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Everything posted by murra

  1. And with that, reality comes back to Bills fans...I can't wait for SD.
  2. If you insult the likes of Todd Collins by comparing him to a no-talent a$$-clown one more time I'll see to it that the rest of your life is as miserable as the 1993 Houston Oilers.
  3. That's a big IF.
  4. Wow, everyone's taking this so seriously...maybe we really will get Gonzalez
  5. I'll have you know that I know exactly what the Sarbanes and Oxley Act is, and it has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the NFL wishes to report a trade on time.
  6. Does Adelphia own the NFL?
  7. I don't think it works like that anymore.
  8. Pure genius right there...
  9. Why, out of nowhere would you sarcastically take a stab at me? Especially when I said I wanted TG but said there was no chance. It was a rant on a message board. I'm not going to swear by it.
  10. If that quote you have there is true then this is a horse of a different color.
  11. Couldn't agree more.
  12. Will you get off your high horse? You're clearly obsessed with yourself. I read every word you typed. My response was in general to those who dissent the big-market theory. As far as the NBA thing goes it looks like you're the one who doesn't read. By the NBA thing I mean he pulled a stunt that deliberately led to national exposure. He did it on purpose and he prides himself on exposure. I don't know why you're pretending like your all holy and know it all, especially when you don't even understand my point about the NBA. Look, he's not coming to Buffalo. Before you go on a rant and pretend like I'm incapable of reading and compare me to other sh------- television characters, please refrain from posting until 4 pm, and we'll see who's right. Hopefully I'm wrong, but like I said, there is no chance.
  13. I agree with all you said, except that it's impossible to overlook who exactly TG is. He is not an average player, he is about hype just as much as the next superstar. The guy clearly wants to win, but I guarantee he doesn't want to do it in Buffalo. He's not coming here. It's that simple, by 4 pm we will all be back to our normal weekly talk. I want him, don't get me wrong, but I'm realistic enough to not fall for this.
  14. Because his reason for "wanting to be an NBA player" happened to be exposure. What does your entire argument have to do with anything? Especially about where the NFL studios are located. You're just some crazy fan who can't face reality and realize that Tony Gonzalez will not be a Buffalo Bill.
  15. Why do so many people praise players for doing this? You make it seem like its okay for a franchise player to demand a trade because his team sucks. That's a horrible mentality, and it's only since the advent of Free Agency that people developed this strategy. He had some good years with KC, and honestly, if he loved the team he'd have stayed there and ended his career there. Obviously if he loved it there, no matter what the record, he'd stay and help his small market team.
  16. I think your assumption about Gonzalez is wrong. We're talking about a guy who threatened to go to the NBA for the main reason of exposure. He's definitely not comfortable with the small-market, if he was, he wouldn't complain and demand a trade. About Gonzalez not picking his team...If the offer is the same between the Bills and the Giants, out of respect the GM would defer to TG. The guy is the face of their franchise, I'm pretty sure if he's traded, he'll have much more of a say in his destination than the standard player.
  17. ...What? If he goes to the Giants his so called national exposure would go up a million times more than if he went to Buffalo.
  18. This is probably the most accurate assumption on TG's thoughts on the trade. The reason he wants to go to a "good" team has more to do with the team's market than its record.
  19. Don't know if this has been talked about or not, but I just saw on yahoo or something I can't remember... But the Bills might be interested in Kansas City Tight End Tony Gonzalez!
  20. How cool would it be if the trade was announced at halftime of MNF and they actually spent time talking about the Bills at length?
  21. I agree that it is not who is playing, but how the plays are called, BUT...I think having TG will force us to have plays directed towards him, he'll give TE a confidant option, and if calls aren't played, his name will be enough of a threat for teams to focus more defensive attention on him, hopefully having LB's cover him, leaving less of a blitz and more options to flat passes to one of our RBs. I agree our TE's suck mostly because of plays called, but I also think I'd be crazy to think TG wouldn't have a significant contribution.
  22. Ounce on it? Is Travis Henry involved in this trade as well?
  23. That's the best thing I've had the privilege to read on the internet in a looong time.
  24. Sorry I was making a bad joke...
  25. Is his value to you simply "back-up RB"? I agree with your logic, but Jackson is clearly a play maker with a game-changing potential.
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