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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. You tell him big cat! You have earned the right!
  2. Where is Sean Salsbury when you need him?
  3. I know, I know, it's a kilt, not a skirt!
  4. Yeah, this does it for me as well, no better way to put it.
  5. I don't know about that, but I would be more comfortable in the middle of your Avatar!
  6. JJ is supposed to be a contestant on survivor this upcoming season, let's see if he can keep all those hairs in place now! Should be fun to watch to see that f#t P%g sweat.
  7. I knew that you were going to correct me on that one, I just knew it.
  8. Were you wearing your skirt? That might have raised your son's eyebrows a bit.
  9. Stupidest movie ever made, people tied up and floating in some Hotel hallway, WTF was that? I have made fill of Leonardo Decrappio movies.
  10. Moved to South Florida around '69, met at a freind at grade school who was a die hard Dolphin Fan. His Father had season tickets, so they would invite me to a lot of games at the Orange Bowl, Bills and others. It was during the time that the Bills lost 20 straight to them (sorry to re-open old wounds). I would root like hell for the Bills, probably why they stopped inviting me. It didnt matter how hard that I rooted for them, we just kept losing to them. I think for one game, I painetd a bedsheet that said something like, "Don't take drugs, get high on the Bills" what an idiot I must have looked like, but when your young like that, you don't realize when you are making a fool of yourselve. I swear, one game we missed an extra point early in the game and lost something like 31-30. I think that losing streak to the fish is were everyones health disdain for them resonates, I know it does personally for me. The Orange Bowl was kind of a charming old stadium, a lot of quirks, and parking very similiar to what you find around RWS, peoples lawns and stuff being utilized, it was a little closer to the city than RWS, but there were a lot of similiatrities. I live in Pittsburgh, and have been to many Bills Steeler games at both Heinz and Three Rivers, but that is a whole nother story, and a scary one at that too!
  11. Born in Lackawana in 1960 Lived in Lakeview until I was 9 Moved to South Florida in '69 Moved to Pittsburgh PA suburb in '74 been here ever since Just curious, how did you like Lakeview?, mine were pretty much childhood memories, but I loved the place, just wonder what it was like from your pespective a decade or so later.
  12. Mary, Mary Wilson, is that you, I didn't realize that you frequented Bill's websites, welcome aboard.
  13. Yeah, but, "that's my quarterback" snif sniff wa wa
  14. Present: Love Hate Future: Love Hate Yes, that summarizes my feelings nicely, we have a love /hate relationship.
  15. Larger than life, RIP George!
  16. And just how are you going to determine that?
  17. If it is true, I like it, just hope our o line can pull it off!
  18. To borrow a phrase from Mr. T, "I pity the fool"
  19. I like Fitz, just not as our starter, he might be better in relief.
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