jp losman grew up poor. also just because you have wealthy parents doesn't mean that you don't learn how to work hard, and earn your way through life. the reason most people are wealthy is because they work hard and use their strengths to their advantages and pass that through their children. having wealthy parents doesn't mean your gonna start for a D-1 school and get drafted in the NFL, you have to work hard and be good at what you do. just because you come from cali doesn't mean everything came easy, you think RJ, JP, or Trent never had a bad couple games growing up, they could of quit then but they worked hard got better and achieved their goals. don't forget about that QB named Brett who grew up in the golden gulf coast, and i think he played well in the frozen tundra. RJ just plain sucked, but JP and Trents struggles were more because of terrible coaching, ever changing offenses, awful o-lines and no direction, not from being from the golden state.