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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. Who the F cares, here is a positive story about someone, and we gotta find a way to rip him. I agree with the poster who said we have way to much negativity on this board. If you are going to report the negative, and report is a bad choice of words, it's more like, if we are going to salivate over the bad, then let's promote the good as well, at least it's not another embarrassing incident story.
  2. He recieved is undergrad from Harvard, and his masters form Yale, so I guess it would be Yarvard. I know I know, a weak attempt at huomor, like Chandelier Leg mentioned, it is a slow news day at TBD.
  3. Look, I like Skooby too, or is it Skooby Doo, as much as the next poster, and do often find his posts to be informative and insightful, and I love reading the replies, but this investigation thing has gone a little too far. Like a previous poster mentioned, we are giving him way too much credit here, I went to the link, and for C's Sake, there is no substance to it, just a paragraph, and the logos, you almost have to cursor over it, thinking that it will take you to a link with a more detailed story. The fact that he spotted Levi Jones in the icon was good though, if it pans out, if not, then Skooby is just another arm chair detective.
  4. Just another way for the NFL to control game outcomes. That is where all these rules stem from, you can hear it now,"well they made the call according to NFL rules", it makes it easier to manipulate the game. I don't have a problem with rules per se, it is the interpretation, and the inconsistent way that they are applied and enforced that is the real problem. They are making it real hard for the average fan to be able to tell what the F just happened, but, that is no accident. I do however applaud the peel back block change, as discussed before, legal (at least before) yes, appropriate and clean, not IMO.
  5. I don't think that it effected him physically, but I do believe that it did physcologically, at least for a couple of games, and quite possibly the balance of the season. I don't think that we will see any lingering effects this year, as I belive that Trent knows he has the weapons now, and it is his make or break year. You will see a very confident and good Edwards this season, we have to protect him though, our his fragile confidence could be broken again.
  6. Blake "George" Costanzo Roscoe "Parish in front of your eyes" Parrish CJ "the poet" Hawthorne Corey "like mace in your face" Mace Mike "weezy" Jefferson Felton "don't squeeze" Huggins Paul "PUZ "loose knee" Posluszny Marvin "Hamlisch" Philip Terrell "don't owe anybody nothin" Owens PK Sam "linebacker" Ryan "take the snap and Neill down" Kwaika Mitchell anybody know any words that ryhme with Kwaika, just what the hell is a Kwaika anyway? Demitrius "ring your" Bell "Hairy Cary Harris" I have not seen his legs, just making an educated guess Drayton Florence "Nightengale"/ "Henderson"/"Joyner" what ever works for you Brandon "can't touch this" Rodd Dominic "one way" Rhodes George "Oh Wilsoooooon" Wilson, or you could gow with DENNISSSSS! Donte "teeth whitener" Whitner Xavier "the sultan of" Oman Derek Schouman "Noodles" Brian "can you handle" Moorman Andy "libido" Livitre I could go on and on, my personal favorite Ko J Simpson I do realize that probably a lot of these guys will not be on the opening day roster, I just thought that they needed a little love too.
  7. Someone should throw up in your mouth to replace the garbage coming out of it.
  8. Best I could do on such short notice!
  9. Andy Levitate........................................the guy in front of him.
  10. Foote got happy feet and wants to walk. Seriously though, I, and this is no joke, believe that he only wants to play for the Lions, I mean who the hell only wants to play for the Lions. I belive he went to U of Michigan. Maybe that is why the Steelers are considering just giving him his release instead of a trade.
  11. Good luck with your book, I don't get to many games any more, but I might be able to come up with something, I'll search my dimly lit memory, I like the idea, I wouldn't let anybody dampen your enthusiam.
  12. Yeah, we should pick up Brooks, but I thought that they might use Maybin some back there, with Ellis stepping up front. Maybin, I would think could be all over the field at the snap, ala Kearse, I thoght that I has seen a posting saying this, or something similiar to this. BTW are you dancing with the Hun there in your Avatar, or are you rushing to catch a plane? I was always curious about this, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, you could just keep us wondering.
