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Everything posted by murra

  1. No. JP bashers are typically in denial of the error that comes with hating your backup quarterback for no reason.
  2. Is it wrong that I'm frightened because I share the road with people like this?
  3. So you coach Irvington?
  4. I really do f*cking hate you. What are you ten years old? Don't lie.
  5. I said he threw it to Lynch, which is true. You said Hamdan is better than Losman, please refrain from trying to sound smart again, it hurts my head.
  6. http://coreygilmore.com/wp-content/uploads..._dead_horse.jpg
  7. Might not be a bad thing. I like Ko, but I love GW at FS, he can catch the ball.
  8. Ignore steely dan, he has no idea what he's talking about 90% of the time.
  9. Thank god for Mrs. Lindell.
  10. Try using three dot dot dots, and get less return-key happy. Maybe then people will read your posts. What high school team do you coach?
  11. Technically we opened up the game with a kick return, followed by two unsuccessful run plays, and a completed first down pass to Hardy, with Edwards being injured. Then we ran the ball with JP as QB, THEN we fumbled. So, can you stop bickering abuot what happened with this schobel fan (who btw is awful and can't get off the edge fast enough)
  12. After re-reading your post I realize I was reading it out of context, sorry. This very well might be my last night on the board, so I'm giving it my all trying to sway the ignorant and often incorrect fans while I'm still in a furious mood.
  13. What? Now you're disputing JP as an NFL Quarterback? Jesus, what did I just watch for 3 hours today? Have we already moved to Canada, was that a CFL game?
  14. The person who that was directed towards knows I was talking about them.
  15. ... He just doesn't get what? He did a great job in the first half, and by the time it was up to him in the second half the game was over, and he was being blitzed unmercifully while being a sitting duck in an obvious passing situation.
  16. God, you're so annoying. I'm getting sick of you continually hopping into threads and take up all this space quoting things and saying nothing productive. No one cares what you have to say. I thought you would have learned your lesson after you didn't realize our coach played football.
  17. Is it "the current needs of the Buffalo Bills", or "Positions in the sport of football"?
  18. Seriously? Are you saying you're wife knows more than me about football because I don't jump off the boat with JP?
  19. I say, don't pay him at all, he has years on his contract. If he gets back up to his ability, be an ass and franchise tag him the year after his contract is up, see where to go from there. If he's fantastic, pay him the deserved money.
  20. Assuming your asinine theory is correct (which I can assure you it is not), that means the Defense quit cuz JP came in...boy doesn't that mean the D is to blame? Wouldn't that make you feel bad for a guy instead of find obscure things to blast him about?
  21. No. Just that Hamdan should be the number 2.
  22. YES, please. Go like the Argonauts, I don't care. SwampD might actually be the least football knowledgeable person I've encountered on these boards.
  23. I can't let Bills fans keep sh*tting on someone for absolutely no reason. I'm freaking out here, and I will continue to respond to anyone who keeps thinking JP is to blame for the loss. I'm sick of it. Maybe if he was a starter, and didn't throw that Evans touchdown, I could see how you could say he was ineffective...But I saw the game getting more confident about our backup.
  24. Hamden doesn't take very many sacks from the bench so I guess you're right. I'm just curious, did you have NFL Eruopa season pass on dish or something? How do you know this. And how do you still complain about someone getting sacked in garbage time, really, I'm curious. Face it, you're an idiot and don't know what you're talking about and feel like complaining about a guy who got sacked. (BTW He did dump it off to Marshawn you moron, he only had like 8 pass attempts until garbage time)
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