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Everything posted by billsfreak

  1. No they haven't been as bad as the Bills. They were in the playoffs a few times over the past 5 or 6 seasons, I have to break out the Beta Max tapes to remember when the Bills were in last in the playoffs. If only Ralph had the desire to win that Snyder does and spent some money we might get a winner someday, but not gonna happen. Snyder just needs to let GM Allen make the decisions and continue to be willing to spend money-something Ralph wont do. Plus, they can cut McNabb in the off season and only owe him like 3 million or something.
  2. A "Real Fan" of a team, hopes they win every week, and would never hope their team loses for any reason. Besides, the position in the draft isn't as important as the quality of the draft. Look at the best and most consistent teams in the NFL-Patriots, Steelers, Ravens, Colts, etc. who never draft in the top 20 for the most part much less the first over all pick. Now compare all of their drafts to ours year after year, and one consistent thing is their's are much better drafts every year, regardless of the fact that they pick 15-25 positions after us every year.
  3. I seriously hope you are kidding, because if not that is the dumbest thing ever posted on this website. The last 3 or 4 games of season are all divisional opponents playing each other, so how can they all lose? And even more unrealistic, it is one win against a bad team, don't get too carred away and think we will win the next 7, we might not even win another game? Wow.
  4. Whatever pessimistic sarcasm is on this board, and I have given my share, is just a way for us long time die hard Bills fans to deal with the garbage product on the field and the worst owner in the NFL who has screwed up this organization beyond repair-or at least beyond 5-7 years worth of repair-after he isn't the owner anymore.
  5. Just another head scratcher move from this clueless front office and organization. Why didn't they just give that million and a half or whatever they are paying him to charity? He has already said he wasn't going to be in Buffalo next year no matter what the outcome of this season is.
  6. A couple of them are dumb, but for the most part that is pretty hilarious.
  7. As was my post intended as sarcasm, but no fan, player, owner, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, gay boyfriend or whatever can watch a game and hope their team loses. If you or anyone does, you probably need to go play tiddlewinks with a preschool blind kid, because you aren't a Bills fan. Do you really think drafting a place or two higher will help this front office do good on draft day? The Patriots pick 20-25 picks after us each year, but seem to get much better players, as do the Steelers, Ravens,and a few other teams in the league. Until they hire an NFL caliber front office and coaching staff, the Bills will be one of the few teams that on draft day players cross their fingers and hope they don't get picked by them-much like Jim Kelly did in 1983.
  8. The 'Second Coming' (of Jim Kelly) Now, if the Bills just lose every game thru 2014... Be careful what you wish for....please!
  9. Isn't McIntyre an offensive player? (just busting ur chops) If I had to pick one I would probably say Poz, not because I think he is the best linebacker in the league or anything either. I like the old fashion way he plays, he sticks his head in to anything, normally leads the team in tackles, doesn't run his mouth like alot of todays players do, and he doesn't celebrate after every tackle, he just does his job the best he can.
  10. Replying to When can we seen Brian Brohm? Can he play defense? If not we probably won't see him barring an injury and really shouldn't. Fitz has been making some mistakes, but he still has been playing much better than Brohm will ever play. If we draft a QB high in the draft next year, Brohm won't be around in 2011, unless Fitz doesn't wanna stay as the eventual backup to a rookie.
  11. He was most likely thinking that he wants to get out on the field, prove to the whole NFL who thinks he is washed up that he isn't and then get a contract with a winning team and get out of this mess in Buffalo. He said that he wouldn't be staying in Buffalo before he even arrived there and met anyone, so why is he here? Looking at his past it isn't that much of a stretch to believe that he might say something stupid. Steriods, the whole Tila Tequila thing, the contract holdout even though he has sucked and been injured for the majority of the past 2 and a half seasons. I have read that in a few places, and whether or not they would actually say it, 99% of any players in his same position would be thinking the same-no way am I staying with this losing disfunctional franchise.
  12. What do you have to backup your opinion that Gailey is better than Jauron, other than hope, and maybe a prediction, but it can't be on success as an NFL coach. Gailey took over one of the best teams in Dallas and they went so far downhill so fast that he was handed his walking papers after just two seasons. Jauron in a few years in Chicago has a NFL Coach of the Year trophy on his dresser. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not a huge Jauron fan, and agree that we probably weren't going to do better than 7-9 with him, but I am not that convinced that we will even do that good with the current regime. Now to even compare either of the past two coaches to Marv Levy is silly and makes you look dumber than I am sure you really are. There was alot more on those early 90's teams than Kelly, Smith, Reed and Thomas. What was the first transaction the Bills made after Levy came in-signing an unknown, unwanted Special Teams player named Steve Tasker. Please don't bet your rent money that the Bills will be making noise in the AFC East next year then some "serious noise" in the playoffs after that, because I would hate to see you homeless. This new regime has already blown their first draft, maybe worse than any draft the Bills have had in nearly a decade. Gailey is obviously lost in trying to use Spiller, whom they foolishly used the #9 overall pick on, when they had glaring weaknesses at just about every position on the team except running back. He played as big a part two days ago in losing, basically throwing away a timeout that was vital in challenging a call that a blind nun in a coma wouldn't havce challenged. There are not many coaches in the league, if any that would have done better than Jauron did with the cast of players that he was given and the injuries over the past two seasons, but somehow, this year they are doing worse with basically the same roster yet healthier than last year.
