I know I'm in the minority, but I'm all for a little thing called freedom. Our liberties should not be extended to only what the government thinks we should be able to do in the privacy of our own home AND, when if/when the gov't wakes up to this reality, they shouldn't be begging to hop in on the tax game. Excessive taxes to outlaw people's vices are idiotic.
I should have the right to do drugs. If I'm a family man, and have a family with mouths to feed, I should be able to make my own decision not to get hooked on heroin. If I'm an idiot college student with nothing to lose, I should be able to experiment or whatever. There is no way the government should get so heavily involved, and there is certainly no way that the legality of this stuff has prevented certain people from getting a hold of it. In my opinion, the argument for legalization is much stronger than against it.