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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. If we keep 3 i think it'll be Nelson, Mathews and Stupar. Mathews is a known quantity by Gailey. Plus he still might have upside. Nelson and Stupar definitely have potential upside. Shouman unfortunately can't progress too much further.
  2. Gosh this puts our TE's into perspective. +1 Hopefully Nelson shows us something worth talking about this season.
  3. We are all hard core Bills fans here and I know we all breathe Bills football. But I think it's ok to have a little distraction now and then especially when in some way it still involves our Bills. We have all found or seen lovely ladies past or present who have stricken our hearts and minds in one way or another. So this is what I ask of you Bills fans: If you were to have one Fantasy lady dressed up as a Jill cheerleader either at home in your living room or next to you at a game, cheering the Bills and you on, bringing you your drinks, waving her pom poms and at halftime giving you one heck of a cheerleader halftime show, what lady would you choose? After watching Caddy Shack lately I'm reminded of a lady who caught my eye as I hit puberty. And what a lady. Cindy Morgan, the naughty niece of the Judge. She would be my Jill of Choice. So my Bills brethren, if you could have a naughty cheerleader in your section every time, who would she be? Go Bills!!!
  4. Lol a little comic relief is good for the soul. and for this board as well. I'm thinking more than 4 wins though.
  5. You are one level headed bastard. And i mean that in a good way.
  6. Yes, but i would be hesitant of one with his past issues.
  7. lol yes she prolly would. A lil off topic but this chick in the TJ Max commercial, the one with the british accent. Wow what a hot accent. Talk about alluring. btw yes Peg Bundy would be the life of the party for sure.
  8. This is sad but now i'm wondering if his mom has less sense than him? Or perhaps she's being kept in the dark. Otherwise she would take him by the ear and make him listen to some damn common sense and respect his team.
  9. You too Promo. sorry a bit buzzed tonight and i'm sorry if i missed anyone who i respect reading up on. you are all quite a good gang of fans. a good group of camaraderie.
  10. And the Dean as well, and Lori.
  11. Thank goodness John you have come out of the woodwork for some common sense postings. You, San Jose, John W. C Biscuit, Carolina Bill, among others are some posters i enjoy reading up on. Thank goodness for common sense. which isn't as common as it should be.
  12. I have the same feeling about Spiller. I just am not as blessed with proper wording as some. Thanks for putting my viewpoint of him in words. Yes Spiller has a lot of potential. There's more to a great team member than just physical attributes. He has what we need. Now all we need is this type of player in each position.
  13. We don't know yet if it will trouble the Bills offense because I'm sure Gailey is aware of this. It might be a problem, but we don't yet know for sure if it will be. I'm thinking it won't be as big a problem as last year.
  14. For a while i thoroughly enjoyed seeing OJ on the Bills sidelines doing his interviews and giving his reports. I Really liked it! I thought it was awesome to see a legend being there with his old team. I wished i had seen him play live. Then he used his knife and all respect was lost. what a disgrace :/
  15. I completely agree. Some people try to make his size an issue but it really shouldn't be. He can be as productive as Thurman, but only time will tell. Anyone who insists that he is too small to be as productive is being premature. Give the man a chance to show what he can do. What's the point in being so pessimistic when he hasn't finished one season yet? Some people.
  16. I don't always agree with what you say, but i read your posting as much as everyone's and try to understand your view on things. Just curious though, if you don't think Spiller was the best player available at 9, then what player or players in your opinion were?
  17. I agree. Spiller has so many attributes both physical and mental that are so damn conducive to an outstanding athlete. Doesn't mean he'll turn out to be as good as Thurman. But it certainly doesn't hurt at all that he has so much going for him. Barring injury he is one extremely solid piece to our puzzle. Go Bills!!
  18. LOL i'm sure that is a rough life for you.
  19. You're right, she hasn't been that vocal lately. John W. hasn't posted much lately either. Same goes for Cablelady and John from Hemet. Maybe people r on vacation.
  20. True that. It's funny that some people on here just can't get along considering we are all fans of the same team. If we are not to get along it should be with fans of other teams, and not with each other. Internal strife, gotta love it.
  21. ML can be relegated to water boy status until his mama spanks his ass and puts some sense into him. I'm glad the Nix isn't caving into any trade pressure if any is being given him.
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