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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. Um, the game itself would be a nice start. Like I said earlier, just the facts mam. Spare us the ad libs about who you would like to blow next.
  2. The game will be delayed about a half hour, to pay proper respects, there might be a parting of the Red Sea, and at halftime he will multiply the beer and nachos at the concession stands.
  3. No way that dude gets drunk on a can of beer, with his body weight, he would have to drink like 40 beers in like 40 seconds to even be approcaching the legal limt.
  4. Gotta agree with you, but they will keep shoving Joe Buck down our throats anyway. I mean just about every big game, no matter the sport, we are subjected to this guy. You can't get away from him. Isn't he the son of another famous announcer, Oh, that explains the fascination. I wonder why anyone would pursue a carreer in sports journalism these days, you got zero chance unless you are an ex-jock, or the son of another famous sports announcer. Nepotism lives. Bob/Brian Greise, Marv Albert/His sound and look alike son, Harry Caray/ Harry Caray Jr., there are a lot others out there, just can't think of them all right now. I guess these guys didn't make enogh money during their playing days. I am not saying that these guys are all bad announcers, quite the contrary, many of them are quite good, I just think that you should give others a chance as well.
  5. Good Post, this is exactly what I am taliking about, colour the game, fill in the background, sprinkle in a factual tid-bit here or there, but please do not continuosly shove your biased opinions regarding the performance, past or present, of teams or individuals down our throat. We can see the game fine, we know who is performing, and who isn't, let us form our own opinions on performance. Staements like "is it possible to vote someone to the pro bowl after one quarter of play", are ridiculous and bordering on Dierdorfisms.
  6. To quote Arnold, " I will grope dem all".
  7. Not to fret, there will be more, I am certain, gushing to come. The season has just started.
  8. Are you sure about that? My point is officiating is so blurred these days with all of the mind numbing and confusing rules, that you can never really be sure what kind of job they are doing, and the officals have no clue how they are performing either. Too many nefarios arbitrary rules like Illegal Formations and blocks in the back on kick-offs. The timing of calls, and maybe not so much the call itself, leaves me susupicious. They did come back later in the game and called an illegal formation on the Steelers, but it didn't hurt them. But never mind me, and pay no attention to that man behind the curtain either.
  9. Spot on, that is exactly what would happen to the Bills. The other thing, is that becuse of their success, I belive that they usually get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to officiating, as well. There were at least three illegal formation penalties that were called after successful Tennessee plays. They showed the replay, (I think it was the first one), the right tackle was clearly on the line of scrimmage. I think that this penalty is probaly the one, along with holding, or blocking in the back on kick-offs, that are used primarily to manipulate games. That is, of course, if you think that they are manipulated, I belive that there is subtle manipulation. They are so arbitrary, and non-quantifiable, heck most of the time they don't even bother to show us replays of the infraction. Probably due to the fact, that there wasn't one. Then there was the play where, I believe Collins just released the ball, and a Steeler defender is standing, not running, just to his right, and he knocks him down, when IMO, he had plenty of time to hold up. No roughing the passer penalty? No doubt in my mind that it gets called 99 % of the time. Just not against the Steeelers, unless it is painfully obvious. Tennessee should have routed the Steelers IMHO.
  10. You know, i was wondering about that before I posted, was worried that there might be a G in there somewhere, and what the other posters might think of me if I accidently omitted it, as a matter of fact, I probably would have posted this late last night, but I was up all night, worring about the G. I little sentiment bleed through is no problem, but in this case a tourniquet would not have helped.
  11. Did you ever listen to Shannon try to pronounce Rothlisburger, he just skips the whole thlis part, it comes out sounding like rotten burger. He definiley has a problem with his S's, he can't say stickey buns either, it comes out as dickey buns. But he is a former great player, and that my friends is all you need to be quailiied to call games and do commenting. They figured, that if he played that long, and that good, he has to be knowledgable about the game. Being able to put two syllables together is not that important. I would rank Aikman right uo there with Phil Simms, as the best Color Guys in the business. Both are very insightful, and unbiased. They are easy on the ears.
