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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. This post is hummin, just like the poster!
  2. Yeah, I just saw him in an interview were, and I am not sure if it was about Parrish or Wang, but, after the reporter asked him if he was hurt in practice, Chan said "yes he was hurt", the reporter said "what happened", and he responded with "he was hurt"
  3. Jerry, how the hell have you been, haven't seen a post from you in a while, maybe I was just hitting the wrong ones. Man, you like those red heads, don,t you. Me too!
  4. Probably Marshawn, he is always packing!
  5. Maybe Wang, Wood, and Levitre are.
  6. Hey! I take exception to that remark!
  7. Agreed, what I was more referrring to, are the posters that say thinks like "we will be lucky to win four games", not quoting anybody specifically, but I have seen a lot of posts like this. I have no problem with those thinking that it will be a bit of a struggle this year, but 3-4 wins, come on, that is not being pessimistic, that is being unrealistic.
  8. I just wished that more people had the attitude that you and the OP have. They will say that they are just being realistic, and I realize that we can't just wish our way in to the playoffs, but it just seems to me that a lot of posters are very negative on the Bills this year, almost unrealistically so, some stating that we will see no more than three wins this year, I maybe drinking Koolaide, but at least it's not drano, or some other caustic fluid that a lot of them are imbibing on. I say we get to the play-offs this year, then it will be fun watching all of the naysayers backpedal.
  9. Oh just great, now you will be claiming that you had some homebrew with him, and he opened up to you about how he hates everybody else on the team.
  10. OK, point taken, maybe it was below the belt a bit, but if it lights a fire under Maybin's arse, then it was well worth it. It's early, but this stuff does have a way of bonding teammates, and should pay divedends down the road.
  11. Dean, I know that you are a long term respected poster on this site, and genarally your posts are good and insightful, but you are dead wrong here my freind. This is exactly what thier locker room needs, and if someone's feelings are hurt, then poo hoo. Class goes out the window when you haven't palyed a game on the other side of December for ions. I think he should give all of the money back. Leaders are not afraid to step up and speak their minds, and Wood has leader written all over him.
  12. Everyone is entitled to their respective opinions, let me just go on record by stating that we will be at least 9-7 this year, we get a couple of breaks here and there and we go 11-5. I think we beat them (Fish) twice actually. We will blow them out in the opener. I see wins from Jacksonville, one against the Jests, we beat NE at least once, so 4-2 in the division is realistic, and we basically split the rest of them. We are better, much, than the Dolphins, btw, I am not a homer, I live in Pittsburgh, and I do not have my head in the sand, I do however drink a little kooliaide every once in a while. I realize that after so much losing and mediocrcacy, it is the easy thing to do, just keep being pessimistic, and expect the worse, it's almost like the frustration has caused a lot of you to be unrealistically negative. No way do we win only three games this year, but since all of the supposed experts are predicting this, you might as well believe them, no guts.
  13. So you think that we lose to Miami twice? Now I know you are not a real Bills fan, thanks for confirming.
  14. Man, I can understand being conservative, but you are boderline ridiculous. Everything about you, from the constant pessimism, to the fork stuck in the Buffalo on your Avatar, screams, find another team. I don't belive that you are a real Bills fan.
  15. Please, even at 300 LBs, this should be a walk in the park for a supposedly highly conditioned athelete. Yes, I would be sweating heavily, but there is no doubt that I could do this, I don't think that there is a time limit or anything.
  16. Maybe if they had Mickey & Minnie walking around.....never mind the drunks would probably just beat them up!
  17. So Monkey, are you saying that he will propel them to their first NFL Championship? The Bungles were a pretty good regular season team last year, and really were capable of going a lot farther in the playoffs than they did. So, if he doesn't get them any further, then he really would not have been much of an asset. I do not belive that they will win the Super Bowl this year, with or without T.O., he is a cancer, always has been and always will be.
  18. No, I will not be pulling for him. He was on his best behavior last year, and didn't prove to be a distraction, and he does have something left in the tank. I didn't care for the way that he took plays off last year, and wouldn't fight the defender for the ball, basically played with very little fire, if that was an audition for this year, he blew it. Unfortunatley, there will always be teams that get enamored with him, and he very well could prove to be an asset to the bungles this year, i just wouldn't hold my breath on that.
  19. All very good points, and I for one will not argue any of them, the thing is, don't try to pass yourself off as some objective, insightful, fair and informative news agency then, because they are anything but. But you are right, hell the whole NFL is maybe one step up from the WWF, and it is a small step at that. I also agree about the conflict angle thing, a good example was when they would have Sean Salsbury and Mark Clayton regularly duke it out. IMO, Clayton just isn't as interesting to listen to anymore, without Sean disagreeing vehemently, and looking like he wanted a piece of Mark, that **** sells.
  20. It's a toss up for me, but I used to love watching those two mix it up! They had such a health disdain for one another.
  21. I couldn't get to the link, but my personal favorite is the mascot one, where the guy goes out to his front lawn to get the paper, and a Buffallo is standing there with steam coming off of him and out of his nostrils. It looks like he didn't even notice it, and they could not have picked a more Buffalo looking dude for that.
  22. Agreed, if I was CP, I would have my headset on, anytime that I was on the sidelines.
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