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Posts posted by BillsZubaz

  1. Does anyone else think the Jaron era Training Camp farce has a direct correlation to our 3 year run of massive injuries. Granted, you can't help those injuries that will happen regardless of conditioning, ie Wood's leg fracture, but it seems the Bills are just not in football shape once the season starts and the real hitting starts. I firmly believe the soft camp directly impacts our injury bug. Just see D Bell, and the host of others. These guys are not in football shape, not matter how good they look in OTA's.


    I'm not advocating beating each other up day after day, but you need to hit in Camp, its Football! Hopefully the next HC will not make these same mistakes and go with the players who are physical and hit. Scrap this horrible Cover 2 , light quick player. It makes me sick to see Cushing and Matthews flying around ball, making plays, and seeing our undersized project Maybin cheerleading from the bench.


    I think this is more of a product of the type of players that we are putting on the field (smallish/quick) and the Strength and Conditioning rather than camp.


    Levy ran a camp that was often referred to as "Camp Marv" because of how light and soft it was. Yet there were not near the injuries...

  2. you must be referring to the glory days of the 64 and 65 team. beacuse those 90s bills had PLENTY of divas.... thruman and jimbo bickered plenty! so did andre with his earrings, crazy flat tops, etc. the biscuit? he was a loud mouth too...


    when you are good - you let people know it. TO is good and he backs up wiht his play. we need a few more like that, and then a bunch of eric wood/kent hull types.



    Holy Crap you're right on with this.


    People forget that before the "Bills of the 90's" went to the Superbowls they were the "Bickering Bills"

  3. I kind of agree. the games don't really matter anymore so let's check out Brohm, Hardy, et al. Let's play around a little and see if the new guys fit.



    I like the idea as well. There are a few problems that I see with this however.


    1. Perry Fewell is "auditioning" for a job (if not with the Bills with another team) as a HC. I think Perry believes Fitzy gives him the best chance to win right now.

    2. Brohm has been with the team for a few weeks. So there is no way he is up to speed on systems and language. So he may look terrible and this may not be reflective of what he is capable of. This isn't fair to Brohm. (Now on the other hand, what if he comes in and plays well....)


    I just don't see this happening...

  4. 1) I am crazy about Fred Jackson but once again, he is too slow to return kickoffs. It makes no freaking sense.


    2) After the 2nd quarter running exhibition by Lynch, it was interesting to see just how supportive his teammates were. If he doesn't turn out to be a top quality running back in this league he has only himself to blame. He has all the talent he needs imo.


    3) GREAT coverage by Whitner vs. Cotchery with 6 min. and change left in the 2nd quarter. He saved the team points and I appreciate this. Too bad he turned back into the Donte we all know in the second half.


    4) Is there really anybody left who thinks that our biggest problem isn' the offensive line? If so, please stand up and be heard!


    5) Demetrius Bell will never be an adequate player. I know he didn't play tonight but I am posting this to annoy that guy who told the moderators that I am on a crusade against him. My daughters even asked me what was up with that lol.


    6) GREAT sack by Poz in the 4th quarter. The kid is fast. Imagine what he could do in a real defense!?


    7) Just before the deuce at halftime, Maybin made a sick inside move. Sanchez got a short pass off in what looked like 2 seconds. He would have crushed Sanchez if this was a longer patterrn. Just a ray of hope; that's all I'm saying. No promises.

    8) I apprecate the fact that Whitner was praying after the game and I sincerely mean this. The kid has had off field problems as we all know, and he needs to calm himself down. Yeah, this was nice to see.

    9) Kendall Simmons appears to be strong and is trying hard, but the man can barely move. :)


    10) It was great that the fumble was overturned in the 2nd qtr.after the challenge. Fine thanks. What sucked was watching Fitz get mauled behind our putrid, embarrassing offensive line. He won't last the rest of the season, and he is a tough little bastard.


    11) Getting a sack against Alan Faneca isn't an east thing to do. Kudos to Kyle Williams for getting 2, one with blood gushing out of his arm. Color me impressed.


    12) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    He got into a drunken fight outside of a bar....(point # 8)


    Never happened to anyone else I know... :devil:


    I agree will most of your other points...Good analysis. I must have missed that Maybin move, wish I had seen it because I have never seen him make a move inside.

