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Everything posted by billsfreak

  1. I kinda agree with the list. From 2000 to present: Buffalo Bills -1 winning season, 0 playoff appearances Oakland Raiders - 3 winning seasons, 3 division titles, 1 Super Bowl Appearance and an 8-8 record in 2010. I agree that Al Davis is a complete kook, but he really isn't much different than Ralph when you consider they are both too old and senile to be owners anymore, both of their better days and useful days as an owner are way in the rear view mirror. The two biggest differences in the two are Davis looks even more dead than Ralph does, but he isn't afraid to open his wallet, even though most of the time nowadays it is on stupid contracts. Have they made bad trades and first round picks, yes they have but obviously no worse than we have. Miami-Just the fact that you said they are up and down each year eliminates them, since we stay down. Plus during this timeframe they have 6 winning seasons and 3 playoff appearances, and 3 division titles. Cincinnati-during this timeframe, 2 winning records, 3 8-8 seasons, 1 division title, 2 playoff appearances-no comparison Carolina-3 winning seasons, 2 8-8 seasons, 3 division titles, 1 Super Bowl Appearance-not even close San Francisco-2 winning seasons, 1 8-8 seasons, 2 playoff appearances, 1 division title, just hired the most coveted head coach out there while we hired one nobody wanted, and have a trophy case full of Lombardi Trophies-Not in the same conversation You are right that in most cases the NFL is cyclical, but apparently not in our case as we stay down, and for the most part the Patriots stay up. I have covered every team that you have attempted to compare us to with regards to futility, but it really is justifiable that this organization is ranked at the dead bottom, as it should be, and probably will be until we have new ownership. I would take the owner that wants to win desperately every time, eventually they will get lucky and win. Kinda like buying lottery tickets, if you don't buy any there is no chance you will win, but if you buy them and spend your money, at least there is hope that someday your numbers will come in.
  2. You are correct. Everyone talks about how he is this offensive genius, and quarterback guru, but he really hasn't done anything here yet, or in the NFL period for that matter to be ranked very high. He took over the same team pretty much as the year before, except healthier and won less games? That isn't going to shoot you up the list of coaches rankings.
  3. Ralphie and Mike Brown of the Bengals stand alone as the NFL's Cheapies, head and shoulders above anyone else. But in their favor though, they were the only two owners that voted against the CBA that expired, of which a few years later just about every owner agreed that it wasn't a good agreement for them and opted to take the out clause on it. I guess the moral of the story is, if you want to make money take advice from the cheapest people on the block, since that is what they are all about.
  4. Not true=Try "Marv Levy" none for that either.
  5. The biggest difference between the two though, and I have never been a Star Wars fan at all, is Lucas puts a quality product out just about every time while Ralphy hardly if ever does.
  6. Those are all just individual's opinions, as I saw a list just last week on the same website that had him at #21. I personally would put him somewhere in between 21 and 29 myself.
  7. Success if far and few between with this organization. And you are correct in that having an owner who is committed to winning is no guarantee, but there is one guarantee and that is an owner who doesn't give a crap about winning, there wont be any winning-see the Bills for reference. Winning wasn't pure luck, but dont be dumb enough to credit Ralph for it, give it to Polian, the coaching staff and maybe even the rest of the front office as well as some over acheiving players, but what did Ralph do with the intent of winning? He hired a nobody GM that was cheap, he hired a nobody head coach, who had a losing record in K.C. because he was cheap. Like I said he got lucky, it is plain to see.
  8. Chan Gailey-A Aching Lye Ralph Wilson-Shall Rip Now or Has Will Porn Buddy Nix-By Dud Nix Thurman Thomas-Mama Hon Thrust
  9. Maybe the most appropriate one ever: Marshawn Lynch: Crash Lawn Hymn
  10. Ryan Fitzpatrick= Panicky Tart Friz
  11. Exactly, how many Bengal fans do you think like Mike Brown? Good luck finding even one. Liking the owner and liking the team are two completely different things. So if someone has a problem with Bill Gates, they shouldn't use a computer with any Microsoft (windows) applications on it? If you think the CEO of General Motors is messed up, does that mean you can't drive a GM car? Bottom line is, the only thing over the past 2 decades that anyone can say positive about Ralph is that he kept the Bills in Buffalo, well that has been his only golden ticket for half a century now, time to move on from that issue and look at the facts. This is probably the worst run organization in the NFL, perennially one of the worst win/loss records, most players don't want to come here unless it is their only option. That all points to the owner, the only constant in the organization over this 2 decade debacle. Someone said Ralph doesn't owe the fans anything, well I disagree, if he expects the fans to put over their hard earned money for tickets, merchandise, etc., he owes it to he fans to at least make a solid effort to put a good team on the field and he hasn't really ever done that. The great teams of the nineties were pure luck on his part that he hired an unknown in Bill Polian who he eventually chased out of town for personal differences, just like he chased John Butler out of town and Wade Phillips who was the last coach to take us to the playoffs, and Ralph fought to get out of paying him what he owed him.
  12. Last year they included HD in the base program and made the higher option, I think they call it Superfan, the ability to watch it on your computer and phones. They tried to sneak that past me last year, automatically included Superfan on my bill because I paid for HD the previous 6-7 years, when you had to have Superfan to get HD. Prior to that you had to pay extra to see it in HD, but I am sure they got alot of bitching about that since most people now have HD televisions.
