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Everything posted by billsfreak

  1. You think this team is losing fans now? Watch this moronic new regime trade Evans and see how many more real fans give up on this organization. This team is a disgrace. I know there are alot of Evans haters on this board, he was without a doubt the best player the Bills had on offense against the Jaguars, and even Evans haters have to see that if they aren't blind. I don't care what a QB rating says, Fitz was awful sunday. Two plays in a row he couldn't hit the receiver, just 5 yards to the side of him. He reminded me of Rick Ankiel when he was still pitching for the Cardinals and couldn't hit the catcher. Might have been the worst throws any QB has ever thrown with a Buffalo on their helmet.
  2. '"It's terrible," said safety Donte Whitner. "It's 0-5. We're the laughingstock of the National Football League. I think we're losing fans by the minute."' Might be the first thing that Lil' Donte has said that makes sense and is 100% accurate. Maybe all those hard hits he is putting on people 30 yards downfield are knocking some sense into him?
  3. I just read that article a few minutes ago, and it is quite refreshing to know that so many people feel exactly like I do. Glad to know that the mismanagement of the team has ruined a part of my life that was sacred, sunday afternoons. So many of the fond memories of my life, and I am in my late forties, involve either going to the games when I was young, watching them around the world on TV during my 20 years in the Navy, meeting several of the players here in Virginia Beach at Bruce Smith's golf tourney, or just talking about football with friends and actually being able to smile when I talk about my Bills. The truth is, Ralph has never been a good owner, he got lucky a few times hiring relatively unknowns, that weren't expensive at the time (Polian, Levy) and he sat back and watched them turn the franchise into some of the few winning years we have had since the 1960's. All most Bills fans are asking for is for the team to be competitive and have a chance. We might be the only team, year in and year out, who doesn't have a chance, in this league where teams go from last to first almost every year. Reading this article was almost like I was talking to myself, it expresses to a tee, the exact way I am feeling about the team that I have given so much of my heart to over the years.
  4. If you have to sit and watch this minor league team on the field, it better be a "all you can drink" section.
  5. Why do we want to draft a loser? Because he will fit right in with our loser owner, F.O. and loser coaching staff. Besides they have been doing it for over a decade, why stop now? You think Edwards had a bad record here? Check out his record at Stanford. I wouldn't trade a soiled pair of underwear for Jason Peters.
  6. If these greedy millionaires and billionaires actually cancel the 2011 season fighting over billions, I am not sure how many fans are going to give a horses ass if there even is a draft in 2012. They will lose alot of fans, just like baseball did in 1994 when they cancelled half the season and the World Series. I for one used live to watch baseball, since 1994 I rarely even put it on the TV. The league could give the Bills the first 10 picks and they would still find a way to mess it up. New England would pick 75th in order and still draft a better player than any we would take with the first 10.
  7. Actually I was thinking about buying the team, but then I remembered I spent all my extra money on tickets, jerseys, memorabilia, souvenirs of this terrible team that Mr. Wilson has run into the ground. Wish you would have said something a few decades earlier. How exactly are you 100% sure it was tight ass Ralphie's idea and his only? I don't see this owner forcing anyone to spend his money. I think you are 100% off on this topic. I think it was Nix and Gailey, because they knew this was going to be one of, if not the worst team in the NFL for the near future (2 or 3 seasons), and wanted someone with locker room leadership, whether he performs on the field or not. Not saying I agree with it, but they are going to turn this team into a roster of young kids for the most part, and wanted a little experienced leadership in the locker room. But does it matter? Batman and Robin are making a bigger mess of a team that it didn't seem possible that it could get any worse.
  8. And you never said or laughed at a Michael Jackson joke? Or any other celebrity? Please get off your high horse.
  9. Not defending the extension to Kelsay, but I seriously doubt that the reason that most of the remaining home games won't be sellouts is because they extended Kelsay's contract. There are going to be a ton of empty seats because Ralph has let this team go to crap, and is the joke of the league. Fans are finally waking up to this.
  10. Did you ever think that maybe they just wanted to see what it feels like to extend a player? Since going by your standards, there is nobody on this roster that warrants an extension. I guess since Edwards was released, Kelsay has become this boards whipping boy and the blame for almost everything going wrong with the team. If you wanna point fingers, point them at the man who had the press conference and the guy who signs his paycheck.