  5. It was a pass play on that wildcat that the Jets blew up because our line (surprise) couldn't block anyone. It's not even worth talking about the play calling. If you can't block anyone nothing...N-O-T-H-I-N-G works.




    You could not be more right. The fact that we ran a gimmick play tells you something.

  6. I would love to hear what Schonert would do with the practice squad o line the bills are fielding.


    Scott, levitre, hangartner, simmons, chambers (meredeth)


    Are you kidding? 2 PS players...(one from another team), 1 rookie and 1 guy coming off major injury who has been with the team for 2 weeks.


    NO Offensive coordinator has a chance with that kind of offensive line. The Bills had Max protect most of the night (2 backs or TE's) staying in to block or chipping and releasing and the Jets were still pounding Fitz...

  7. Buffalo has allowed 2065 yards rushing in 12 games this season...an average of 172 per game.


    Aside from losing Kawika Mitchell, the defense hasn't lost anyone in the front 7 worth a darn, yet they can't stop the run consistently.


  8. If they don't make the playoffs does it really matter? All it means is a worse draft pick. I think the only shot at the playoffs is winning the division - that could only happen If the Bills win out (Huge IF) and we get some help from the Pats opponents or Brady breaks his leg. If they finish 8-8 it just makes me sick to think about the first NE game and Cleveland game...



    Sorry, I would rather see the team win.


    Besides...high draft picks do not necessarily correlate to winning. (See our last 10 #1 picks : 2000

    2000 Erik Flowers

    2001 Nate Clements

    2002 Mike Williams

    2003 Willis McGahee

    2004 Lee Evans

    2004 J.P. Losman

    2005 No 1st Round Pick, Roscoe Parrish (2nd Round)

    2006 Donte Whitner

    2006 John McCargo

    2007 Marshawn Lynch

    2008 Leodis McKelvin

    20091 Aaron Maybin

    20091 Eric Wood


    Not a whole lot of success here....Plenty of starters come from rounds 2, 3 and 4

    I think that the model for winning is trading down in the 1st round and collecting picks. The Bills had success with this under Polian and the Patriots have exercised this practice very effectively. Higher draft pick means higher and higher salary. If a high end first round pick doesn't pan out, it can be a terrible financial hit, especially to a small market team.

  9. I hate Marshall Faulk. He was a great player, but is usually a Bills hater on NFL Network. He just said on the pre-game that Fewell is the right guy for the job, should be the head coach of the Bills...because he can motivate players (Fewell was a coordinator with the Rams teams Faulk was on).


    I don't buy it. If Bills Finish 8-8 or god forbid 9-7 (remember when 9-7 would be a disappointment? Neither do I) then yes, I would agree he deserves a shot but there is a lot of football left and when the Bills finish 7-9 yet again Fewell won't even find a DC job in the NFL next year. He'll land a job, but as a secondary coach not DC.


    God forbid 9-7?!?! 9-7 and we have a legit shot at a playoff spot! It will have also meant that Fewell would have gone 6-1 (narrowly losing his first game on the road.) I would be JUST FINE with this outcome.


    Granted, I get what your saying about 9-7 being a let down during the "glory years". BUT we are far removed from that. Considering the past decade...and the start to this season...I'm absolutely pleased.

  10. OK... lets have it, what's everyone eating for BUFFALO GAMENIGHT?


    We got Sabres/Habs


    We got Bills/Jets


    The only question is, what are partaking in for refreshment?


    Ye Ole' is having hot dogs, topped with diced fresh peaches, chopped scallions, and a delectable fruit chutney.



    Has Ye Ole' been drinking since noon? :cry:

  11. Probably doesn't merit it own thread. But I can't stand Young as a analyst. I find him arrogant and uniformed, with the exception to QB play.


    ESPN was doing a Bills vs Jets game preview...around 46 seconds in Young talks about a Jets vs. Dolphins match up instead... :cry:


    Moron. Am I missing something? Unless I'm a total idiot....I feel as though if your giving a brief breakdown on a game, you should be able to get the two teams right...



  12. I would think that if we switched to the 3-4 though we would be better prepared to face it on sunday. Last year we went 1-8 against 3-4 fronts and 6-1 against 4-3 fronts. Its obvious that we are not able to prepare successfully to go up against that kind of scheme.



    This may have some validity. Honestly, though, I think that our biggest liability in facing the 3-4 has been Trent's ability to read it.

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