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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. This is an excellent take on POZ, I could not have analyzed him any better, if he stays healthy, and that is somewhat of a big if, he will be dominant this year and beyond. Maybe he got injured due to his aggresiveness, and forcefullness of his hits. I would like to see him in on more blitzes, let him use some more of that athleticism to create havoc in opponents backfields. Fletcher is better now, but we have not seen POZ's entire body of work yet, so it is a little premature to compare the two. Jack Ham saying he is the best linebacker every to play for linebacker U, has to mean something.
  2. I am pulling for Edwards, and that is who I think it will be!
  3. I have a Sarvino's (numbered) OJ statue (blue jersey) there is a 2003 (yards) thing below and in front of him. They did a real nice job of capturing (no pun intended) his body features, and it is autographed, I purchased before his transgressions (if he did it). My wife knitted up a little prison suit to dress him up in once he got convicted, complete with ball & chain ankle attachment. We had to wait until his conviction for the latest transgressions to dress him up, but the outfit looks good on him, and he seems right at home with it on. I would be willing to part company with it for the right price, the value will soar once he finds the real killers.
  4. Yeah, I do have a too much time on my hands, every once in a while I have to stop and do something work related, those SOB's think that I work here or something. I wish that they would stop interuppting my posting with stupid meaningless, non value added tasks, then maybe a could contribute more to something that is really important, like getting this Bills ship righted.
  5. Agreed, I just looked it up, and the Redskins beat the Fish in the '83 super bowl, although the regular players were back by then, when the last strike/lockout occurred. It might be mentioned that it was a strike year when people look it up, but I don't recall anybody trying to give their rings or trophies back.
  6. OK then, now that's more like it! I hear you, it would be like, in twenty years, we won the Super Bowl back in 2011, oh yeah, but it was with replacement players. OK, then the same has to hold true for the Patsies, we won super bowls in 200?, 200?, and 200?, oh yeah, but we cheated. What's the difference, I doubt that they feel any less proud about it now. Why should we?
  7. Yes, that is what this board is all about, did u think that I would take anybody's posts here seriously! Are not all of the posts speculative? The idea of a strike season with replacement players is not far fetched at all, I mean there is precedent, now the part about the Bills winning the super bowl, granted, that is far fetched.
  8. Please tell me how you really feel! I am not making a case one way or the other, besides, even though it would be a strike year, the NFL wouldn't let it happen. They hate us!
  9. Gloria, Gloria Gaynor, I presume, is that you, what are you doing on a Bill's site?
  10. Well Nucch, if you listen to the players and the pundits out there, all of them are saying that at this point, there is a 100 % chance of a lockout, so yeah, I do belive this. There is just so much separation, that it would almost take a miracle at this point, for it not to happen. Never mind changing the subject, just answer the damn question!
  11. Next year with replacement players. It wouldn't matter to me, I would prefer to win it with regular players, but you know the old saying, "a win is a win" I don't belive that there would be an asterik or something like that next to it, all of the teams would be competeing with in the same framework, so it would still be an accomplishment. Maybe I am just desperate, any thoughts?
  12. Not sure that I saw that, but I will go on record as saying that they are way safer than drunk drivers.
  13. Not sure that I saw that, but I will go on record as saying that they are way safer than drunk drivers.
  14. Or how about the classic Shannon Sharpe trying to pronounce Ben Rothlisberger! It comes out something like ben Rosisberger. Apparently being able to put two cohesive and distinguishable syllables together, is not a prerequisite for being an NFL announcer or commentator.
  15. I didn't know that, thanks, and thanks to the previous poster as well.
  16. Now that I think about it, I belive that you are right, he might be doing college now. Love the dude.
  17. Paul McGuire, I haven't seen him on any broadcast NFL or other for like 5 years or so. In my opinion, he was one of the best color guys on tv, and funny as hell too. Just wonderin, maybe he retired, was the odd man out, or something else happened. He seemed to be in the clique so to speak, and then he was gone. I was at training camp once at Fredonia with my brother, and Paul had a flat tire on his car, we sat there and BS'd with him for about a half an hour, super nice guy, very unpretentious and approachable. Where did he go?
  18. I once ate 40 boxes of Lorna Doones in one sitting!
  19. Born in Lakeview, and lived there until I was around 10, enough time to get fully addicted. Lakeview is a small town heading west on rt.5. I miss Buffalo badly. I get up there at least a couple of times a year for Bills games and family reunions. Got one in August.
  20. Man, this is refreshing, I guess that I shouldn't be surprised, as we have just identified four of us, in this single thread, so you must be right. We will all have to get together for a game some time, cause any friend of the Bills, is a friend of mine.
  21. I hail from little Washington, or as the locals like to say "little Warshington". Thanks for the heads up on the Bills Bars, we barley have bars down there, let alone Bills Bars.
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