  11. A few things to ponder: 1. Did Nix finally say something because of the media pressure? If so he is pretty spineless and not too sure of his moves himself. 2. If he does have this long term plan (I will believe it when I see it), and it does take 3 or 4 years (help!), then is Gailey just a body like alot of the players are to get to that point? A cheap hire to fill the position, since Nix knew we would suck beyond all expectations? Then when we get close, get a real coach? 3. Is he talking out his rectum to satisfy people? Try to cool the ever rising dislike towards the franchise, owner, coaches, front office and players by the normally super loyal fanbase? My guess is #3, with #1 a close second.
  12. More like "Horton Hears A Who-Drafted a Damn Quarterback!" I ain't paying! That is pretty good for your first post. You will fit in just fine around here. Welcome to Hell.
  13. Please don't say that, please no! We will have Austin Powers for an owner. Actually Ralph might do just as well if he was frozen, maybe even better! 6 total posts on this board and you are already defending Ralphy from a little humor. Don't take stuff on here personally, they will eat you alive.
  14. Exactly, but we are not a good team (not even close-on the field or upstairs) so I guess common sense doesn't apply to the Bills.
  15. Exactly, but we are not a good team so I guess common sense doesn't apply.
  16. You are right, they just had to trade the one player that has done more than any draft pick the team made during the entire decade (with the only possible exception being Schobel). Weren't you the one who said they were done posting on here?
  17. Dude, get real will you? Only a person with no integrity can walk around after watching this mess of an organzation year after year be embarrasing and have the attitude-"I am a Bills fan, we are the greatest, our owner is my hero and I will name all my kids after him, I love how we lose every freaking week because they are my team and it doesn't matter if they win. Let me keep giving Ralph my money for a crappy product, I don't care because I am a Bills fan. I love watching this team suck every sunday, it is so fun. It is so great how Ralph has taken something that has been a huge part of my life and turned it into a smelly piece of fecal matter". Hope you got my point. You can have that attitude, and alot of Bills fans (including myself) did for quite awhile, but come on, look how long it has been that we have been a joke, and the owner doesn't give a crap. He hires cheap, unsuccessful help-keyword is Cheap. He treats fans like they are his slaves, crapping on them then taking their money year after year. This new regime has no plan, they are like a bull in a china shop, just running around knocking stuff over. If you can find everything all rosey and fine with this team, maybe you should start writing fairy tales or children's books, you might have a future.
  18. The guy gets the money he gets and he is at the level of media reporting sports that he is, becuase stories like that are obvious. He is 100% correct, this franchise makes no sense with the moves it makes.
  19. I say they cut Fitz, Brohm and Brown, then let Chan Chan, Nix and Ralph take turns playing QB behind this great offensive line that we have.
  20. If that is what "good teams" do, then why are we doing it? You can't get any further from being a good team than the Bills organization is.
  21. We are deep at DB also, trade Byrd for a 6th rounder and a Philly Cheese Steak to the Eagles. Then turn around and trade Eric Wood to the Rams, so he can be close to home, that should get us tickets to a 3 game Cardinals series. The only difference between the Bills and the Florida Marlins is that they won before they dismantled. This organization is so damn clueless I need a doggie bag.
  22. If that doesn't tell you how clueless this new regime is, than you are in a coma. Seattle tried to give Buffalo a 3rd round pick during the 2010 draft, but the Bills wanted a 2nd rounder-at least. So now they end up sending him to the same team for a 4th round pick. They way they draft, they will waste the pick anyway so why didn't they just release him. If they were going to get rid of any of the 3 running backs, they should have protected Joique Bell before the Eagles could grab him. These guys are morons who leave no hope whatsoever for this team. Do they ever stick to anything that they say? How many times over the past few weeks have they said Lynch isn't on the trade block? Another case of them shooting from the hip. They don't have a plan and have no clue what they want to do.
  23. Same here, I am normally pissed every sunday after looking terrible, but if that scenario played out, I might be in tears, rolling on the floor laughing. Think that might increase the heat on Nix, Chan and the rest of the clowns at OBD?
  24. I hope you have a cane or a dog to help you walk like most blind people do. Where would he have moved it to? If there was a way for Ralph to move this team and make money he would have done it, in a Detroit heartbeat. This team is like a washing machine, new items (FO/Coaches/management) come in, it cycles, then has to start all over again, with no changes.
  25. He is moving up quickly. Lucky for Garrard he had a good game or Edwards might have been moving up even faster. Hope we see him sunday. I hope we win, but if we don't (and we should be used to that), I hope it is because Edwards wins it with a TD pass or something.
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