I noticed two things from this video.
1) It was hardly "epic", as described on the linked website.
2) This isn't an issue.
I watched the hour-long Kentucky republican senate debate for fun last week, and at no point was this brought up. Clearly when this was brought to him on NPR it was a ridiculous non-issue based question, and the fact that Maddow was pressing him using some ridiculous high-cholesterol analogy made her appear to be grabbing at straws as opposed to asking the tough questions her supposed remarkable journalist-superhero persona would lead you to expect.
I was not satisfied with this thread, because I thought I would get to see a meltdown, and republican, liberal, libertarian alike, I'm in for a a good meltdown. This was a run-of-the-mill interview, actually below average, and it holds no basis whatsoever being posted. It's basically the definition of not-newsworthy.