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Everything posted by murra

  1. I thought parrots were at least able to recite everything they were told accurately?
  2. How can I take the rest of what you typed seriously when you just tried to say this to me?
  3. What the heck did you try to say there?
  4. She does have 9 kids. when one goes missing...that's still has 8 kids. Basically jail is probably heaven to this woman.
  5. I'm sure anything in excess isn't good for you...but I'm going to have to bring to the table the age-old question, give me one example where it has directly injured or hurt someone.
  6. This is one of the times when not caring is totally the way to go. Anyone arrogant enough to think that they can change the weather shouldn't be allowed to leave a room with white padded walls.
  7. People died in the Haiti Quake, no one has died because of the oil in the ocean. I do both, yes. I don't see how that analogy is applicable, except that it affirms I haven't bought into the environmental crisis. No, I always tell them their lights are on... I have no idea how this applies... I want the spill clogged, and from that point on, I legitimately could care less what happens. I'm not denying a couple ocean creatures could die here, don't get me wrong, its just I'm kind of about the human race here, and I'm very confident in the long run of earth's history and humanity this isn't classified as a setback, and we'll see basically no effect.
  8. I'm still confused as to how this can be compared to the holocaust.
  9. 1st of all, 60,000 job loss my ass. 2nd of all, the oil is coming from...the earth. 3rd of all, all of your arguments come with the conditional of actually believing everything you're told: "Louisiana produces nearly one-third of the seafood for the continental US" - FACT "this spill fundamentally threatens Louisiana's way of life" - LIE (absolutely no truth or proof to this) "Florida's tourist beaches and coral reefs could be next." -LIE (worst of all, just by saying that ridiculous statement, this reporter has you telling people its true) I HIGHLY doubt that florida tourism will suffer in the long run. I HIGHLY doubt that this "disaster" will cause "contamination" from a natural f***ing resource. I'm not saying this wont cause some initial harm to the environment, but everything will adapt soon enough. The earth will fix itself, because in the end its all natural. Tossing around words like "ecosystem" make it seem like there will be a legitimate disruption in the way of life, when in reality, none of us will ever be affected by this. Ever.
  10. Basically, by precedent I mean how they have something to go on if they choose not to interfere with the new state law. If they had continued DEA raids in California, accepting these new state laws would have no basis. Now it does. None of that means a damn though, since the whole reason that Obama will support the state laws is.... I personally think that state rights clearly are aligned in our constitution to have their own drug laws. The federal legislation is a joke, and while the conservative belief is that pot is bad for the soul, I don't see why they would think that should infringe on my freedom to smoke it. Again, none of this matters since liberals will only use the legalization marches and steal the support of hippies and college kids to then pass the laws to get cigarette like tax revenue off of another product that they feel they're entitled to gouge.
  11. I know what you mean. Did you know that the Bush presidency left us in a terrible, terrible state?
  12. Do you remember the Bush presidency at all? Every news item had impeachable implications, every liberal compared him to hitler.
  13. Look up the term precedent. The administration has more than hinted at their intention of not enforcing federal marijuana laws. I literally agreed with this when you said it. Edit:
  14. Dude, they already set the precedent when they ordered the DEA to stop the persecution and warrant-less searches of suspected weed shops. I think the issue should be on the national forefront come November, but I don't think at all it will be interesting to see what Obama does here.
  15. Although I as much as anyone fed up with government's relentless spending would love to see Obama go, this clearly isn't an impeachable offense. The attempted cover-up sounds pretty bad, but there is no way anything comes of this story.
  16. ...but since you were able to realize this "disaster" will probably affect very few people (okay...almost no one), why would you stop supporting BP because they had to endure a "clusterf***"? If someone spills a pallet in the back of a Wegman's warehouse, are you going to stop shopping there? Two mistakes that will never affect you. Also, trying to reason things through, and not panic should never be classified as "blithely turning a blind eye".
  17. http://world.guns.ru/smg/uzi-micro2.jpg
  18. It indirectly reminded me how much I hate Kevin Costner movies! http://thecelebritycafe.com/feature/costne...poil-05-23-2010
  19. Annnd I rest my case.
  20. The violent story about how a criminal lesbian, a tough-guy hit-man with a heart of gold, and a retarded man came to be best friends through a hostage: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0299930/
  21. turd?! you realize the DEFINITION OF TURD IS: turd n 1. a piece of excrement. 2. a mean, contemptible person. Please connect that definition of the word turd to Marshawn because to me calling him an a pile of poop is hilarious. A contemptible person is pretty funny too.. This is what YOU really wanna want the word TURD to stand for but your to scared to say it.. TURD n 1. A stupid, over-privileged football player. 2. A liar
  22. Ohhhhh snap. You know about free online dictionaries. He's a thug, Ralph Wilson is old, Rachel Maddow is a lesbian, John Madden is fat, Bill Gates is rich, Barack Obama is black, etc. I don't know why you're getting hung up on simple facts man. Marshawn lynch is a thug and that's a pretty obvious fact. You trying to turn this into a racial thing ("aggressive" black person. aggressive? really?) means that you have some difficulty accepting reality. I wasn't calling him a thug when he spoke horrendous English, showed up in dreds with gold teeth. I called him a thug when he drove his car into people and smoked pot in tinted cars with unregistered guns.
  23. So if a white running back got caught smoking weed with an unregistered weapon within 6 months after being involved in alleged intoxicated hit-and-run incident, would I be racist if I called him a thug?
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