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Everything posted by murra

  1. This news is so old it owes jesus a nickle.
  2. Wow. I hope you're joking.
  3. What a stretch. It sounds like you just want to blame someone. It's a team loss. The team can't react well to a turnover and you blame the coaches. That's fine. It's just wrong.
  4. You're standing on a ledge. You're the one in denial.
  5. I consider all non-blatant holding calls "phantom-calls" because its all the discretion of he referee's mood. He clearly did not want us to get a first down.
  6. I think he's a professional streaker. I don't know much else, but that's a start.
  7. Will he continue or was it beginners luck. He looked excellent out there today. We still threw it to Royal though, which is a problem.
  8. Yeah...we have a big O-line... We moved the ball well despite abandoning the run, we just hit a very disheartening turnover in the second quarter that was a 10 point minimum turnaround. Because of this we played catch up. When you're playing catch-up against the 4th best run defense in the league, you have two options. You can pass and try to accumulate yards and points fast, or you can slowly attempt to establish the run, late in the game and pray your O-line does stuff it hasn't been able to do. Now, most of the time you can wear down the D. But 2 yard gains times 3 = 6 yards. I don't know why you would plug away at what wasn't there. I think we should run the ball more if we can. In this game however, I understand their decision.
  9. Finally something we can agree on.
  10. It's funny because none of them are sarcastic, and the more I defend our coaches in the threads the more I'm starting to dislike the mentality of our fellow Bills fans.
  11. You're not making any sense. You're saying to keep running, but it's not working. There are arguments for why the team has been "putrid," but to say the coaches have been because the run is not working really makes no sense to me.
  12. Haha, yeah what's up with that? "Mr. Wilfork, we're here today to discuss your illegal hit last we-" "Actually boss I got a DVD right here that should alleviate me entirely" How was that allowed. Did they watch the DVD? That's ridiculous. I bet the DVD was just Tom Brady getting injured on repeat, and they watched it until Goodell started crying because what it did to the beloved Patriots' chances of succeeding to the superbowl, and he just let Wilfork go out of pity.
  13. And you're a terrible fan who is so negative and pessimistically disgusting that they should probably stop watching the games if they think their team will lose. So there!
  14. That's more because the Offense is not run by Trent Edwards. There are plenty of other teams that take their time calling-plays, if that's all you can come up with, you're probably complaining about the wrong thing.
  15. I think you're being unfair. I know wouldn't disagree with him getting "locked" up after the 5-1 start. In fact, quit your whining he's a fine coach, and we're in good shape, I shouldn't have to defend the coach to you because you can't handle back-to-back divisional loses. He's the best coach we've had since Levy.
  16. The coaches the past few games has not been completely terrible.
  17. I had no problems going for it. I always want to and we normally don't. I know a lot of people do too, it was interesting to see a little bit of a ballsy decision like that. If you have quarrels for the play, then you may have a point, but there was nothing wrong with that decision. The fake punt was actually successful, and while it was awful, and took a lot of energy out of the players as it dragged on for ever in review, to be honest, they caught them off guard, and Moorman picked it up, and it was a phantom-call away from continuing the most important drive a football game (the start of the second half). IMO, that decision was shocking, but made a statement that they were pissed and wanted points. That play had no repercussions. The challenge was awful and just solidifies my previous assessment that we might not actually have a credible person in the booth reviewing these things.
  18. Resulting in the "tuck rule" debacle to have never occurred, and possibly the Tom Brady legacy to never take off.
  19. Yeah. Ralph is really kicking himself. This is the worst decision he's ever made. Extending a 5-1 coach. What an idiot.
  20. What did they do specifically that you thought was horrible?
  21. You sir, are no Marv Levy.
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