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Posts posted by BillsZubaz

  1. I'm high on Nelson


    As am I, but Olsen is a quality TE. One that can block and catch effectively. At least from what I have seen when I have watched him play. I will be quite pleased if the Bills make a move for him (if the price is right).

  2. What makes you think that the feature back for one of the best rushing teams in the NFL last season would want to be a back-up/compete for the starters role on a rebuilding perennial cellar-dweller? Not to mention he's on the wrong side of 30, and plays probably the easiest to replace position in football. (Yea, I know.. there ARE guys at RB who aren't easy to replace. But, that can be said of every position.)


    With all the issues this teams has going into next season, not mention the rebuilding project that will entail probably the next 2-4 years, I don't think RB is something we really need to concern ourselves with, at this time.



    I don't disagree with you. I was merely posing the question. I will say this though, I think the Jets running game last year was a product of their o line more than it was of Thomas Jones. Also, as you said, he is on the wrong side of 30 so he may be forced to accept a backup role or at least a split time role, whether he wants to or not.

  3. I didn't see this posted anywhere, if it is please disregard this thread and close.


    The NYJ have notified the AP that they are going to release Jones at some point this week. I have to assume that this is a monetary issue. Jones rushed for 1,402 yards and 14 TD's last season. But he is due a decent junk of change (3 Million) on top of his salary this year and he is 31. Obviously the Jets feel that it was their Oline that allowed them to lead the league in rushing last year and feel comfortable with Greene and Washington.


    What are the thoughts on the Bills bringing Jones in as a possible replacement for Marshawn (if he is moved) or bringing him in to compete for the backup role?



  4. No you read the full story.



    Ok, so she lives close to where he lives. I don't know about you, but I have a lot of upscale and lowscale neighborhoods close to where I live. He never said he lives in that upscale district. Even if he does, he certainly wasn't bragging about it.

    You are looking for a reason to get bent out of shape.

  5. Really??? He's saying his buddy (the watch guy) would have switched places with him (Amstel) because he (Amstel) was a Bills fan and would have appreciated talking to her more. He (Amstel) is saying that probably wouldn't have gone over well because he (Amstel) would have worn her out with Bills conversation and likely would have been thrown out for irritating her. Come on now, keep up man.



    Why bother to keep up or read through a post when one can post such a witty and classy response as they did? You know, responses that really add to the conversation on the board.... <_< (Sarcasm off)


    Hypocritical how I am.

  6. HUH?


    I have no idea what the hell you're saying at the end.


    Why did the barber want to trade places with you? Because of all your "high end" associations ?

    She (Ralph's daughter, I presume) would have thrown you out of where? Her hair stylist's salon? How? Why? Was she a silent partner in the business likely to excercise her right to remove patrons for bringing up the Bills during conversations that should stay on topic, meaning Rolex watches?


    FWIW - Since Ralph drives a Taurus, a Casio watch would have been fitting. On the other hand, considering his reputed health, sounds like she could still thrill him with a nice Rolex, then return it for a refund in the near future. A real win-win for the gal with the new perm! (LOL)


    Stay classy. <_<

  7. So is this your way of bragging that you live in an upscale neighborhood? :unsure:


    Read the story fully please and stop looking for something to get all disgruntled over. The guy made no mention about where he lived. His friend used to sell watches in an upscale neighborhood. This story is about something his friend told him... <_<

  8. I know most players have a cocky attitude but he celebrates on every play!



    Honestly, his attitude doesn't bother me. IF he actually starts to produce he strikes me as a defensive motivator and energy type guy. You should be cocky on defense. He is only celebrating because he is excited. Granted, he should not be so excited about the plays he has made. But it shows it is invested and into the game.

  9. Apparently Matt Moore from Carolina is not recieving a deal so far and I think the Bills should REALLY & SERIOUSLY make an attempt to sign this kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He stepped in & looked GREAT!!


    I completely agree. I would be shocked if Carolina let him go. Granted, it was only a partial year, but the kid did look good, TONS of upside. At the very least he would be a solid addition for competition purposes (A competition I think he would win).

  10. Offense - Trent Edwards / JP Losman (If only for the sad, fanatical groups they formed on the board, when it was evident NEITHER had any real talent).


    Defense - John McCargo


    Losman had tons of Talent, just not football sense.


    Offense - Mike Williams (Have to put him here with the #4 pick)

    Defense - Erik "I'm a bust" Flowers - Honorable mention: Chris Watson (Remember how bad he was?)

  11. A PFT report today referenced an arrest and the fact that shanahan used to polygraph players... Just curious what people thought of this. Is it even legal in employment law? I know it would seem highly out of place in the ordinary workplace -- but then again, the NFL isnt so ordinary.






    "It's the second arrest of a Redskins player since Mike Shanahan became the team's head coach. In Denver, Shanahan admittedly used polygraph testing on players who found themselves on the wrong side of the law."




    I am not sure of the legality. But if the player refused they could always cut/suspend them citing other reasons. Personally, if I am in and NFL FO or I'm an owner, investing the amount of money some of these guys command, I would do the same thing. If the guys aren't lying to your face then they have nothing to hide...and if they are, you may want to think twice about that investment. JMO.

  12. I saw this on youtube, it was the day after the Bills 17-3 loss to New England this year. The caller started making excuses for Edwards, and Howard Simon flipped his lid.




    Actually, when you hear him go nuts, it's kind of therapeutic.


    "Every stinkin football season the same stupid stuff"




    Hilarious soundbyte. Which loss was this after? I don't recall the Bills losing to the Pats 17-3 this year.

  13. Yes, Please don't clutter up the riveting conversation (aka incessant noise of):


    "I think we should draft (insert player name)"

    "I think we should cut (insert player name)"

    "I think we should trade (insert player name)"

    "anything with the word Tebow in it"


    I'd much prefer to engage in another six weeks of mock draft projections. And where would we be without are daily infusion of "who's dissing Buffalo now".


    Oh no he didn't....Oh yes HE DID!




    There is a serious lul in football convo, if you don't want to read the topic don't click on the link folks.

  14. I am sure you are a better evaluator of who Bruce DeHaven should have as an assistant. You ought to march right down there and demand Cham Gailey's job.


    +1 OK, so the guy couldn't cut it as a coordinator for the Lions (Who has?). That doesn't mean he can't offer some insight or bring something to the table in a lesser assistant capacity.

  15. Bradford: Career 67.6% Comp. Perc.; 8,403 yards; 88td; 16int; 175.6 rating; in 31 games. GODLY.


    I will support any QB that plays for the Bills. Bradford has skill and I cannot deny that. I have 2 main concerns about Bradford in the NFL.


    1. He played entirely out of a spread offense

    2. He had a monstrous offensive line that protected him very well through most of his career. (Its easier for a QB to be good when they have time and can see the field)


    I say you devote your top picks to the trenches this year and have a camp battle (Or bring in someone via trade/FA).

  16. WHAt in the world are they thinking? Chan Gailey,is the best available or did they just settle. This is going to be another big mistake that will set them back another 5 years


    What in the world does this have to do with the thread topic? Find one of the numerous Chan Gailey sucks threads to complain in...


    I am not sure if the Press Conference will be covered, let me know if anyone finds out... :worthy:

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