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Everything posted by billsfreak

  1. The game was in Tampa and he wore a Lightning jersey? What is the issue? Are we to ban him from Buffalo from now on? I thought only people in Cleveland made a big deal about this stuff (Lebron in a Yankee hat). I would be something else if he showed up when the Bills played in Tampa and he wore a Buccaneers jersey, not that it would be life threatening, but he wouldn't do it anyway I don't think.
  2. I agree, Once a whiny B word diva always a whiny B word diva! If they gave him what he wanted, within 2 years he would want to redo it again.
  3. Can you name one DL coach in the league? Exactly, they are normally guys just starting their coaching careers (Kollar is the exception, maybe a reason for it too), and haven't accomplished too much yet. There probably is enough people out there who would take this job to stock 100 teams.
  4. So when did Kollar become this great indespensible coach? Maybe there is a reason why he has been with so many teams for so many years and is still just a D-Line coach. Why worry about him leaving, the way the D-Line played this year, maybe they should have thought about replacing him anyway.
  5. He might not have been the greatest GM, but he is the best we have had since the Polian/Butler regime, no question.
  6. Top 20 in the league? Please pass around what you are smoking!
  7. People working desk jobs don't usually make enough in one year to set them up for life, even if there are people around you who make more than you. Excuse me if there are no pity tears for him not making enough money.
  8. Breaking News! The AFC Pro Bowl quarterbacks threw some money at him so he wouldn't show up. He gave up so many more sacks than any other left tackle in the NFL, they didn't want their career put at risk. Those who say he is the best player on the team are so far off, they should work for NASA-he was the 3rd or 4th best lineman this year. After this past season, if they consider giving into his pay demands that is proof that they are clueless. Nobody put a gun to his head to sign the first contract or the restructured contract that he just signed a couple years ago. If he performed better, even close to as good as he thinks he is, the Bills might have won a few more games, at least the one against the Jets.
  9. No way in Hell! A diva who has health problems for a young stud RB? If they ever made that move, drug tests should be given to all concerned.
  10. He wasn't our best lineman in 2008, not even close. He might have been our worst.
  11. Ben is not a great quarterback now, but a product of a great system. He usually has one exceptional quarter a game and at least one if not two poor quarters per game. His stats are average at best. He has been behind one of the best lines in the NFL his whole career. Has had one of the best defenses his whole career to keep the pressure off of the offense, a defense who has won more games for the Steelers than the offense ever could dream of. The Superbowl they won while he was there was inspite of him not because of him (he had a terrible game), and they actually the won that game as much because of the officials as anything they did-Hines Ward was MVP and he didn't do anything special, there was no one deserving. If we did trade up for him, we wouldn't have had Lee Evans, not that he is best receiver in the league, he probably has been the best player on the Bills over the 5 seasons since that draft. I don't dislike Ben, but he way overrated, largely because of the big Band Wagon/fan base of the Steelers and the success of the team inspite of him. How many games can you remember thinking how Ben won it at the end of the game? I can't think of any, but quite a few come to mind, where the running game or the defense making big plays.
  12. What slip, he didn't slip, he freaking fell on purpose trying to win an academy award or something. It was even a terrible acting job and he still got the call.
  13. He can dominate a game but not like Fitzgerald did, he is a different type of receiver. He might put up 250 yards, but most of the big plays would be because he burned some DB and not because he runs them over.
  14. Word is that Jerry Jones is going to throw 25 mil at him for 3 years to try to get him to Dallas to fix that mess of a locker room. No way in hell, Ralph throws that money at anyone much less someone Lewis' age. He will either be a Raven or a Cowboy is my guess.
  15. I know the bills were hoping to draft Ben, but not sure a huge difference would have resulted. He (Ben) was instantly put into an excellent team with good players and good leaders around him. For 5 seasons now he has been surrounded by a great organization, good coaches and a excellent defense, all of these items taking pressure off of him so he could learn. If he was in Buffalo, he would have had NONE of these thing listed above, so there is a chance his career might not be off to much better of a start than J.P.'s is.
  16. I think he was an excellent pickup. Great attitude, can be a game changer with big plays, and does his talking on the field. He might not of had the numbers he put up last year, but he had so much more help around him on the Giants than here. If we could find another just like him for the other side, we woudln't even want to consider bringing Crowell back.
  17. I would have to agree with the pick. Although he is nowhere close to Pro Bowl level, he probably was the most consistent. A handful of players had 2 or 3 outstanding games, but in between or around those games, had terrible ones. That in addition to him having the speaker in his helmet calling the defenses, gives his the nod. I would have to say the closest to him would be Terrence McGee and he had a couple games where his nickname was "Toast."
  18. They play 16 games?
  19. I think you are on to something here? All 3 of those guys are in the Hall of Fame. So that is what Andre Reed is missing!
  20. Lynch tried to be, he just needs to aim with his SUV better next time.
  21. That was on the CD from 1994 season. I bought it at the season opener against the Jets, in which they got stomped and the Superbowl era was ended from that game on.
  22. I dont think I missed anything. Any coach will tell you that ST are a third of the game and having been to dozens of practices myself, they don't spend anywhere near a third of the practice on ST's. How has the game changed since Tasker was the ST ace for the Bills? And I mean changes that affect the way you would stock your roster, not just rule changes.
  23. Tyra could shave her head and she would look good. Actually, the show went uphill when Lyla went from Miss Goody Two Shoes, to Miss Religious to a Nympho in season 3.
  24. It is often brought up that he has never had legal problems, and yes that is true. There has however, never been a more "me" player in the history of the NFL. He is the biggest team killer in organized sports history. Despite his amazing athletic abilities (and his frequent drop history), if things aren't going his way, he can, has and will destroy the team single handedly. The thought of him in Buffalo makes me cringe, we have enough problems now.
  25. I agree this rule is one sided but in this case they didn't have to interview anyone no matter what race they were, because he was already on the staff. He also was named the next head coach a few years ago, as soon as Dungy stepped down.
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