Wow, now that is impressive, I didn't notice the part about him earning a Journalism Degree.
I really am not trying to say that, because he was not a great player, he can't be a great announcer.
But if you look at most of the ex-jocks that are now announcers, almost all of them would be considered
great or boderline great, Collinsworth wasn't. That seems to be the prerequisite to broadcating these days, not my standard, it is what the media imposes on us, like it or not. So why is he so knowledgable about football? I don't
remember him coaching any. Where did he accumulate all of this knowledge that you speak of. I mean the guy
probably has wonderful perspective on the WR postion, but I don't particularly find him insightful on any position,
just a lot of garble and drizzle. Sorry for hitting a nerve about the ring thing, if he would have just held on to the
football, he might have one.