I was under the impression that if you step out of bounds, you can not be the first to touch the ball. Why then, was that player allowed to step out of bounds with his right foot first, then touch the ball and it be a penalty on Lindell. Not only does it seem illegal that he is altering the football's trajectory for his own benefit, but its not even football anymore when you're relying to that.
I'm not steaming as much as these fans who are calling for Dick's head, but if my assumption is correct, how do you not challenge what would end up being a 30 yard play, propelling them almost automatically into field goal rang?
I don't know, I'm just ranting here, and hopefully someone can tell me that there is a soon to be extinct rule that says you can only be the first one to touch the ball when you're !@#$ing over the Bills on a kickoff or something. Otherwise, the refs jobbed us on that one.