  13. Thurman was probably a better all around back, but he was on much better teams too, with other offensive threats. For my money, O.J. was the third most exciting back in NFL history with the ball in his hands behind only Barry Sanders and Walter Payton. Due to the fact that everyone on the field, the sidelines and in the stands knew the juice was getting the ball and he still couldn't be stopped, I have to go with O.J. Also, you can ask almost anyone who the top 10 backs in NFL history are, and anyone old enough to see him has to say O.J.'s name in that group, if not even in the top 5, but you won't often hear Thurman's name in that group.
  14. The first one that comes to my mind is Gale Sayers. He had a short great career, but if he stayed healthy or maybe even if they had the medical technologies back then that they do now, it might have been his record that Emmitt Smith broke. A few others that come to mind are Sterling Sharpe, Bo Jackson, Terrell Davis, Tony Boselli and even Joe Namath, although he is also in the HOF like Sayers is. As far are Bills, I would say Jerry Butler and Chris Spielman. Same can be said for Steve Young. Trent Edwards-That concussion against Arizona derailed a potentially Hall of Fame career.
  15. No doubt. Henne=borderline total bust. Sanchez=2 years in the NFL, 2 years starting, 2 straight AFC Championship games. Only a fool would say they were equal. I don't think Sanchez is great, he could be, he might not, he has a way to go, but he has been heads and shoulders above Henne. What's next? Someone going to say that Fitz is better than Sanchez?
  16. I kinda think that ownership and front office are graded a little too high? Other than that, nothing that isn't unexpected.
  17. You might be dreaming!
  18. This board like any other site online if for people to rant, rave, discuss topics, get things off your chest, confess your man love for certain players, etc. But, if you think anything you or I or anyone else has ever said, or will ever say on here has ever or will ever accomplish anything with this team that we all love that Ralph has run into the ground, I have some bad news for you. Nobody who makes even the smallest decisions at OBD gives a crap what is said on here, that isn't the purpose of this site.
  19. And what is it that the Buffalo Bills or the NFL usually do produce in the March/April/May/June timeframe that they aren't producing this year that brings in money? So on sundays you sit and say to everyone let's see how Ralph Wilson does today against the Jets? I sure don't, I cheer for the Buffalo Bills because they are my home team, and I have always had a love for them. A fan of the team isn't being a fan of the owner, otherwise most people would be Patriot or Steeler fans, regardless where they are from. By your theory, with regard to music, if you don't like the owner of a record label, you shouldn't like any of the bands/artists or their music. After he took the Panthers to the NFC Championship game in just their second year in existence.
  20. If that was the case we would be lucky to win one game. I don't think new fans are what the Bills need, they need new ownership, players, coaches and front office personnel. Having spent over 20 years in the military and the past 18 years in Virginia, there are Bills fans everywhere, and lots of them, but other than those people, like the previous poster said, they don't care about the Bills, probably think the quality of the organization is minor league (so do most Bills fans), and probably wouldn't watch the Bills play unless it was against their favorite team.
  21. I agree with your post one zillion percent, and every time I mention something similar to your post, I get several people defending Ralphie and telling me to leave if I am only negative. Well you know what is negative-the Bills won-loss record over the past 15 years, and for that matter the entire history of the franchise. If Ralph isn't the worst owner in the entire NFL than he is no doubt team captain in the team photo. The only real stretch of success this organization has had that has lasted more than 3 or 4 years was in the late 80's to mid 90's and he tore that apart getting rid of people like Bill Polian and Butler. You are correct in that his biggest contribution to anything relating to football was in the early days and the establishment of the AFL, since then it has been all about money for him. He obviously doesn't give a crap about his legacy, as he obviously doesn't have enough time left to spend all his money, he is out living most of the people he would leave anything to, and he is still content to go out with his organization being one of, if not the biggest joke in the NFL. People will criticize both of us, but look at the 2010 and 2011 schedules-how many times are the Bills in prime time? None because people outside of us die hard Bills fans who are willing to be tortured (although some of us speak our minds, others live in a fantasy world with rose colored glasses), even know/care that we exist. It is kind of a no-win situation, as this team will never be a winner again until Ralph is no longer the owner, but when that time comes, they might not even be in Buffalo anymore. I have been cheering on the Bills for over 40 years, have made the trip from Virginia to training camp every year for nearly two decades, and will die a Bills fan, but sometimes you just have to voice your feelings and get some of the disgust and frustration off of your chest and be vocal, instead of running around with a big smile on your face and a "Ralph for President" T-shirt saying how great he is because he kept the Bills in Buffalo-because that is the only positive thing anyone can say about him that has happened in the past 35 years.
  22. 10. If you even think there is a chance that Ryan Fitzpatrick can actually be a top notch NFL QB you are a Bills fan. 11. If you watch a tape of Super Bowl era Bills games way too often to offset the terrible team from the past decade and a half. 12. If you go to training camp every year and honestly think to yourself "this is the year they turn it around" when the rest of the country knows it will be no different and they will suck, you are a Bills fan. 13. When close losses are a major accomplishment and source of excitement for you, you are a Bills fan.
  23. I think they were already unveiled about a month ago on a video game?
  24. You DO realize that most or all successful owners of major league teams try to find a balance between making a profit and spending enough to be competitive, right? I am guessing you didn't know that by reading your post. Are you in his will or something?
  25. If Nix and Gailey are doing such a "great" job, then why wouldn't they want to show it off? Besides, you are correct, this team has won for the most part somewhere between 2-7 games for a decade and a half now, how do you get any worse of a "loser attitude"?
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