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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. Did you stay at a Holiday Inn last night? Scalpel please.
  2. Yeah, but this time we looked dam good doing it.
  3. Is it Mr. Nobody, or just plain nobody?, regardless, I like the anonimity.
  4. Man, McD, how did you get a shot like that, it looks like you were levitating over her table.
  5. We need to all move back, we could start a commune. The home for misplaced Bills fans.
  6. Yeah, we are not much of a threat to them, so they have stopped throwing snowballs at me. But, you know as well as I do, that they hate New England as much as we do.
  7. Ban him from the board, ban him I tell you!
  8. Dog, I for one have no problem with your predictions, you stated something that probably all of us felt, but didn't have the guts to stick it out there. I did feel that as well, and was very shocked that we lost, and you didn't jinx us, as we did "Shock the World", we just didn't finish the deal. So, I will make the prediction for you, WE WIN THE NEXT TWO GAMES, not saying the winning stops there, but Cookie Montrodamus only likes to prognostcate a couple of weeks out.
  9. It's a lot harder for me, I live in a Pittsburgh suburb, and it was hot as hell in the house, probably from me hyperventilating, so I opened the front windows, big mistake. My neighbor was outside working on his house, and I had to go out and explain what all of the yelling was about. It was a good thing to, as he explained that he was just about to call the Cops, as he thought that I was beating the bejesus out of someone. Now my cover as a Bills fan is blown, in Pittsburgh no less, but I considerate it to be my Scarlett Letter, and I will wear it proudly, it goes well with two black eyes.
  10. I don't think that he should be fired, yet, but their is some merit to what you are saying, I thought the same thing last night about the prevent defense, he should have gotten in Fewell's ear after they let Brady waltz down the field the first time.
  11. On one of Jackson's either pitch or screen to the left side, probably in the second quarter, I observed at least three, possibly four linemen 10 yards out in front of him steamrolling people, that my friends, does not happen with our old line. Me likey!
  12. I will tell you this bud, Trent grew up last night, to me, he was by far our best player, him and fast freddy. His throws were on target, all but maybe one. He is not going to be Kelly overnight, and may never will be what Jimbo was, but I think that we have found our Quarterback.
  13. From the sound of it, you did,'t sleep at a holiday last night either. An orthodontist fixes teeth, I belive the correct choice would be an optomaligist. Seriously, if it is the same arm, it kept him out of action for a whole season last time, I think that he might be done. Bones usually heal stronger post break, but there has to be a limit.
  14. I hope you are not talking from experience. Yeah, just like bad acne too. I mean geez, we were at the prom, lookin slick, with a hot chick, and all of the sudden, we get this third freakin eye, out of nowhere. We are cursed, but you can't say that we lack drama.
  15. Oh, go a lick a stanley cup, will you?
  16. The officials threw the H to H flag on Donte, which was pretty obvious, but, why didn't they throw one on the KR where Nic Harris picked the ball up and gained 20 more yards, and from one angle, the last one looked like it could have been too. New England looked like they were leading with thier helmets on many plays, but the two kick returns stood out to me. No excuses though, for this unimiganable debacle collapse.
  17. Agreed, we are mindless sheep.
  18. Alright I capitulate, if he was the best reciever to ever play for the Bungles, he has to be great.
  19. Wow, now that is impressive, I didn't notice the part about him earning a Journalism Degree. I really am not trying to say that, because he was not a great player, he can't be a great announcer. But if you look at most of the ex-jocks that are now announcers, almost all of them would be considered great or boderline great, Collinsworth wasn't. That seems to be the prerequisite to broadcating these days, not my standard, it is what the media imposes on us, like it or not. So why is he so knowledgable about football? I don't remember him coaching any. Where did he accumulate all of this knowledge that you speak of. I mean the guy probably has wonderful perspective on the WR postion, but I don't particularly find him insightful on any position, just a lot of garble and drizzle. Sorry for hitting a nerve about the ring thing, if he would have just held on to the football, he might have one.
  20. Refresh his accomplishments for me, will you, where is his ring?
  21. That's a good point, and I am really thankful for that as well, lest we might have to hear about all the stuff he has forgotten as well. If memory serves me right, and I am old enough to remember his playing days, he was nothing special as a player, what makes you think that being a sub-par player translates into a marvelous announcer? Just another ex-jock taking a real journalists job.
  22. Stop making excuses for this tool, he was wrong, and thats that.
  23. I think that it is a little too late for that.
  24. Especially if you are Shannon Sharpe!
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