  12. Can't really argue with anything you have said here, I too live in the Burgh, and your reason is my reason, they are charmed, but as you pointed out, they are also very good. But with all due respect, I expect the announcers to be fair and unbiased in their commenting, and I have no problem with them acknowledging other teams success, just don't go over the top with it, and Collingsworth does. What we are currently seeing with most games today, is maybe a step up from American Idol, or the WWF. If you do not recognize this, don't worry, you will come to grips with it, when your team starts stinking up the joint. Not directed at anyone in particular, just a general observation.
  13. Gushing over Trent? Are you Joking , or what? I don't think that we will have to worry too much about that, regardless of how he performs. BTW, why does he have to gush over anyone, just call the game, sprinkle in a little color from time to time, and keep your sentiments out of it. He would be much more palatable if he just stuck to that.
  14. What Business is that your refer to, you certainly can't be talking about broadcasting, or color commentating. For my money, Phil Simms, is "the best in the business".
  15. Thanks for the clarification!
  16. Although, I will have to admit that he has been a lttle more palatable lately, and his comments are somewhat on target, I just couldn't stand his prostration over the Steelers last night. They way he gushes over everything that they do, and especially what ever Big Ben does, is just very hard to stomach. You'd have thought by listening to him, that he was a former Steeler and not a former Steeler opponent. What a tool. Reminds me a lot of Dan Dierdipshit, like how he use to say, "that man is the best defensive linemen that I have ever seen", only to repeat the exact same comment about another player, the very next game. Even his attempts at non partiality, were vieled in his man love for the Steelers., Geesh. Guaranteed, he shares this love with Brady, also. Was it just me, or did anyone else notice this?
  17. Your right Monkey Man, but it is tempting to just go about my business, and pay it no attention, with the hopes of my Son running out to the garage, and proclaiming, Dad, you won't belive it, but the Bills are up 14-0 at halftime. Somehow, I don't think this happens if I am watching. I am a tortured soul. It's sounds crazy, I know, but I always get this unrealistic expectation, that they will somehow do better if I am not watching them, although, it is very hard to do that. sh--, I have a hard time walking away from the imaginary field and moving helmets that NFL.com uses on Gameday page, when I can't get the game on TV.
  18. I think that you are on to someting, I do not belive that they will be mediocre either, they are either going to be really good, or really bad, no 7-9 this season. I have been a fairly regular board particpant and observer for enough time now to see the change in the fans attitude, and I myself, feel the same way, I would like to call it guarded optimism, but that would be a stretch. Around this time of year, I am usually so pumped for the first game of the year, and I just don't have that feeling this year, hell, I might not even watch it. Of course if they come out smokin, and are even mildly competitive, I will be right back on the wagon, or at least circling it. Go Bills
  19. It sure looks to me like he could handle either one!
  20. I didn't see one, but you know, I think that I could pass for one.
  21. Me too, but I must ask, was your Avatar censored, or are you just playing with us. I so looked forward to those round mounds of flesh bulging out at me. I guess I will have to switch to another site now, if you know what I mean.
  22. Did not read any of the other postings yet, I didn't want to be pre-disposed. I was 4 & 5 when they won those two championships, and although I was pretty young, I remeber that special team. My father and uncles would always have the game on, and even though we moved away from Buffalo when I was 9, the juice was just starting to hit the scene, I embraced him, and followed him with a passion, we may not have been very good through his years, but he held a certain fascination, much like Barry Sanders some years later. You just had to see what unbelievable run he could pull off next. So the Championships started it, and the juice kept it going. I will die a Bills fan. I live in Pittsburgh now, and people are always asking me why I don't just become a Steeler's fan, and I respond by asking them what their favorite color is, and when they answer green, blue, red, whatever. I then ask them well why don't you just change it to Orange. BTW, it is very tough being a bills fan in Steeler territory. I have taken a beating, but you know the saying, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Go Bills!
  23. No, he hasn't, now if we could just get him to drive off of a bridge period, we will be all right, BTW, he can be sober if he prefers.
  24. We will never know!
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