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Everything posted by murra

  1. How do you justify not taking Cody?
  2. I know, I had no clue when I clicked on this thread today that I'd find true love.
  3. I think this needs to be said for all of our resident Nostradamuses out there... What proof or indication is there for Fred Jackson slowing down? I mean other than you having a preconceived notion that there is no such thing as a productive RB at age 30. Did he slow down last year? Was there something I missed, because last time I checked he got a very late start to the NFL. His body is relatively *knock on wood* injury free. That being said I entirely approve the Spiller pick, I just think some of you like to make up bizarre reasons in your mind to satisfy your little obsession. FJ has a new contract you guys make it seem like he's got a foot out the door.
  4. My favorite draft related one was a few years back when, "Mel Kiper's Big Board Is Knocked Over."
  5. Great article. I also like how the intelligence at TBD is so low right now that you had to have a disclaimer for an Onion article so a mass riot of confusion didn't commence.
  6. On what planet is Lynch a playmaker? He can never ever be counted on to bust a big game. It's not his style. T.O. isn't on the team...you're really stretching to make an argument here. Who would you have picked at nine? Claussen? He could come all the way back to us at 41, and we'll still pass on him.
  7. It's more than likely that finding a replacement for Moorman will take longer than it did for Jim Kelly.
  8. Yes, are we really this pathetic?
  9. Ahhh this will effect my life so much!
  10. I just spent an hour on that website. Thank you for that, it made me feel better about myself.
  11. I think Ron Paul seems face-value legitimate. Out of all the 2012 candidates, he's the only one who would make the executive office seem more truthful. Not saying I wholeheartedly agree with all of his arguments...but I think I would trust the government if he was in office.
  12. Part of me wants to know the answer to question number 7: Do all sports teams have fans that are so legitimately desperate for wins, that they will sacrifice entire seasons before they're even played?
  13. Did you report it?
  14. Why are all of your tough questions relating to the demotion of black people in our society?
  15. good post. too bad black people don't have internet yet...
  16. Do you know what the word aggregate means? "lol"
  17. Pretty much.
  18. Only a true fan cares about Justin Jenkins' replacement.
  19. Wait...so if you just like...sign up for the democrat party, you automatically get a government handout? I thought you said only blacks get government handouts, not all donating liberals. You really threw me for a curve-ball on that one.
  20. Breaking it down so simply only conveniences your idea, which is a really really selfish move.
  21. What? I don't at all. If there was any truth to the allegations he'd have at least been taken to court and had to pay them off with a settlement.
  22. I hope he's gone just so I don't have to worry for 5 minutes. We clearly shouldn't be taking a flier with our 9th overall pick. This guy is as far from a guarantee as it gets.
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