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Everything posted by billsfreak

  1. BILLS GET NO RESPECT !!! You know, after over 20 years in the Military, I was always told one thing, and that is that "Respect is earned, not given to you." What have the Bills done over the past decade and a half to earn any respect at all? They have gone longer then any other team in the NFL (tied with the Lions I believe) without making the playoffs, they have one winning season in the past decade or so. Ownership is a joke. Front office and drafting for the most part has been a joke. Coaching for the most part since Wade Phillips was forced out by our maniacal owner has been a joke. The Bills had respect in the late 80's and early to mid 90's, why? It wasn't because the fans wanted people to respect them, it was because they put wins on the scoreboard. How much respect do you see given to the Pirates in baseball? Well there are alot of similarities that suggest we are pretty much the Pittsburgh Pirates of the NFL. Win and respect comes, it isn't something you have to ask for, it is part of the process.
  2. Your story is somewhat relevant to smoking at the Ralph. I can totally understand not wanting to breath second hand smoke, I am an ex-smoker. But, your deck is way, way closer to you and your family then the smoking area at the stadium was to the seats of the people who are on here saying it bothered them. Not to mention, that trailer and deck is your property, you can do what you want there.
  3. I hope you are right also, but the Bills have an old stadium, the 4th lowest attendance in the NFL in 2010, and an owner who most assume doesn't have a whole lot of years left as owner, so the ownership of the team will be changing. From what I have heard about the new CBA the owners are working on, it only requires 24 of the owners to go along with it, and right not that doesn't seem a problem, so when Ralph and Mike Brown shoot it down again, again it won't matter. What might hurt the Bills is, supposedly there is a stipulation in the new CBA that the minimum cap, which they have raised to try to encourage the players to agree, is going to be 90-93% of the salary cap. As a fan, I think that is great, if they spend it right, they should be contenders, but history shows that often isn't the case.
  4. I read an article yesterday where Russ was there be he packed up and left? Not sure what that means, or what to think of it.
  5. Exactly. I am one of Ralph's biggest critics on this board, and continue to think that he is one of if not the worst owner presently in the NFL. I have never been a "hater" of Ralph, and never will be. I like Ralph as a person, have met him once in Canton in 2002 and thought he was somewhat friendly. I appreciate all he has done for Buffalo, but do get tired of hearing "He kept the Bills in Buffalo", which he did and I am greatful for, but over the past 20 or so years that is about the only positive thing people keep bringing up over and over again with regards to his ability to be a successful owner in the NFL.
  6. Dude, you are really looking close? My guess is this guy is part of Ralph's succession plan.
  7. I agree, if Ralph gave a rat's ass about the fans in Buffalo, he would sell now or at least publish a succession plan, so the best fans in the NFL knew what to look forward to. Just another knife in the back of the Bills fans by Ralph, who like someone else said, has held Western New York hostage for a couple decades now. You kinda get the sense that his thinking is, "who gives a crap what happens to the fans of the Buffalo Bills after I am gone, I won't be here to listen to them whine."
  8. If the IQ of the jury was 60, the IQ of the prosecution's team was about 40 then, they are the reason that O.J. walked from that trial. O.J. had a defense team of the top lawyers in the country, they didn't need the prosecutions help, which they got anyway. Kinda funny though, so many of the media's legal type reporters have big careers now, and a few of them their own shows because of that trial. Between having him try on that glove and not doing their homework before they called Mark Furhman (the racists cop) up to testify, they screwed themselves.
  9. I thought everyone, even non-Bills fans knew this. Buffalo was at least Ralph's third choice, after his beloved Detroit who already had an NFL team and Miami. What is next, is someone going tell us that the Bills used to play in the AFL?
  10. I think they mean that if the Bills only had to go 80 yards they might score a little more. If you have a little bit of a sense of humor and face reality it is kinda funny.
  11. Not saying this from memory or as a fact, but my guess is you and many others werent saying that the four games before he took that hit in Arizona when the Bills were 4-0 and the only undefeated team left in the entire NFL.
  12. Pretty sure that is the same Peter King who some people on this board rip from one end to the other every time he tells the truth about the Buffalo Bills.
  13. We will have to agree to disagree, it is the same air in the stadium that it is in the parking lot, and people breath the same way. It has been a long time since it has been legal for someone to sit in the seat right next to you and light up (I know people have snuck a smoke in), which is way different than being stashed in a corner, outside of the tunnels and smoking a cigarette where the air has to travel 50 yards at least to even get to your over sensitive nose. How do some people drive to work, maybe they have a car like the Pope has, with its own air cleaner in it.