  13. You are living in a fantasy world. Of course businessmen have the right to profit from their investments, and if Ralph made this team better, he stil would be profiting, you can't lose money owning a team in the NFL. The equivalent of Ralph would be if Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, just decided to pocket all his money and not improve any of his computer programs/games, would that be a good example of a businessman running his company good? I hardly doubt so. Any proficiently run business reinvests some of their earnings back into the company, to make the company better, Ralph doesn't even dream about doing that. He is a money hungry old coot who has the best interest of his team, organization, the fans and WNY so far down on his list, that it might not as well even be there at all. You can go ahead and keep believing the BS tha that you do about the great Mr. Wilson and his genious plan to keep the Bills in Buffalo, I will stay with the other 99% of Bills fans and believe the obvious truth.
  14. There was way more than one difference in the two teams today. 1. Pass rush, we had none, they chased Fitz all day. 2. The Bears O-Line was criticized all year, but are way better than ours. 3. Cutler made far less mistakes than Fitz did. 4. We have no running backs with any power, Forte ran all over our small defense. 5. They severely out coached us, Gailey through away a crucial timeout with the challenge at the end of the game. 6. They had many more fans than the Bills did-now that is FU'ed considering it was one of our "home" games.
  15. That is easy, he can't block. He is a total liability in the passing game when it comes to blocking, and until he begins to learn it you won't and shouldn't see him out there.
  16. The ultimate goal of that group is to bring the team and all of the games to Toronto. There are substantial rumors that they are discussing at least doubling the number of games in Toronto if not nearly a 50/50 split. Using this series to keep the Bills in Buffalo was just a lame ass excuse by Ralph to fatten his wallet. Mine was a short sighted post? Really? If you really believe what you post, and not that this is only to put money in Ralphs pocket, or even step one to move even more games if not all of them to Toronto, than you personally live in a short sighted world.
  17. Ralph really sold out his team, his fanbase, the players and any team sponsors by pocketing nearly 80 million dollars to play 3 preseason and 5 regular season games in Toronto. In all three regular season games so far, the Bills were the visiting team, with the exception of the markings on the field. All three games the other team had more fans than the Bills did in one of their supposedly eight "home" games. We only have 7 home games every year compared to every other team in the league having 8 (with the rare exception of a team playing in England or wherever Goodell sends them). The players don't like it, Whitner pretty much said they probably win today if they were in Buffalo, as there was no crowd noise to interfere with Cutler calling plays. This team is already at a disadvantage with the NFL's worst and cheapest owner, the worst and most inexpensive front office, a coaching staff that was purchased at the Dollar Tree store, and a small and relatively less rich economy, and Ralph throws one more obstacle for the team to overcome. I don't see where he has put any of the millions he got for this deal anywhere but his wallet, he sure doesn't spend it on the team or oganization. It shows you what the majority of us have always known, Ralph puts the almighty dollar way above being a successful franchise, which has in turn led to this team being the laughing stock of the NFL.
  18. All of them, that is the only correct answer if you think you are a real fan!
  19. I doubt this guy is a shadow of himself from a few years and doubt he will ever stay healthy without the roids but I say go for it. What do we have to lose? What harm can it do-mess up the chemistry of the defense? We are 0-7 and our defense sucks, it cant make it any worse. Anyone who has ever read my posts knows I am far from a Ralph supporter or crony, but thisbteam wont be good for years so maybe he can add a little excitement. Besides who wod you rather watch Merriman or Maybin?
  20. They are 5-2 and a mess? What does that make us a natural disaster? Wouldn't it be nice to be 5-2, you can could call us anything you want and it wouldn't matter.
  21. Unless 8-10 quarterbacks either get injured or decline to go, there is no way they send Fitzy. You have Manning, Brady, Rivers, Roethlisberger, Flacco and a few others that would have to be unable to play before they got desperate, numbers don't mean that much, especially the useless QB rating system. Besides, my guess is, if we revisit this issue in about 4 or 5 weeks, we will laugh that it was even discussed, as I am sure Fitzy will come back down to earth.
  22. Proof? Link? Probably not, like I thought. But you are correct on the Nix/Whaley regime-they have only totally blown one draft-so far!
  23. Not quite sure what you might be smoking, but don't keep it to yourself. It is common for terrible teams like the Bills to play above their heads coming off of a bye week, look at the Panthers this past weekend. This team doesn't know how to win yet, so let's concentrate on getting one win before you start dreaming about .500, this team might be 3 or 4 seasons away from .500 with this current coaching staff and front office. Was the Bills performance agains the Ravens promising, heck yea, but don't get carried away after one decent game, which by the way we lost because of some of the same stupid mistakes that they make every week, we outplayed them-just ask Ed Reed.
  24. The head referee was also from Pittsburgh.
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