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Everything posted by murra

  1. I said college coaches who are "looking for their break to the big leagues..." obviously I didn't mean Pete Carroll... Look argue with me, its fine, but that's not my point. My point was that to anyone who thinks no one will want to coach the raiders...well you're crazy. Every coach thinks highly of himself and his ability to coach a team to championships. Therefore no coach who has yet to prove himself will mind as much that Davis is a nut-job, because he knows that if he wins, Davis will not fire him. Its a really simple process. I'm just saying that people will still apply for that job, trust me.
  2. Interesting story, though I'm sure many many players are related to or best friends with a dealer back home. I think Travis' decision to finance him is a defining tale in his inability to judge morality. Clearly his brother is wrong, and clearly 50k is enough to help him out (the moral way...aka rehab, etc). Instead, he chose to finance him, and making poor decisions like that probably tells us he was not raised correctly, and that sadly, his illegitimate children are giong to suffer from his poor life choices.
  3. With only 4 games down, "the chicken, or the egg" is exactly the reason. The Bills virtually shut down Seattle and St Louis on 3rd down and that blatantly has resulted in their 3rd down offense. That being said, these numbers still don't reflect my nerves on 3rd down. Especially after that Oakland play where they scored off the slant (albeit a lucky play on their part), and our long history of giving up third and long has led me to maintain some doubt.
  4. It's a shame about his personal issues, I always had tremendous respect for his football talent. Looks like this time he's gone way too far though: Link.
  5. It's unlikely that Kiffin will not be paid. If that's the case, then he clearly did something irrefutably evil.
  6. If Poz gets in over Ray Lewis at MLB, I will be the happiest person in the world.
  7. Really? I like to think that Trent is a faithful, intelligent person.
  8. Have you heard of this thing called money? Trust me, they will be able to bring up almost any of the collegiate coaches looking for their break to the big leagues...
  9. Uhhh...you realize that we're 4-0, not 0-4, right?
  10. You know, as classless as he is, if he tries he will help them maybe win a game or two.
  11. And lose your status as a "man".
  12. These three responses should go in some sort of hall of fame. They were all priceless, as was this thread.
  13. Simple math ignores its own simplicity when the NFC games are involved.
  14. Yeah that looks cool. Computer-generated power rankings sort of take the fun out of it though. Of course we're going to be number 3, we haven't lost yet.
  15. So is he just hypocritical about everything in an effort to cover his own ass, or does he have a potentially threatening mental disorder we should look into?
  16. Yeah...I know, sorry I posted that, I usually dart to the charts, but seriously, he shouldn't be allowed to have the current records on his rankings with his old list...that's mean.
  17. Wow. I didn't realize he could have updated it on the 25th...yet also have updated our record to 4-0...
  18. I usually look at power rankings only because that is what other people around the country look at to see how the media evaluates teams. I never really look into them for insight, especially because its going to take a lot more than a famed internet blogger/journalist to bump the Bills off my number 1 spot. That being said, I think this is the first time I've really disagreed entirely with how someone has decided to compile their list. Yes, it may have been to gain readers and spark controversy, but the fact that this is a possible "ranking" boggles my mind. Before you check out the NFC biased FOX Sports, I'll have you beware: he places three 2-2 teams above the Bills. LINK Discuss.
  19. Moore looked really good. In the clutch too.
  20. I wish Ellis was good enough to start over Aaron though. It sucks that he's been inactive, I would really like to see some production out of him as a 3rd rounder who looked good out of VT. He was real physical, and I wonder why he hasn't really "made" the rotation?
  21. Not to sound like a dick, but good teams really do find a way to turn it around and Orton has started to look like the hobo that he his in this second half...certainly not the second coming of Montana.
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