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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. I think one was Grover Cleveland, maybe the other Was Millard Filmore, possibly McKinleY?
  2. You know, I was very young, like 8, when we left, so the things that I miss are kid things, like snow, building ice forts, slipping down to the lake, (we lived in Lakeview), we had an etremely large family, so my parents would kick the older ones out of the house early, and we would just tag along all day with them, and many times in to the night. They really didn't miss us, we didn't really stay out all that late, but belive me, my parents never went looking for us, I think that they were hoping that a few of us wouldn't find our way back home. Of course parents didn't have to worry about as much back then either, especially in a place like Buffalo. I miss having access to MY TEAMS, Crystal Beach, Botanical Gardens, there was a great Ice Cream spot out along Rt. 5, on the right hand side if you were heading toward Lakeview, that was great. When our driveway was plowed, we could jump off the second story balcony in to the piles. We use to bowl, ice skate, and ride rides at I think Blasedell, the name escapes me right now. The Erie County Fair was fantastic, I got lost there one time when I was 6 or 7, wandered around balling for about two hours, that wasn't exactly memorable. My nieghbor took us to some swimming hole, I think on the way to the falls or something, possibly off of the Niagara River, an inlet or something, all natural with diving boards and all, I think that that was one of the coolest places that I ever swam at. For a very short period of time, I have accumulated a lot of great memories, and they seem to stand out more than others, maybe because I was just a kid, but a lot has to do with the fact that it is just a very neat place to live, your little secret!SHHHHHHHH!
  3. Who is this JP fellow?
  4. Sledgehammer!
  5. Generally speaking, that is!
  6. The people, nicest in the world.
  7. Anybody that hates the Cowboys, is ok with me, but sorry Stone, you aren't settling anything, because your really not Stone Cold. Hell for all we know, you might be some little nasaly twerp or something.
  8. I just knew that this site had some redeeming value, sorry to broach such a sour subject for you!
  9. There is no other feeling quite like it. I liken it to the exitement that I used to feel when pulling on a football game jersey myself, the smell of the jersey combined with other fall smells and sights, and just pure anticipation.
  10. They said it was because he did not have any signs of defensive moves, which is a little bit of a stretch, IMO. I mean what kind of defense would you be able to put up after the first shot. Stupid!
  11. On this site , there are no stupid questions, only stupid people responding to them. and you know who you are.
  12. Stop placating her, you have zero chance of getting in to her pants!
  13. I always use multiple stab wounds when I am pissed! Single ones if I am only mildly preturbed.
  14. It might as well be an Island Paradise of the coast of Heaven, I will never see it! I wonder if they have beer there. With a name like that you would sure as hell think so. It's a slow news day!
  15. Good One! I love that friggin song, always wondered who sang it!
  16. Uh! That would be kill-aid!
  17. I see that you have returned from Malta (whereever the hell that was), welcome back!
  18. I am drinking the Kool-Aid this morning. Go Edwards/Go Bills! We will find all of this out this year, won't we?
  19. Um Skooby, this is TBD, were you looking to post to e-bay and got confused? Actually the thing is pretty neat! Does anyone remeber the little hard footballs w/NFL team logos on them? You got them out of Bubble Gum Machines back in the 70's. They were really small and dense, and I could actually spiral those little suckers. They have to be worth some money today. They would definitley go right through a TV screen. As hard as friggin golfballs.
  20. I wish that Skooby wouold wait until the season is over before Skooby claims that Skooby was right!
  21. Let me put this another way, let's say that TO comes out and really flops with us, not hoping for this, or expecting it, but let's just say that he does. Are you still going to make the claim that he is "the best player on the team", I think that you would have to, and if so, it would have to be beacuse of his past accomplishments, because even if he does flop, everybody else's statistics are still going to pale in comparison's to TO's., right? So if you are going to make the claim that he is "the best player on the team" right now, you are going to have to stick to your guns, and make that same claim again next year, regardless of how he performs, if he is still with the team,right? Again, I have no problem with someone saying that TO has accomplished more in the leauge than any other player on the team, regardless of position, but I do have a problem with someone saying that he is "the best player on the team" right now. But let me tell you how I really feel.
  22. I don't have statistics, and go back and read all of the posts sloooowly, and you will see that I never annointed anyone as 'best player on the team", others, not to mention names, Skooby, did. He thinks TO is the best. I am just making the argument, that he is not the best player on the Bills, until he actually plays like, oh maybe, a full season. and yes, AP and PM would possibly end up being one of them, or the one, but again, I couldn't make that claim just because we traded for him, using the same TO argument stated above. BTW, would you trade TE for PM right now straight up, not sure I would be able to pull that trigger. PM has a ring, but he also has some baggage, and how much does he have left in the tank, it seems to me that he was starting to slide a bit last year, especially in the first half of the season, he is a future HOF'er, but that is based on seasons past, next year everybody starts 0-0. I think that the Horsehoes are going to take a serious slide this year. As for AP, I don't think that ML is that far from him from a talent standpoint and future potential. Right now I would say AP is better than ML, but would still not say that he would be the best on the Bills if we traded for him, again, not to be redundant, until he proved it. I am from Iowa.
  23. Not to split hairs with you, but he has not been on the field for one real snap yet, and your claiming he is the best player on our team? I see why the bash the sh-- out of you all the time on this site, it is all crystal clear now. If you were to tell me that he is the player currently on our team, with the most NFL accomplishments, I couldn't offer you a valid argument, but he is not the best palyer on our team until he proves that, with "our team". I am not really sure who currently is, but ML and Moorman come to mind right away, and Stroud is not chopped liver, and yes, IMHO, Freddy is in the top three, if TO is the best player on our team, we are in more trouble than I thought.
  24. So Skooby, is TO the best guy on our team? If you can honestly answer yes, then you are FOS too. Jackson has done quite a bit, you ask him to go be the feature back, he does, you ask him to support ML, he does, you want a safety valve out of the back field, he complies, you need him to spot someone on KO returns, Freddy is ready. Doesn't complain, works his tail off, what else to you want, he has only started to really get involved in earnest with the O over the last couple of years, you can't blame him for the last nine year playoff drought. He has tremendous chemistry with TE, and that was evident from the first time those two got on the field together. I don't think that we praise him enough.
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