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Everything posted by murra

  1. If Obama has "success" in his own mind, then it will be unamerican. In not wanting him to "succeed" in his little agenda, I'm hardly being unamerican.
  2. Oh a television show will be made about him, don't you worry.
  3. McCain's campaign sucked. That doesn't mean I can't be bitter about how many mindless Americans voted for Obama without having a clue what his policies are.
  4. Most of America does not "deserve" Obama. They just really liked the word "change".
  5. He put first in quotes. The dimwits who think that countries wont see Obama as a sign of weakness are much much worse.
  6. I'm honestly worried.
  7. People who hated Bush when he initially won had little to go off of other than being upset that Gore lost. This is not the same. I was not in it for McCain to win so much as I was hoping Obama would lose. You call that negativism or whatever, and you say he's claimed to be centrist or whatever and give him a chance. That's fine. That's what you can do then. Wait for the first !@#$ up. I, on the other hand, will make sure the country knows its gotten out of hand and that in 4 years we need to put a real president in office. Let me ask you this, when the people of America vote irrationally for the word "change," are you not scared? The premise of nearly every non-incumbent is to run for change. Some people knew very little beyond that, and cast there vote. Are you okay with that?
  8. I wasn't grilling you, I was curious. Then when you gave your answer I wanted to know why it sounded like you had moved because of the election when that wasn't the case. Sorry if you took that the wrong way.
  9. If I hear that stupid excuse one more time... Its called wake up! Calling John McCain evil is ridiculous. I got it when Bush ran. And everyone was in crazy hatred of the guy, and the guy on the other side was Kerry. Yeah, lesser of two evils, I get it, they're both shady. But to be honest, just say you're liberal. There is no lesser of two evils in this race. There is either you like McCain, or you pretend you like Obama because that seems like the thing to do. Saying it's a lesser of two evils is such a cop out.
  10. So then why did you pretend you moved for family because of the election, it was obviously a culmination of tragic events, rather than one event which might have made you unhappy inside.
  11. This thread is hypocritical. And for the record, I'm not going to cry about it, that's not the correct response to losing a country. If the fairness doctrine gets passed, I will try to do something about it. Not cry. This is my country we're talking about, and we just put a damn socialist in control.
  12. You actually moved your family as a direct result of an election?
  13. Why is it crap? What led you to conclude with dismissing it's credibility as a news outlet?
  14. Ok. According to CNN as well (I forgot people enjoy discrediting a news source because someone told them to): 254,726 to 237,282 LINK
  15. McCain has a lead in Indiana according to Fox News.
  16. Nice to meet you. Any room for a young right wing student aspiring to find his way into the courtroom, with a real distaste for his fellow students' political assessments, while still trying to figure some things out himself?
  17. Why do you think Reagan was the worst president ever? I tend to think he was the best.
  18. You're very balanced I see.
  19. Nope. I was just exercising the greatest right as an American citizen, my opinion.
  20. Really? You've never heard a liberal actually use those hyperbolas?
  21. I'm not an independent. I disagree. Strongly.
  22. How am I supposed to figure this out? What's the point of sarcasm in text? Literally impossible for me to detect unless I know the guy.
  23. In your state if you voted Obama or McCain it could have potentially made a difference. The reality is that when the day is done, we will have a new president, and a shaken up congress, but the downward spiral of American values will not be revived.
  24. I like to see what the liberals have to say, and I think its interesting to see the thoughts of Bills fans across America as they stop talking about 3rd down conversion rates and start talking about tax rates. Why would I want to figure out what they have to say if it makes no sense?
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