  14. No good coach/talent evaluator has ever been fooled by a player making him/them think he is better then he really is. There is too much film to watch for a player to be a David Copperfield with shoulder pads on. That is part of my point, it does seem like they wasted a whole off season of mini camps, training camp, preseason, etc. making Edwards the starter right away, instead of having a valid competition. You can't though credit Edwards with the entire 0-8 start, he only started two games, and wasn't even on the roster for 5 of those 8 losses. You do make a good point though, in that a few years back if they hadn't started Losman, we never would have been able to draft Maybin-oh wait we probably would have, nobody else would have taken him.
  15. That is true, I was just reading yesterday how the fans start tailgating 5 hours before a game. Oh well, it is 4 hours now, gotta change that story. You are wrong, my point is by walking through the parking lot to get to the gate, you are just as close to those people smoking, the grills, etc. as you are when you are in your seat and people are up in a corner out of the stands smoking. Just trying to kill some time playing the Devil's Advocate, but I hope they don't ban farting, those come in handy on those cold game days, kinda sends some warm air up your clothes-and it feels awesome.
  16. Just to be the Devil's Advocate, wouldn't the smoke from the BBQ grills or the exhaust from the campers and RVs, or for that matter the cigarette, cigar and pipe smoking in the parking lot be considered dangerous to other people's health? You do have to walk through the parking lot to get to the stadium. What if a guy next to you after a hard night of drinking at a chili cook-off farts all game long, is that bad for you? Maybe they should have a farting section, or just ban it all together. Money is behind all decisions, or at least plays a big part in all decisions. Banning smoking is an easy decision because they don't make money off of them. One of the biggest (if not the biggest) problems with the health of children in this country right now is obesity, so are those hamburgers, cheese fries, hot dogs, etc. good for them? Ban them too, if they are really worried about kids health. Oh wait, you can't they will lose money. I am a non-smoker myself, but like I said just having some fun playing the Devil's Advocate.
  17. They are all one in the same.
  18. I think any money he earns, with the exception of his NFL pension, will probably go to the families who won the civil suit against them. I am pretty sure he still owes them millions.
  19. I wasn't referring to not playing while he wasn't juiced up (in fact I never mentioned juiced up, you brought that up), I was referring to him not being able to play period. I was being slightly sarcastic since I don't have an NFL Stat book here with me at work, the point still got across. 2007 was quite some time ago in football years. In 2007, the Bills had what looked like it was going to be one of the best drafts in team history, they had their Franchise QB (Edwards), a superstar RB (Lynch), a future HOF LB (Poz), among others. In 2007, people on this board were saying how much they liked Jauron as Head Coach, and he was the guy we have been looking for forever. How did all these turn out, that is how long ago 2007 was. I hope Merrimen stays healthy, plays like he did 5 years ago, and is All-Pro, but the odds are against it, and it is quite risky relying on that to happen like the Bills coaching staff is. That was my only point, not to compare actual statistics from a manual.
  20. You have over 4000 posts, do you ever contribute to a conversation or just worry about what other people post? Besides not having a sense of humor, what do you bring to TBD? My only point was, in a humorous way that I guess most people don't understand (they are both the same race?), why would he confess to her? She doesn't care about O.J. or the victims for that matter, it is a way for her to get a zillion people watching her on TV and to pad her bank account. I seriously doubt that OJ is going to confess to anyone, at least until the day he meets his maker, which appears to be while he is in a jail cell. She is really digging deep to get shows to fill her new OWN Network.
  21. The same coaching staff seems to be planning the defense somewhat around Merriman who also has past suspensions, not to mention has played a total of about 6 or 7 games the past 3 or 4 seasons.
  22. I said I was a "Little" surprised that they were that high, mainly because they were ranked ahead of teams like Pittsburgh and Detroit in the NHL, as well as teams like the Colts, Patriots in the NFL and Cardinals, Yankees, Phillies in MLB as well as a few others. I wasn't saying anything negative, just a little pleasantly surprised.
  23. I agree with Mr. Weo in that Chan had numerous game tapes to see what Edwards could do, he still named him the bonafide starter and future of this franchise early on, then the games came and he was no different than previous years, then 3 weeks into the season he was cut? He named Spiller the starter in week one, he was still lost in week 17?
  24. Why would anyone confess anything to her? She is sexist, racist and takes credit for things she doesn't do. Other than that, she is a pretty nice lady.
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