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Everything posted by uticaclub

  1. Maybe he’s very disappointed in your lack of understanding on this point
  2. If he wants a chance at starting i could see him going to Chicago reunite with Nagy. I cant imagine working that hard to comeback and not try to compete for a starting job
  3. I eat ramen & donate plasma sometimes. My job is pretty decent
  4. That's right, if your dad worked hard to provide for your family, and you try to do the same you are an ####### and should never have a job.
  5. Coaching is the family business for some of these guys. I think its a lot easier to want to be a coach if your dad was one. Who here grew up and wanted to be coach?
  6. Would be impossible to enforce social distancing. How are you not going get out of your car and hug & high 5 every single fan after a big play? Not going to happen. 6k spread our in the stadium is a lot easier to control then 2k in a parking lot.
  7. Isnt TJ our highest paid RB?
  8. Was I the only that was still sad we canned Rex at that point?
  9. Kiper also said he would retire if Jimmy Clausen was a bust
  10. Damn 7/11s are closing during this shutdown too
  11. My drywall hates when the Bills lose.
  12. You just dont care enough
  13. He’s our best TE by a mile.
  14. The betting line opened at 6 and dropped to 4.5 with Eckler playing/Brown & Ford not. Please dont look into 538 for anything other than entertainment
  15. Not looking good for our 2019 draft class
  16. Mike & Mike ended up hating each other. If it was up to ESPN it would still be on
  17. Wade CAN NOT play in 2020. He is on an exemption list, meaning he is ineligible to play this season. 2021 preseason will be key for him, he will be one of the older running backs, but he hasn't played or got injured the last 2 years, so he should be fresh.
  18. Some places refer to Utica as ”the city”
  19. Shanks are going to happen. My problem with him is he never pins it back to inside the 10, always a touchback
  20. And then the sky opened up and dumped on us as we all walked by to our cars disappointed and confused. It was before smart phones so no one had any idea about Everett or how we lost the game
  21. Anyone remember this a few years ago? https://www.bardown.com/jadeveon-clowney-tackled-chris-ivory-by-a-single-deadlock-1.1191858
  22. What are these stats based on? Just random numbers thrown together to make random graphs doesnt move the needle for me
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