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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. You are full of sh--! The best guy on the team? Come on, does he really deserve that title now? Let's wait until he actually does something for us before we annoint him. We all no his history, and I am willing to accept some baggage, as I am sure the team is. Fred Jackson has done everything that the organization has asked him to, and more, and I don't know if you could call him the best player on the team or not, but I would say IMO, that he is definitley the most versatile.
  2. I have no problem with his statement what so ever, it's nice to see Freddy assuming a leadership role, or at least indicating that he will, and good lord we know we need that, and he has earned it. This team is ready to blossom, and yes we need TO, but this is not "his" team.
  3. Well, I was kind of agreeing with him, late me make it clear to you. Bruce was an A-hole, on and off the field, most of the time, although as one poster commented, he was always professional in his presentation, soft spoken, polite. It's just that I, and I think a lot of others feel that it is impotant how you treat the common man, people paying his salary. It is easy to be cordial and nice in front of the cameras. Would I want him on my team, his surliness made him what he was, so hell yes. As far as Kelly goes, hell, who doesn't want a cocky QB, it is almost a prerequisite to success. Big Ben is currently like Kelly in his early years, and the motorcycle accident has done nothing to change that. Boy I wish we had Big Ben. So to summarize for you, I don't know if it makes them good or bad people, we can only go by what we have observed, and I think we have to reserve judgement on this until their whole bodies of works have been thoroughly compiled, and it won't be our job anyway. BTW, no offense taken to your comments, just good open venomous dialouge, I refer to everyone that takes shots at me, as moron. I don't really mean it.
  4. I would have to say: 1)Our defensive schemes, it just seems to me that, you really have to be in sync, coordinated as a unit, with everyone responsible for their specific gap, and making good reads, for it to work well. There are just too may things to worry about, I relize that a lot of those things ae a prereuisite for any good defense, cover/tampa 2, 4-3,etc..., but maybe we need to simplify some. Go back to the 3-4. 2)I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I am not exactly enamored with Lindell as our kicker, in spite of his reliability. He scares the bejesus out of me. I know everyone else has to be at least a little queasy when he comes in for the game winner. I tyhink we need an upgrade there. I am pretty content with the rest of the team and organization, we will know about Jauron for sure this year, and Edwards for that matter, so at least those two things will take care of themselves.
  5. You miss the point. Moron! Nobody said that they were bad people, undeserving of the HOF. Just simply responding to another's observation. These guys do not owe us anything, but just because they are celebrities, doesn't mean that they can treat others like sh--. It eventually catches up to them, unless they change their stripes. How many DUI's does old Brucie have now. I agree that he was not a exactly a social butterfly, but like others pointed out, he MOSTLY stayed out of trouble, and was a dominant force for us for so many years, he kinda gets a flier. BTW, what bridge did you say that you live under?
  6. Not to change the subject, but if you have any more of those crazy angle shots of your avatar, please post. They have peaked my interest, pun intended.
  7. I would be very offended!
  8. You know, you got a point hear. What could I have been tinking. Seriously though, yes, it might very well be wishful thinking, but I really see no reason why we can't win the majority of our games this season. I don't want to hear the crap about, well we still have DJ as or head coach, he doesn't suit up and play, and I realize that he doesn't have to and can still f things up, but he will get it right this year. BTW, I predicted the Penguins to win the Stanley Cup in Seven , just thought that I would throw that out there.
