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Everything posted by billsfreak

  1. For the past month the Peter King bashing went away because he was one of the only media types to give the Bills any hope/credit. Now because the Pats are higher than us, it starts again? Who really cares what he says? Does it affect the Bills on the field? Are the playoff teams determined based on Peter King's rankings?
  2. You are partly correct, but I felt in the first half the calls were going against us. The call against Byrd when he hit Welker was one of the biggest BS calls I have ever seen. Welker is only 4 feet tall, and when he caught the ball he took a step and lowered his head at the last second. Byrd had nowhere else to hit him but his helmet.
  3. It is about 10-12 weeks too early to even start this thread. Hopes are high, but it is only two games.
  4. Any coach or player worth his salt will tell you the most important game of the season is the next one.
  5. And nobody can honestly say that they thought that at that time either?
  6. You are correct. Over his past 18 games, Brady has 43 TDs and just 5 picks, so Fitz really needs to refrain from throwing even a single one this weekend for us to have a chance. One of the biggest keys in my opinion is going to be whether or not we can figure out how to get pressure on Brady. Watching him last week against SD, he was given all day to find a receiver, and any QB, much less one of the greatest to ever play, is going to find an open reciever 99% of the time when given all day to look for one.
  7. I am one who has never believed that Fitz is a true franchise QB, but if he continues to play like he has, and hopefully continues to improve, I would never pay him Brady, Manning or Brees money, but an extension for a few years with a hefty raise would be much earned. As far as Fred Jackson, whom I am a big fan of, he has two more years on his deal, at which time he will be 32 years old (I believe), which at that point is the time when running backs usually fade into obscurity. Once you get a good system going, with a good line, running backs are fairly easy to replace (see Denver under Shanahan), so I wouldn't throw big bucks at Fred either. I would extend Johnson in a heart beat, but if he thinks he is worth Fitzgerald money, he is crazy. He has one really good season under his belt, and has a ton of talent and potential, but you don't give him that kind of money. If he takes a mid tier contract, which is still up there in the bucks, and doesn't think he deserves Fitz money, get it done, otherwise, let him test free agency, he isn't worth those top tier bucks. They have already extended the best young player on this roster in Williams, and you don't want to keep everyone. If the roster doesn't change, can you really get that much better? It has nothing to do with beliefs, every team had to pay the draft picks according to where they were slotted? Is it that hard to comprehend? I am not sure what you are even talking about signing every pick to $10 million dollar deals? You aren't making much sense today.
  8. What would you expect from PTR? Ralph, just like any other owner, had no choice to pay the top picks relative to the area where they were slotted like you said. He brings up Spiller, and who was, I beleive the second to last player signed from the entire 2010 draft? Of course, trying to talk the contract as low as they could. It was a crappy comparison for sure. With regards to the OP, there is one constant with this organization going way back to when Gogolak left, and only one constant. I also like the players we have here, still short on talent in a few areas to be a true playoff contender, but it seems like they are finally headed in the right direction, but that can all change very quickly. Just have to play it week by week and hope they keep playing better as time goes on.
  9. Just buy him an entire KFC for that matter.
  10. Bruschi is an idiot, who hopefully someone someday jams their "Happy Sock" in his mouth, but with this statement he is actually quite accurate. Of course there are always exceptions, as in anything, but even on Fitz's best games he usually throws 2-3 passes right to the defender. Against Oakland, that number was probably 5-6 times, but luckily they didn't catch but one of them. Fitz is a smart QB, and rarely makes the wrong decision, but he doesn't always execute great. What I mean is, you won't find a smarter QB, who plays any harder then him in the NFL, but at times his physical tools are limited or don't execute like his brain is telling them too.
  11. If the Bills win, who gives a rat's ass what those people say? Really, does it affect anything? They can say that an imposter was in Brady's uniform, and if the Bills win it won't make me feel any less excited.
  12. No you get your facts straight. People were saying Poz for Morrison because he came from the Jags-where Poz went to.
  13. No doubt. If all pics had a name I guess this would be "Boots and Butts".
  14. Seeing how several people on here were saying we got the better end of the Poz for Morrison swap, I am sure Poz played more then 3 snaps a game several times. The unwarranted hate on this board for ex-Bills is ridiculous.
  15. Now that puts a whole new spin on "injury prone", when you get hurt during pre game announcements?
  16. Not sure what "all the reports" are that you are reading, but most of the reports I have seen mention that the Pats defense isn't all that great. I have read where the offense if pretty much unstoppable, and so far it has been. Not sure where you read all that other crap about Woodhead, Gronkowski and Welker, kinda think you are exaggerating a little bit. That team can be beaten, and it can be beaten by the Bills, but the Bills have to play a complete game, not just a half of a game by the offense and the defense has to show up alot better then they did against the Raiders the entire game. Fingers crossed, I would love to see an upset, but if they can make it competitive the whole game, that will at least show that this team really is making progress in the right direction. I understand your humor, but the Dolphins didn't go 19-0, there were only 14 regular season games back when they went undefeated.
  17. I remember that, in fact I think he ended up playing a few games that season and looked pretty good. I remember picking up a few of his rookie cards and stashing them just in case he turned out to be anything. Now I have to remember where I stashed them. lol
  18. You could very well be correct, since when they showed him leaving the field in K.C., was the only time in two games I have even heard his name mentioned on TV. If it continues, I would suspect his playing time decreases now that Moats is supposedly healthy.
  19. Take a deep breath and relax, everything is going to be OK.
  20. I believe that if you can manage to use the other team to leap that is totally legal, but you cannot use your teammate to springboard or jump on their back to get up higher.
  21. I am not one to defend the Bills FO, but didn't Freddie just get a new contract a year or two ago? I don't blame any organization for not wanting to redo contracts every other year, same thing that Jason Peters wanted. If I am correct, they gave Fred a contract that pays him much more than his original undrafted free agent contract did. On the other hand, a running back's career is normally so short, you can understand them wanting to cash in. Has Fred himself said anything about wanting a new contract or is it just TBD discussion?
  22. And you translated that to read "Brady thinks the guy is faking his injury?" reading a little too much into it don't you think?
  23. I am not defending him, just pointing out how stupid your post was. Do you have a psychology degree or something, so you can tell what someone is thinking by the face he makes? You really shouldn't tell anyone not to sound stupid, look in the mirror.
  24. He (or his people) make a donation somewhere this time of year, almost every year. Gotta get those tax write-offs in. Invest it in the team, then I will be impressed. Him giving a million to anywhere that doesn't have to do with the Buffalo Bills has nothing to do with how good of an owner he is-it's business.
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