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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. Somebody once called him a "rolling ball of butcher knives", maybe we can craft something out of that into a nickname!
  2. Agree 100 %, these reporters need to get a life, not try and make a name for himself, and that is exactly what he was trying to do....15 minutes of fame.
  3. Now, I don't think that the hit was all that bad, but the thing you have to ask yourself, if that was Tom Brady, would they have called it? No doubt in my mind, that it would have been.
  4. Leodis looked pretty good out there today, especially on KR.
  5. Might not be much consolation, but are opponents are in for heap of trouble from here on out, next year katie bare the door, we are gonna kick that playoff wall in. Definiltley served notice today!
  6. Gotta agree, he didn't want to take a chance in really injuring himself, so he mailed it in 15 minutes into his first practice. It might have been a little more believable had he done it a week or so into practice, this just smells bad. We got suckered. There ought to be a law against this kind of scam.
  7. Real Fans, regardless of team affiliation, don't act like this, but unfortunatley it is not a problem reserved for Cleveland. I too had a somewhat similiar incident happen to me when I took my nephews to a Bills Steeler Playoff game back in the 90's in Pittsburgh.I had my 10 year old son, a 12 year old nephew, and another nephew who was about 21-22. All of us but my 12 year old nephew were Bills fans, and the environment was freindly up until the point where the Bills started to pull away in an eventual 24-3 victory. We got harrased, and alomost assaulted by a group of young annebrieated Steeler fans after my older nephhew was pumping his arms in the air and yelling Go Bills at the bottom of their section. When they started to come down, I pulled my nephew away and explained to the group that we didn't want any trouble, and that I had two young kids with us. They didn't care, as the continued to harras us, when one started to charge at my older nephew, I grabbed him by the throat, and repeated that we didn't want any trouble, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw three of them starting to rush at me from the side, we were out on the ramps at this point, and nobody else was around, it just so happened that two security officers came by and I quickly told them that these idiots would not let us leave the stadium, the promptly horse collered them and escorted them out of the stadium. God only knows what might have happened had they not come by when they did, and the kids would have witnessed it all, or heaven forbid, somehow maybe pulled into the fray.Some people are just idiots, and every stadium has them.
  8. Now there's some honesty, I'm with you bro!Bills 31 Bears 27
  9. Thanks big cat, you are THE ma... I mean animal.
  10. OK, maybe the Bison doessn't fare well against the Bear, but I have been told, that you can start a Buffalo against a horse, and you will go through three horses before the Buffalo starts to fade, distance wise. The moral, understanding that a lot of you want immediate improvement, which I see, is that we are in good shape, long run wise.
  11. He has been doing a ton of 12 oz. curls, seriously, I would doubt that he even imbibes.
  12. If he can do it from his knees, I will then be impressed, but I really don't think that it means all that much, Jamarcus Russell could do it from his knees.
  13. Very disgusting, any links to that video? At museums, he is allowed to touch the work.
  14. He was doing pee-wee games on a 60 yard field when he got the call to the Pros, I witnessed this, his father was a long time NFL Offical, and his brother as well, nepotism is alive and well. He had no legitimate experience at any level even close to the NFL. Hello little sheep, what color is your wool, wake up dude, you don't need a lot of people to subtly manipulate games, there is scheduling, marketing, rules (obscure and inconsistently enforced), and the the refs. It only took one NBA official to throw games. I got pristine swampland for you in Florida.
  15. He did miss a chip shot in the season finale a few years back, that would have probably won the game for us. We were playing the Steelers scrubs, and we just missed making the playoffs because of the miss. I can't really complain about Lindell too much though, especiall over the last couple of years.
  16. OK, I am typing real slow now, these obscure rules are designed for one thing, and one thing only, and it has absolutley nothing to do with safety, the word is MANIPULATION. No one can follow the game anymore, how could you, the ref.'s are not even sure what to call anymore, do we even need ref.'s?
  17. Some of you will say that I am full of shti, but that is exactly the same way that Leodis lost the ball in the first game of the season last year, just complete BS.
  18. Two of the officials are from Pittsburgh, I think that they mentioned on the telecast that one was. I personnaly know the head of the officiating crew for that game, he is from my city, which is a Pittsburgh suburb, he was the one giving the explanation, and I know what he said, but here is what I heard, listen folks, I know it looked like a fumble, and it sure was one, but because I don't even know what I am doing here, and can't see past my hand, and the fact that I am from Pittsburgh, we thought that the right thing to do, would be to give them the ball back, so screw all of you. This is not his, or his crews first fax paux either. Why the hell would they have a crew with members predominantly from one of the Cities playing, is beyond me, just another example of the NFL thumbing their noses at evryone. After all, what is the recourse, if they were found to be fixing. Spygate anyone?
  19. Good post, right on, I vote that you get bumped to rookie status immediatley.
  20. I love yo too......MAN
  21. Maybe we could have a wet nacho cheese contest. I belive that nacho cheese, spred evenly, will allow transparency. It would also probably perk them up a bit.
  22. Please, he is a freakin millionaire casino owner now, he now sports a chesire grin.
  23. Just what type of penetrating are we discussing here, for a minute there, I thought that I was on my other favorite site.
  24. Agreed, Richie Incognito anybody?
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