  9. Quite the contrary, I was backing you up, sorry for the confusion.
  10. He is a nasaly twerp, but must admit that he has become more palatable, lately!
  11. From everything that I read about the man, and remember from his playing days, I have to agree with your assessment. Kelly was like that a bit too, my cousin who now resides in s. fla., originally from Bflo, was entertaining his cousin, still from Bflo, and they ran into Kelly in a bar down there, this was while he was still playing. The cousin goes up to him, and says, "Jim, it's a pleasure to meet you, I am from Buffalo"'while extending his hand. Kelly looks up at him, and slurs so f'n what, and stumbles away. They later observed him needing physical assistance leaving the bar. But at least he has cleaned his act up. I think that most of us expect arrogance from celebrities and athletes like this, and most of them do not disaappoint us. That is why when you meet one that isn't, it almost floors you. I once met, or more like stumbled upon Bob Hope, I was like 10 years old, he was sitting in the back of a Limo after a round of Golf. He was obviously exhausted, I asked him for his autograph, but didn't have a pen, he told me to wait with him for his driver, and we chatted for a while, boy, I wish I could remeber the conversation, but was probably lucky enough to realize who he was. The driver came, he signed something, and they drove away. Now that is how celebrities should behave, and there weren't any bigger than BH. I have no clue what I did with it.
  12. You are spot on my man. Nice post. Couldn't have summed it up any better. Not only did you tell us that some TFAG's only regurgate useless cliche type nonsense, you explaned how to differentiate the ones they do and the one who don't, and why there is a difference. You should be a TFAG. No sarcasam here, and those two are absolutley the best. I remeber when Lynn Swan was broadcasting, and he once said, "that man has two of the strongest pair of legs that I have ever seen". I mean geez, just because you were smooth on the field, doesn't mean that it will translate into smoothness in the booth. Is smoothnesss a word? Anyway, again nice post.
  13. Thanks Gr8P, I will make sure to cite your support when they all come in. BTW, what does your handle mean? Some kind of great ape? I likes it, you should have mighty joe or something as your avatar.
  14. Oh, and I forgot, we win the SuperBowl next year.
  15. Here goes: @NE....Win (we shock em) TB...... Win NO......Win @Miami....Loss (close, we lose in ot, after obtaining big heads in the previous three weeks) Cleve......Win (our heads are much smaller this week) @NYJ......Win (5-1, again) @Carolina..Loss (uh oh, here we go again.......) not this time! Houston....Win @Titans....Win @Jaguars...Loss (we were due) Miami......Win (we remember week 4) NYJ......Win (team is on all cylinders now) @KC...Loss (ok, we stumble a bit) NE...Loss ( " " " " " ") Atl..Win Indy..Win (we get this one to get in) Finishish 11-5 Still only good enough for a wild card, as NE takes the division @ 12-4, Miami will be, are you ready? 7-9 and The Jets bring up the pack finishing at 5-11 Bills will win the Wild Card Playoff, win a Divisional Playoff game, and lose in the Championship on the road. to you guessed it, NE, who will then go on to lose the SB to Philly. You heard it hear first.
  16. What this guy is missing, not sure if he has been living in a cave or what, but attitudes regarding pot are changing very quickly, and the stereotypes that get attached to it as well. People are generally more accepting today of MJ, and that is before you even consider the unbelivable nmedical benefits. Some people are just old school like that. The earth is flat type people.
  17. He broke an F'n tackling sled recently, he has to be juicing. Probably Roid Rage.
  18. If she were, I would never get off the bus!
  19. Hey bud, who do you thinks is drawing your blood now, could very well be a shaky alcoholic. I think that I will take my chances on the pothead.
  20. Let's face it, we wouldn't want our kids hanging out with any of them, all three, er... four of them are big POS's. To what degree one is more than the other, shouldn't be debated. A POS is a POS, one is not better than the other.
  21. and you call yourself billsfan? What an oxymoron.
  22. I have not lived in Buffalo for 37 years, and always wonder about moving back. I lived in the Lakeview area, and I have such fond memories growing up there, and most of the better ones involve snow. But just like everyone else, my tolerance level for the Cold isn't what it used to be. That being said, I think that the weather thing is very negatively overrated. It is cold and snowy in just about every other Notheastern city in the US through the Winter months, maybe not quite as cold and snowy as Bfllo, but really not much different. The economic thing is the killer one for the city, that is the one that needs addressed more than anything else.
  23. What about civil disobedience, that does work at times. How about a stone-in, we can have it at my house. Stupid laws are for stupid people. If they told you that there was a new law that required you to eat dog sh--, would you obey it?
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