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Everything posted by murra

  1. I know. That was the joke. How else would I have laughed at that?
  2. Southpark is my favorite show, which I've yet to miss an episode of, and I must say, this season has been a little bit sub par. The 2 parter had some funny moments, but they're doing too many of these dramatic spoofs now and the laughs aren't coming as fast. I will say, however, that the episode was impressive, having been made so quickly, and that it got a big laugh out of me when they said Obama's grandmother faked her death on monday and will make the fake bomb threat call.
  3. That's what I was told. The stab on Timmy Connolly is sad. I feel bad that he is truly injury prone because when 100% healthy he's one of the greatest stickhandlers ever to lace up the skates.
  4. Woah, pal. I never said I like crime or fckuing your mother or anything, why did you just jump off the ledge? I was questioning whether or not the stat of removing the 1k cops was skewed because of the amount we needed to preserve NYC after 911. I think it's a ridiculous cut, there just has to be more to it than, he cut 1,000 cops for the hell of it.
  5. You want Franken in? You kidding me?
  6. Actually individual states can establish their own state religion if not mentioned in their individual constitutions, but I get what you're saying.
  7. Edit button broken? Anyways, I think you're ragging too hard on Youboty for something he can't help. He plays hard. He has been a presence this season, and if he comes back not playing up to par, then I will question him, until then...I hate when people rag on someone for getting hurt and their Mom dying.
  8. While it said they will cut 1,000 cops, isn't that just a remainder of excess law enforcement left from the Giuliani 9/11 days?
  9. Haha. And I was defending you. You do realize that the ten commandments, or the code of hammurabi, those ancient tablets, are exactly what laws were written by. Yes, laws in the western society derived from their absolute monarchy, who often used religion to create laws. Religion has those moralities we discussed earlier, and those are def. used in developing our constitution. Why were you going through the amendments? Look at the constitution itself. I can think of plenty examples.
  10. You're sounding every day more and more like you're a misinformed liberal, who has more conservative ideals than they even realize. Aside from your little pragmatic rant at the end, you were almost there. Still missing the point that the removal of "under god" has more serious repercussions than "not suffering".
  11. Oh yeah. That's his fault. Definitely.
  12. You just admitted you've yet to watch a Bills game. Enlighten me... how does Youboty appear to be soft?
  13. To be fair, I'm sure he comprehends the importance and role of the morality guideline from the ten commandments in our constitution. The issue that bothers me is this other guy who is pretending like conservatives should be rooting for the pledge to remove God. I don't care if the term "under god" came to grips in 1704 or 1954, removing it is one step closer to pure politically correct bullsh*t socialism and I don't want to see that. Losing simple battles like that will allow people to continually take away rights that others might be offended at. Kids aren't offended by the word "God," their parents are. And that's ridiculous. If you don't believe in God you reserve the right not to get offended by someone who does.
  14. I wish someday I can take a large argument, pick apart one small comment, and still look intelligent while saying something obvious. Please don't take offense to that. I'm complementing you, I think, I just don't know if there is a term for the above.
  15. His point didn't go unnoticed, I just took it upon me to let it known that the fact he used, us having a separation, does not in fact exist. I think my little side rant was more necessary than the direction of his arguments, which I agreed on.
  16. Yeah. That's a different situation. As I mentioned previously, the only separation would be that Americans do not have a national region. We still hold the right to be religious. We can each believe what we want. And now liberals are telling us that this isn't so. They're trying to tell us that kids praying in school should get suspended. FOR PRAYING?? YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME. Things like that truly upset me.
  17. The principle of removing "god" from the pledge is much more harmful than you're grasping. It's a start to the concluding perceived political correctness and morons who think we have a right to privacy and whatnot. About the religious text thing...I don't know what you're talking. At all. I didn't mention using religious texts in our legal system.
  18. I just used that because it's the preferred terminology of liberals. Equally, there is no separation of (or from) church and state. It's a poorly and extremely loosely interpreted term coming from a letter one of our founding fathers (TJ) wrote on an entirely different topic. Over time it was misinterpreted in order to please the hippies. And yes, it does matter. Greatly. I'm not very religious, but I like to keep liberals from re-writing history because they don't like the word God. It's absurd.
  19. Where do you come up with this crap? If you keep badgering on pretending it's tradition, sh*t like nutjobs attempting to remove the word "god" from the pledge happens. There is no such tradition, don't you get it? You people made it up. Quite recently in fact. What precedent are you referring to? Read Rehnquist's dissent in Wallace v Jaffree.
  20. There is no "wall of separation". Liberals constantly rely on Jefferson's words to justify their position to any instance where government intersects with religion, but there is certainly no implied "wall". I'm sorry if you're just finding this out now.
  21. The First Amendment's establishment clause was written to prevent the federal government from ever creating a national church. Madison explained this in depth, and wrote it in a way that could not possibly be interpreted otherwise. Jefferson wrote to a Baptist community in Danbury that had commended him on his election to explain why there would be no national days of fasting and thanksgiving. "Interestingly, two days after writing to the Danbury Baptists, Jefferson attended church services held in the House of Representatives and continues as a regular attendant throughout his presidency." - Mark Levin (Men in Black, fantastic read. You should really take a gander if you have any interest in becoming a lawyer or anything like that) It wasn't until justice black interpreted his letter and the "wall of separation" incorrectly that this presumed separation took place. There is no law respecting it and it was often disputed by Chief Justice Rehnquist, and others who virtually have ignored Black's interpretation, claiming it more or less his opinion, and should not be viewed as law.
  22. We do? Where does it say that?
  23. I was hoping you would read past my meaningless hatred for the Qur'an.
  24. 1. You read most of the Qur'an? That's absurd. I would commend you, but having had to study it my world policies course, I know that it is nothing more than a severely misguided list of guidelines and forms to follow, written in the most obnoxious way. 2. To say that people believe and have no physical evidence is such a cop out. Most people with faith have their reasons which go beyond all physical proof. Some people claim to have been touched, or to have had their prayer answered, or rather some believe in God to get them through a difficult time, which can alleviate some pain that would otherwise haunt them. My Mother for instance lost both her parents in a very short time apart when she was young, and used God to help her get through. It sounds corny and we're not really a very religious family as it is today, but for my Mother God was a part of her life everyday for some 15 years. 3. To predict that in 2,000 years the modern religions will amount to Greek mythology is ignorant. Greek mythology was not organized in the matter that we see, say Catholicism today. The bible, and the "proof" of a messiah will prove to be much more impactful than light-hearted stories of an all powerful god living amongst other gods in a heavenly setting of immortality and all the nonsense that followed. There is a significant difference between the religions today which have resulted in holy wars ongoing for 2,000 years. To say it will be looked upon as a mythology is as blatantly rude as it is ignorant. In conclusion - to each his own. Surely I do not mind your religious beliefs or lack thereof. You do seem to have more of an agnostic following than an atheist one, but in the end it does not matter, we are nothing more than grains of sand in a beach.
  25. I have doubts about God as much as the next "atheist," But I'm not ready to declare myself "atheist" by 19. I want to know myself, why you consider yourself a "proud" atheist? Proud? What makes you "PROUD" about not believing in anything? I'm one of the few conservatives not really all that built up on religion, but I uphold the bible for its moral lessons, not necessary intended to be taken literally. Saying that you're proud to be atheist though...I just want to know why. I'm not calling you out for being atheist, I've just never heard someone say they're "proud of it".
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