  13. I don't know, but I can show you how to do a hot avatar. Most of mine at work, the balance home, maybe like a 60/40 70/30 split.
  14. Um, what might that "right stuff" be, just curious, I don't smoke, not that there is anything wrong with that.
  15. Man, you miss the point totally, it is ok to be whiny and complain, I think everyoe would shrug that off, but when you miss all mandatory team functions, show up out of shape, on the eve of the first regular season game no less, and proceed to get your QB almost mudered, not to mention the un-timely penalties, many many critical false starts and holding calls, and then threaten to do the same thing the following season. That is hard to shrug off. On top of all that, you pretty much go on public that you were laying down last year, and that the contract situation effected you. Some reports said that he would hold out maybe until the tenth game this year, you don't see that to often. If Peters has a good season this year, the board will be flowing with posts about, see I told you we f'ed up, but the real picture will emerge on this guy over the next couple of years, when he decides that it is time to lay down again, who knows, we might just find out, which I have suspected all along, that he is way overrated.
  16. Yeah, and he probably faked that too. He is a lazy fat assed bum. But let me tell you how I really feel about him.
  17. Not sure if you were referring to Peters being injured for the last couple of games last year or not, but if so, he definitley was not hurt, but faking the injury, come to think of it, it really doesn't matter when it was, as I am pretty sure he was faking then to. Peters went about this thing absiloutley the wrong way, not saying that the Bills didn't have some responsibility, but very little IMO.
  18. Oh really, I think not, he mailed it in, looooooser!
  19. I posted a few weeks ago, that I felt that Peters was a cancer on this team that had to be cut out. I stand by my earlier claims, but I also, while trying to be diplomatic and choosing my words carefully, accussed him of laying down. A lot of you questioned that, and felt that no NFL player actually lays dowm, well, maybe that used to be the case when people played for and with pride, but not any more in this egotistically self-centered world in which we live in. When he misses a block down the road, and there is someone else making more money than him on the same line, I am certain his attitude will again be, oh well. I applaud the Buffalo Bills for sticking to their collective guns, and not caving in to this neanderthal.
  20. Yes,somebody who could stem the flow.
  21. We will need to get somebody to plug up the middle.
  22. Wow, what dandered up this outburst, tell us how you really feel.
  23. Not to defend Ralph here, as many of your points have merit, but we do not know for certain what Ralph's final plans are, I realize that after he dies the team gets sold to the highest bidder or whatever, but maybe it will be contingent on the team staying in Buffalo, or maybe he has group (Kelly's?) lined up. Thhat way he still somewhat maximizes his return, as he (really his family) dosesn't take a $600,000,000.00 hit. He will still lose some value with the contingency in place, but not the type of value that would be lost with your scenario. Whatever the plans, I am sure they will include Toronto somehow, as I think that everyone will agree that regionilization is the only thing that can save them now, regardless of who owns them. If Ralph doesn't have any kind of contingency plan, and we lose the Bills, then we should all make a pilgrimage to piss on his grave.
  24. Cookiemonster:The whole freakin line Keebler College Age:Unknown 5'1" Somewhere around 800 Lb.'s 40 Yard Dash:Forget about it Broad Jump:My feet have never left the ground Vertical Jump:Ditto above Pros:Can do a box of oreo double stuffs in under 4.3, and is as equally impressive on the Lorna Doones. Can beat the crap out of Big Bird, although may struggle some with Oscar, once put the count in a head lock. Could tutor other players on the team, playbook, how to stay out of touble, etc.. Will play for just a little dough. They through the mold away after they made me. May improve team spirit by holding impromptu pep rallies. Cons:Not sure a standard, even NFL standard, uniform will fit me.Could possibly be a distraction to other players on the team,as I might cause flashbacks to their childhood days. May cause a shortage of confectionary delights at the team dinners. May have some trouble with Billy the Buffalo, and other gay mascots. Could possibly be distracted by other teams opposite sex mascots. Are there any of those? May go after elves in hollow trees. Would probably crumble on the first jack up. Projection:Will be luck to make the fist cut. Just not cut out for the NFL, but just might stick around, as I may just Pan Out.
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