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Everything posted by murra

  1. But the Browns suck.
  2. In all fairness, he wouldn't make the Bills roster right now. One of the only positions of depth the Bills have is safety.
  3. I don't know how serious his injury is but I don't care at all. We should grab him. He is an 88 OVR on MADDEN!!!
  4. No, the injury was nagging throughout the season... what is your point anyways? Whitner has been a solid leader and a more than capable player. Please explain why you think he has little value. Because of where he was drafted? Because a below average head coach decided to start Wilson in meaningless games so as to not risk further injury to Donte? Or, because you wanted Ngata. It's okay, you can tell me.
  5. You know that he was injured, right? I hate doing this, because you wrote so much and seem very excited about this, but no one called him a playmaker. That was a reference to George Wilson.
  6. How does "Never should have been the #8 pick" = "Get rid of him"? Who would you replace him with?
  7. They won't be watchable, but you'll put $400 on them winning the superbowl.
  8. Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
  9. Wow. Thank you. The first post in the thread with actual merit. I have been entertained by people's perception of our safety depth chart as well, but I think I value George Wilson a little higher than you. I'm not saying I want him as a full season starter, but I think he has more value than you seem to give him. He's a playmaker, and that can be one of the most important roles on a winning defense. I think Wilson can be a very capable back-up free safety, and I'd like to see him get some time in on passing downs. Overall though, I think it is quite undoubted that Whitner is the best SS on our team. He's not shaping out to be a top 5 SS that would warrant such a high pick, and it really is sad that Ngata was passed, but like you said, we have to move on. Clearly he is capable and a starter on most teams, so I don't think we should be in the business of dumping him because he hasn't lived up to the top ten pick hype. The guy is our best SS, pay him, keep him or trade him whatever, but let's not continue to laugh off his name in every thread because he has a ton more value than most people here realize.
  10. Well said, however I feel the OP is greatly exaggerating the effect of this Condon guy. There are several top flight agents, and then everyone else. Let's not get our panties in a bunch "Dawgg."
  11. Where do you get off thinking that he is the best agent?
  12. I also never pegged Wacka as a GOP lap dog.
  13. You know what I don't understand? Why you always try and simplify everything. It only shows you have no understanding of how the real world works, and how you only comprehend the basic talking points. In all honesty, if you start a thread where you joyfully mock Sarah Palin and if at some point pages later in that same thread make a post like you just did you should be banned for pure hypocrisy. There is no need for you to continually bring absolutely nothing to the discussion.
  14. I feel partly responsible. At least .00001%. If you're rounding, please clarify next time.
  15. Maybe its related to Valentine's Day fast approaching?
  16. To the OP: Okay so you're at the registration page signing up for a forum to discuss your favorite football team. Username. It's a difficult question, I'll admit. This will be your moniker from here on out, so you better choose wisely. Some people choose their nickname, others pop culture references, or likewise hilarious buffalo related phrases. What you did was something quite a bit more original. I applaud you for that, and I'm a little shocked no one thought to enter that as their username for the board's first 8 years of existence.
  17. Which is why I'd love for you to send me the link of your opinion-filled blog.
  18. Dude, you tried to make an argument that playing in Buffalo is a reason why Evans isn't right for us. It made no sense, was backed up by no evidence, and clearly your only example has nothing to do with us playing in buffalo. It could have been the San Diego Chargers visiting the Browns that weekend. Being in Buffalo has no effect. If Evans is a #2, why would Denver trade us on of the elite receivers in the league for him, especially considering his salary?
  19. No. You missed the point. Orton got to play almost all the games (I think he may have missed one, right?). Marshall got a full season of consistency from a QB who can throw the ball. Trent can't. As much as it pains me to say this, JP could. It's that simple. Overall JP and Orton may not be ideal QB's, but they toss the pigskin, making the whole argument against Orton pointless. Which games did snow effect us as a result of playing in Buffalo since Evans has been here? None, right? Yeah, none.
  20. So is that a yes or a no?
  21. Yo, Marshall is a beast and all...but the only time Evans had a real QB start all the games was JP Losman, and he actually had a very solid season. As tough and strong as Marshall is, I'd rather have the deep threat that is rare to come by, and pick up a possession receiver elsewhere. With Losman playing all the games, Evans was able to get to 1300 and had numbers very similar or better than Marshall, with 20 less catches. What I'm trying to say is that your argument that because of stats Marshall is better than Evans is extremely flawed due to the fact (as several people have pointed out) that a WR is dependent on the quarterback. Lee still got 7 TDs this season. That's insanely productive considering how piss-poor this offense is.
  22. I saw him on tour with Oasis, and sadly he was the best part of the show.
  23. What a perfect analogy. You're a brilliant man, may I read your blog?
  24. I wish it was a cool scandal. Like...he actually can see.
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