think that if she did have time to do this, she would be really hot, well........
  23. I have been vascillating all over on this one, but lately I am starting to believe that we should do just what you are saying, the possible new Toronto game(s), and combined with aquiring T.O. plus losing so many of our inferior, I meant interior lineman, has me beiliving that we have to sign Peters. We lose way touch continuity, if not chemistry, as I don't think that we had much of that anyway, with the line, and even though I do consider Peters a malcontent, we have to be able to protect Trent, and give our running game a chance, and right now signing Peters gives us the best chance to do that. As far as the new money generated by possible more Toronto games, you still have the salary cap to consider, probably not much of a big deal considering the Bills still have space, and Peters wouldn't cost too much more than we are willing to offer, Just getrdone.
  24. Romo, is that you? What are you doing on a Bills website. I thought that you would be smitten with Whitten. Seriously though, tell us how you really feel, don't hold anything back this time. See ya, you Homo!
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