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Posts posted by BillsZubaz

  1. I actually think that the team carries 6 Wideouts: Watkins, Woods, Williams, Goodwin, Hogan and Easley.


    Hogan seems to be getting the opportunity to play his way onto the team and I think he makes good on it.


    Easley makes the team solely on his beastly performance for the ST unit last year.


    TJ Graham is the odd man out....

  2. I'd like to think so, but if Roosevelt hasn't been in yet, that is a BAD sign for him. That (imho) means they think he is behind the bad players that they have been trotting out at WR since the starters went out 2:00 into the game.


    That could be. Or, Gailey knows what he has in Roosevelt because of his playing time last year and this being his 3rd (?) year with the Bills. But he may not know what he has in players like Hagan and that is why he is playing them longer/earlier.

  3. A team from Buffalo to watch on TV.....


    The hot start raised expectations beyond where they should have been. I still maintain that if not for all of the key injuries this was a 7-9 -- 9-7 team. Next year will be telling...


    In the meantime.. Go Buffalo (break my heart again)

  4. http://www.buffalobills.com/team/team-statistics.html


    Let me preface this post by saying that the beginning of this season has been a blast. I hope the winning ways continue.


    I was browsing on the Bills website and came across this breakdown.


    The most telling explanation for the Bills being 4-1 at this point is their boasting a +11 turnover ratio. Otherwise they are being out gained and out played in most other facets, yet have been opportunistic and taken advantage of opponents mistakes to win. Any idiot watching the games could decipher that.


    My question is, are these turnovers good fortune/luck or are they indicative of a style of defensive scheme the Bills are playing that yields yardage but jumps on/forces repeated mistakes?



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