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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. I can see it now, "liscense and registration please", "oh thank you office for pulling me over and preventing me from harming myself or anybody else, would you like my social secuity number as well"?
  2. I kind of miss that, but ditto on the robot.
  3. Hey sunshine! You've got the wrong avatar man. When you see signs of good things to come, you will let us know, won't you?
  4. Ageed, I hope he is strutting his ass off on the sidelines all season.
  5. Don't worry Dib, although special k's are good, yours rule!
  6. Agreed, they do that little roll with him to the right, and TB was all over it every time, from what I can see, he is the primary target on theses plays, and Trent hardly looks eleswhere, and then forces it to him anyway. But all in all he played great-B+
  7. Sit tight, and I will post play by play for you! Seriously though, I wish you luck, I would hate to see you miss your weekly mainstream injection of stress. You might become normal.
  8. Ah let's all just forget about it, "just give it to them".
  9. Not to dispute you, and I agree, that most of the time the yellow line is our only reference point, sometimes you can just see that it was a bad spot. Was it an intentional bad spot? We will leave that to your imaginations.
  10. I looked to me that on both, the initial contact was helmet to helmet, or at least the were leading with thier helmets. Mckelvin's head whipped around pretty quickly on the second one.
  11. Not sure if this is the one where a touchdown was thrown by them on the next play or not, but my son and I both noticed it, and I was hollering, and as one poster stated maybe the yellow line was off, but it looked originally to me that it was short by almost a yard and a half. The yellow line could not have been off by that far. NE astutley quickly hiked the ball. I don't think that it was the only questionable spot that night either. I am not sure if Dick even noticed, but what could he do anyhow, call a quick timeout, probably lose it, and then get lambasted again for wasting the timeout, right? They are going to get us one way or the other.
  12. 24-21 Bills. Lindell wins it for us in the waning moments, although we play well enogh to trounce them.
  13. Oh Dib! Why do you do this to me so early in the morning. You must have a different babe for every post, and I love everyone of them. Not sure exactly what your posts say, I can't get past the grl, but keep them coming.
  14. I once had a couple of teenagers steal my trampoline right out of my front yard. Apparently someone we knew, that we mentioned it to, saw them, they had the front leg in the back of a very small hatchback, and the back three were dragging on the road, with sparks flying all over the place. They gave us the direction, and my wife headed out to a trailer park in that area, and sure enough, there were six kids in the back of a run-down trailer bouncing their asses off. They dragged the thing about four miles like that. We turned it over to the State Police, why they couldn't solve it in the first place is beyond me. They confronted them, and it was ours, I asked for restitution only, and didn't press charges, We never got paid, I think one parent sent us a check for half, and it bounced. So, maybe it is better to stick it to them. ****, we pull something like this when I was a kid growing up in Buffalo man, there wouldn't be any punishment worse then what my parents might do to us, and that would be on top of any punishment that society deemed. But a lot of parents just aren't like that anymore. As far as the reference to the trailer park, sorry if I offended anyone, but I once lived in one, in a park, and the only thing that I can say about that, is, that you can live in a Trailer, and still not be trailer trash.
  15. I can guarantee that if were up here in Steeler territory, it would have been, hell they went on a two game losing streak, and someone started a rumor that Bill Cowher was banging his black secretary, and it went pretty damn far.
  16. Don't know if it would have mattered much, but the first down the the ref.'s gave NE last Monday, on the play right bfore they scored to make it 24-19, was a good yard and a half short. What is Dickie suppose to do, if he even noticed, call a timeout and challenge? The yellow line was like I said a yard and a half ahead of where the recivers shouulder hit turf, but the nose of the football inextricably was jutting just ahead of the yellow line after the spot, and the camera pan back. NE hiked it quickly too, they knew. But that was not the only bad spot for us. Did you really think that the NFL wanted their goose shitting golden eggs golden boy looking like crap the whole evening, did you?
  17. They sure as hell better have something more menancing than that. One would be quite stupid to attack an NFL footbal player with a bat. Better make sure your first swing is an upper deck one, cause you ain't gonna outrun him. What a class act Leodis is though, I think he already knows that we all have his back on this. This guy is really young, with an unbelievable up-side, we do not want him to lose faith in the fans. I was mad as hell, just like everyone else, but there is plenty of blame to go around for this latest debacle.
  18. We might be able to use him at LB situationally, but geez, he has been very good with pressure coming of the line so far, I don't think that we want too lose that. Although with Schoebel and the defensive line playing like they are, getting pressure with four down lineman, we can experiment a bit.
  19. Sounds about right to me, go Bills, go Leodis! I am sure that he knows the majority of us our sane, rational, and passionette fans, and we've got his back.
  20. We can't be too upset with it, we all now that the "illegal formation" call is the one they use most often to manipulate the outcome.
  21. It's about time that they show him some love. He was an announcer for a while, but he did not speak well, so they replaced him with Shannon Sharpe.
  22. Yes, a different opponent and referee crew will take care of that.
  23. Yeah, I noticed that too, maybe the side effects of the stroke haven't worn off yet, being able to put two syllables togerther in front of a National Audience, is not a prerequisite to broadcasting NFL games, apparently.
  24. Don't make me separate you two!
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