Moved to South Florida around '69, met at a freind at grade school who was a die hard Dolphin Fan. His Father had season
tickets, so they would invite me to a lot of games at the Orange Bowl, Bills and others. It was during the time that the Bills lost 20 straight to them (sorry to re-open old wounds). I would root like hell for the Bills, probably why they stopped inviting me. It didnt matter how hard that I rooted for them, we just kept losing to them. I think for one game, I painetd
a bedsheet that said something like, "Don't take drugs, get high on the Bills" what an idiot I must have looked like, but when your young like that, you don't realize when you are making a fool of yourselve. I swear, one game we missed an
extra point early in the game and lost something like 31-30. I think that losing streak to the fish is were everyones health disdain for them resonates, I know it does personally for me. The Orange Bowl was kind of a charming old stadium, a lot of quirks, and parking very similiar to what you find around RWS, peoples lawns and stuff being utilized, it was a little closer to the city than RWS, but there were a lot of similiatrities. I live in Pittsburgh, and have been to many Bills Steeler games at both Heinz and Three Rivers, but that is a whole nother story, and a scary one at that too!