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Everything posted by billsfreak

  1. You are wrong there, he renegotiated when he became a starting lineman. He wants a new deal every other year, it is getting old.
  2. Sounds similar to what it was like when Lee Evans got his new deal/extension. He never bitched/moaned, held out-he came in and gave 100% in both practice and games. I don't recall too many Superbowls that he has won. This posts in pretty accurate.
  3. Now you are dreaming, he has a gun charge against him, not to mention a hit and run from last year. Those are actually more serious charges than Pacman has had. Saying sorry doesn't right a wrong, otherwise courtrooms would be full of people saying they were sorry.
  4. If the truth was known, the Bills would rather probably trade the first vice the second, for the same reason teams don't want to move up in the draft, the lower the pick, way less money is required to sign them.
  5. Who pissed in your Wheaties? I don't recall anyone besides you ever coming on this board and saying trade every starter. Many have said trade Peters, and I agree if he doesn't want to play and only wants to B word and moan, get his ass out of here by draft day. Lynch, if he doesn't straighten his act up, we won't have to get rid of him, he will Pacman himself out of the league. Sit back and take a deep breath, seems like you are going a little spastic on us.
  6. If he was in town and a trade was being discussed, it was more than likely for the Broncos TE Scheffler and not for Cutler. It seems like a much more likely scenario and a bigger need for the Bills actually.
  7. What a shame this whole situation is, but that is today's thug/spoiled atheletes. He in my opinion is probably the funnest running back to watch that the Bills have ever had, at least in my memory which goes back to the early 1970's, with his running style and energy he brings (before every jumps on this statement, I said "funnest" not "best", he isn't O.J. or Thurman). There isn't a whole lot of these type of young players that stop at 2 incidents, when there is 2 there is most likely going to be more. As much as it would suck on the field, it might be time to get rid of him while we might still get something for him, after all, running back is probably the easiest skill position to fill on a team, either through the draft, trade or FA.
  8. They are about as close as Star Jones is to being the world's most beautiful woman!
  9. who cares? If he isn't on the Bills who gives a crap what he says about them.
  10. He has pretty much been a bust every since the 49ers gave him that big contract a few years ago. It would make just as much sense to bring Ruben Brown back as a backup, he hasn't officially retired yet I don't believe.
  11. I am still stuck at the title of your post. More than a Playoff Team? I am still waiting for the day when we are a Playoff Team much less more than a Playoff Team.
  12. He would never sign it and his agent would make sure he didn't.
  13. I wouldn't mind seeing him stay in Buffalo, but I think it is pretty much unlikely, if what I read is true and they are talking figures with the Bucs.
  14. When you say they signed the biggest FA-I am guessing you meant F*cking Assh*le, he sure wasn't the biggest Free Agent, by any stretch. When was the last time the biggest Free Agent in the NFL was only wanted by one team and they made a list of teams that wanted no part of him-I call it the Common Sense List.
  15. I don't see him averaging 100 yards a game, since that is what it is going to take missing probably the first 4 games with a inevitable suspension. Also, with our new Prima Donna #81, the passing game is going to me more of a focus than last year.
  16. I would disagree, I think at least Cato June would be an upgrade. Freddy K. would be about an even swap, minus the bridges that Crowell burned last year with his last minute surgery choice.
  17. I think they are waiting for T.O.'s approval before they sign anyone.
  18. You never know what you are getting with Peters either. Maybe the excellent Pro Bowl tackle from 2007 or the whiny, lazy, underachieving suck *ss tackle from 2008.
  19. How about if we give T.O. a shot at rushing the passer? He has already turned us from a last place joke of a team to Super Bowl favorites according to this board at times.
  20. I have been stating the obvious based on these facts for two months, but on this board people must be looking at that list upside down. One guy yesterday actually stated that sacks was an irrelevant stat-now that is a true lack of knowledge.
  21. I have been stating the obvious based on these facts for two months, but on this board people must be looking at that list upside down. One guy yesterday actually stated that sacks was an irrelevant stat-now that is a true lack of knowledge.
  22. I say no way do you pay him that much. I don't think based on his 2008 season that he is worth what he is making under his current deal. He is lazy with terrible work ethics. If he gets his way this time, in another year or two, after a couple more Pro Bowl selections that he didn't deserve, and a few more lineman sign for more than him, we will go through it all again. Don't do it Buffalo, be smart for a change.
  23. Sacks don't mean anything? Tell JP and Trent that, he was getting them killed all year. If he improved so much later in the year, explain the Jets game?
  24. I don't think there is nothing racial about it. At the time of the extensions, both players were at camp, their play was improving, they weren't bitching and moaning. Peters play declined, he was only on the second year of a new contract at the time, he is as lazy as a sloth. If the Bills are racial, explain Dockery, Langston, Evans, Mitchell, Stroud, etc. are all non-whites who either signed big free agent contracts or got big extension in just the last few seasons.
  25. Marv did overpay him just a couple years ago, in a deal that is only half over.
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