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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. You're right. he does what he pleases. He's such a mistake. and as SJ said a lil while back, he's wayyyy over rated.
  2. I want us to punish the Pats for 5 plus years while Brady is still qb there. Just so when he retires he has a nice bad taste in his mouth when he thinks about the Bills.
  3. If Least Mode had wanted to prove he was a team player and didn't want to be demoted then he would've shown up from day one to learn the new offense. He seems to be wishy washy now. I think he'll be a bit gimpy trying to dance with that big 12 gauge hole in his foot Promo.
  4. It would be nice if Haynesworth had the ethics to care that he was put in his place. But i'm still glad he was put in his place!
  5. You are definitely correct. He is not London Fletcher. In this case London has his teammates' backs.
  6. +1 If a player has any pride, he does what it takes to prove the naysayers wrong. Even if he thought he was going to be traded, at the very least he should act like a professional and work as hard as possible and not show anyone he'll just lay down.
  7. Wood sets a great example. I don't see too many Bills players complaining about their aches and pains and being able to look Wood in the eye. I hope Wood and Levitre turn into one hard core don't mess with me attitude dynamic duo.
  8. I completely agree. I'm glad London told it how it is. Screw the selfish bastards. Only team players need apply.
  9. Haha you got me laughing out loud. If he turns out to be a star someday, we'll all have to come up with a clever name for him.
  10. lol that is some hard core hatred. My brother is a Pats fan. How sickening is that.
  11. I've tried it on tap here but they didn't nail it otherwise i'de be singing it's praises. I would like to try it at a pub/bar where they can nail it tho. and it wouldn't hurt if they had a nice cleavagey bartender pouring as well In high heals!
  12. We are just having a good discussion. Nothing to worry about. And nothing to be negative about as well. Chill. Have a good nice beer and relax and enjoy the discussion with us.
  13. Mother Nature's Milk.
  14. Oh who really cares about the Haters in the end? They are not the ones to ever listen to. Even all Optimistics are never right. But sum are. Haters are never ones to follow tho.
  15. I've been trying my hardest to let Stella Artois grow on me but it hasn't yet. I'll give it another try. Blue moon is great tho
  16. Wow this thread has Legs! i'm glad i'm not the only hard core bills fan here brb Me getting another eye of da hawk Keep posting!! There are really only so many Hard Core Bills fans on this earth. I think we are the True ones. I'm so glad u all are here. I never knew about this place until a few years ago and i'm Thankful u are all hear to share my passion for the Bills!!! xD
  17. What the? is that a drink? or a real rusty nail in the foot? cuz i've only had a real rusty nail in the foot before and let me tell u it blows big chunks. but if it's a drink i'm willing to try it.
  18. Hellz yes it's Always fun to learn about new and classic wines It Never gets old Plus it def impresses the ladies when u know what ur talking about when it comes to this
  19. Damn, I hope not everyone who is so hard core into upholding the Constitution is not so negative. I know i'm not.
  20. Pete, i want Roscoe to succeed too. DJ didn't know how to use him. In all of football there must be at least a few offensive coordinators who know how to use a WR of his size and speed. Gailey is a creative one and he will find a way to use Roscoe. If it wasn't for Gailey being here i think Roscoe would have seen his last days as a Bill. But Chan has a history of making the most out of some player positions. I hope for the best and i'm optimistic about what might happen.
  21. damneet... ur making me want to go get sum guinness. Can't drive now tho, too many drinks. stop tempting. Guiness does go down so smoothly...
  22. To Cave or not to Cave, that is the question. Whether it is nobler to... damneet, can't remember the Shakespearean lines now.... but anyways, when u know u r right, caving is rarely the right way to go. It leaves a bad precedence and lowers your credibility. A part of me wants to trade Marshawn for whatever can be gotten, and another part wants me to make him rot in bench hell for not being a team player. I don't want any players to think they can take advantage of us. Not a one. True successful teams and organizations are built on loyalty. They progress and succeed with loyalty. Any true organization that succeeds year over year ect... is built on cohesion. right now marshawn doesn't fit that. Maybe one of the Bills players can lay a mallet on his noggin and wake his azz up. Even if he is traded for a low round pick in the end it may not be really a wasted trade cause it will be teaching everyone else on the roster a lesson. That no amount of insubordinance will be tolerated. This team is being built to WIN. No selfishness allowed. Go Bills!!!
  23. I live in the middle of the 2nd biggest wine region in the USA, and in Cali too. Still learning about the subtleties of wine tho. There's so much to learn!
  24. Guiness and it's ilk is a full meal in of itself. You don't need food at all. A guinness is a FULL meal
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