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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. I can believe the 50 concussion part, and not doubting that he did, I am just totally shocked, that he played football. I would have believed that John Clayton played before I would believe Jerry did. I think John Clayton actually did though.
  2. Gene is from my hometown of Washington Pa, well my home town is Buffalo, Lakeview actually,but currently reside in Washington. He was reffing powder puff football games on a 60 yard field a couple of years ago. He was at a local junior high football game that my nephew was playing in a couple years ago. He was sitting in the stands behind me with a bunch of his coumps, and the ref. neglegted to blow the whistle on a running play, the running back breaks free and runs for another 20 yards or so. Gene and his buddies start harrasing the ref. about the late whistle, and yells out, "come on ref. you only get one chance like that to get it right", and continues to berate him for a good 5 minutes. I almost fell out of the bleachers thinking to myself, geez Gene, I have seen you butcher many more than that, and on a national stage no less. His Dad and uncle are the main reason he is even an NFL official, just proves the old adage, it's not what you know.
  3. I say bullsiht, what a ridiculous spectacle it has become, NHL all star game is the same too. I remember when Pete Rose barrelled into Fosse at a MLB All-Star game, broke his leg, and ended his career. Everyone of those players on the field are multi millionaires, why can't they give back for what they already got, and not be so worried about what they are going to get? I would have to believe that most, if not All, are insured to some degree against injuries. Like someone already stated, you either play or you don't. If I was the commissioner, what would concern me the most, is the fact that you have a few going hard, and a bunch basically just dancing with their opponent, to me that is a perfect recipe for injuries.
  4. Sargent Friday? Joe Friday, is that you? Is that according to the California Penal Code?
  5. I'll take a stab at the appropriate captions: 1. His other secret sexual attraction. 2. His let me see how gay I can look momemt. 3. His 99# weakling moment. Boy he has really bulked up since this one. 4. Cow patty **** kicker moment 5. Not sure what to make of this, sure isn't dancing, stiff as a f'ing board or dancing bear moment
  6. Puuuuuuulease!!! Are u serious?
  7. By my account, that would still keep him in the upper 2/3's of the leauge. I would take RG3 in a heartbeat as well, but I do not know how you could claim that romo, flacco, dalton, and smith are all MUCH better than Fitz, I just do not see the logic there. I really think that a lot of posters are way off, acting like he was just plain horrible. I won't debate the homer tag, cuase I am definitley one and proud of it, but some of these other posters are just plain off in their assessment of him.
  8. Well, that about sums things up for me nicely, good job!
  9. I know that a SB in Hawaii might not be supported by their current venue, but it would be pretty neat. Prob. to astronomical to go, at least for the average to above average fan. I know I have spelled Hawaii wrong twice, so I will apologize ahead of time.
  10. No, too much risk, just watching his movements on the sidelines is scary, he doesn't seem to have any range in movement in the neck area, as his whole upper body follows his head when he looks side to side. I can't believe that this would still be the case several months removed from surgery. I'm no doctor, but from my casual observation, he doesn't look like he could suit up again and be nearly as effective as he used to be. I wouldn't blame for trying to get paid one last time though, and it will likely happen.
  11. Not gonna argue to vehemently with you, and I to have lost some confidence that was already shaky with Fitz to begin with. He did have some pretty horrible fau paux's this season, but he also had some pretty amazing moments. He did some really good things with basically a thinning and not very intimidating to beign with recieving corp.I think the big thing is that he just lost his confidence,I look at Fitz as a system type player, sort of along the line of Sanchez, and should never really be the focus of the offense, but rather the field general. I think that we all agree that he is a likeable enough guy, actually from some of the things that I have read about him, more than likeable, and when compared with the average athelete attitude of today, he is downright refreshing. So, if they can surround him with the right weapons, and keep him reigned in a bit, I am very comfortable with him being our short to mid term starting QB, and we do have other more pressing needs. More concerned with the quality of our back-ups. I would currently take Fitz over any of the following NFL Staring QB's: -Alex Smith SF -Matt Cassel KC -Carson Palmer/Jason Campbell Radaz -Tim Tebow Den -Sanchez Jets -Freeman TB (Toss-Up) -Matt Moore Mia -Colt McCoy Clev -Whoever the Indy QB was (excluding Manning of course) -Matt Hassleback Tenn -Gabbert Jax -Dalton Cin (had a nice year, not enough body of work) -Flacco (would be a very tough call, roghly same age) -Can't remeber the Seattle QB(s) so that makes my case there. -Arizona all of them -Grossman Wash -Romo That puts him into the top half of the leauge anyhow, IMHO! Fire away!
  12. I live there, and belive me, they have no lives outside of the Stellars!
  13. Like big whale tales!
  14. Yeah, they need to just stop spouting off like that.
  15. How about Atoine Moldin covering Atquain Boldin yestrday at the Raven/Pats game. I also really appreciated the little battle going on between Edleman (the bewb grabber) and Boldin! OK, just so they don't go cash for crap on us.
  16. Is that a local beer?
  17. Classic!! I woud venture to say that it was for personal use only, it is the off season, probably wouldn't make it to training camp without running out either. I didn't know that,the news story made it sound as if it just happened, but I trust your statement, still just boggles my mind,if he was busted and it carries that kind of penalty, he must have been dealin.
  18. Hey sage, just noticed that we joined within 5 days of each other, maybe we will graduate together. though from a glance at the number of your posts, You might be taking accelerated courses.
  19. Correct, and it was awesome. News said carries 1-5 year sentence, but would highly doubt he would get any jail time, if he does, he might be sticking something else, somewhere else for a while.
  20. Just saw on the evening news that he was nailed with 1-6 # of MJ. These guys never cease to amaze me! Well, should we be suprised, it is the Bungles! Just wow.
  21. Will you at least acknowledge that subtle manipulation,i.e. scheduling, steering of players, marketing, rule enforcement (not neccessarily just referees), exists? If not, then you sir are the moron. Let me remind you, that the NFL is a BUSINESS, why would leauge officials and team management reprsentatives not get together from time to time to discuss what policies, rules, and other issues are the most beneficial to the leauge as a whole? Other industries do it, they have to be carefull that it is not considered collusion, but the NFL does not have that same concern. Everyone wants to brand this type of activity as a conspiracy, and they can call it what they want, but it definitley happens.
  22. Without the biasness of looking at other posts, I am going to say yes, just without relative success.
  23. A little off topic here, but I am gonna go on record stating that Big Ben will never win another championship. Same thing for Michael Vick. No way the NFL will let it happen, and have either one of them be the poster boy for the NFL. -a suspected/accused serial rapist, and a convicted felon, are not what the NFL wants to promote. They have latched on to Tebow for the time being, and when he is finally exposed, Fitz will become their poster boy again, as long as he is producing and winning. He was the man early in the season, and as soon as his performance and wins dropped off, they dropped him like a a bad Tebow pass.
  24. All of them do, how do you think that they calculate hang time. Let's see now, one Mississippi, two.... Amzing he was.
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