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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. Argh.... sigh....
  2. One Jest fan wrote that Geno is like "dating the skinniest chick at the fat farm". That's harsh. Their fans in general do not seem happy.
  3. At the rate society is going there may be a team named the PC Express.
  4. You beat me to it SJBF. I was going to say why does he tease Trung so?
  5. I was born on the west coast and have never been to Buffalo so I can't explain it. Red, White and Blue + American Buffalo + blue collar work ethic. Perhaps it's more than that. The Buffalo Bills. It's Iconic, it's historical, it's in my blood. It just feels right to be a fan.
  6. Is it cheating if you are winning with someone else's wifey?
  7. 1. Management that knows what the hell it's doing. 2. Good head coach and with good staff. 3. Toss up between great QB and Kiko Alonso.
  8. Is Goodell also open to enlightening all fans about the details of the spy gate videos he had destroyed? If he is going to be open, why not be wholly open and forthcoming? Sorry papazoid, didn't mean to say too much that would alter from your thread topic.
  9. I agree Dave except that I'd rather drink the beer than throw them at people. The term World Champions shouldn't be used because it's not applicable. The phrasing North American Champions would be more appropriate. But then Canada would need a few full time teams to make this a sure thing. If Amerigo Vespucci / Americus Vespucius were alive today he would have a thing or two to say about this matter. But then again he might not care about sports or the naming of continents. Is there a sport practically exclusive to one other country that is considered a world sport? I suppose World Series could be brought up for debate too. United States Football is pretty much half a North American sport. World sport? Not yet, but someday perhaps.
  10. Those are away games for those teams and also for the teams they are playing. The word home doesn't really apply.
  11. It's the beginning of their rookie careers. After a year or two we might have a better idea.
  12. You are the most interesting man in the world. Are you saying this to try to rile us up?
  13. It's a great show. If I recall correctly, the oldest gent showed a younger guy how to trap beavers. It was his first time but he was successful. What a beast of a beaver it was. 50+ pounds. Its stiff carcass looked like a rodent from the underworld.
  14. EJ is improving, Woods is improving, so is Kiko and McKelvin so far seems to be reborn. If Collin Brown can hold it together for this game then it will be ripe for the jests to pack into their clown car and drive away horns blaring in defeat. Bills just need to prove it can be done. It can be done and it should be done. "EJ" can stand for other things besides his given name. For now I will throw out there "Emphatic Juggernaut"
  15. Proper coaching sure can make a difference.
  16. You're right. It was an immature thing for me to say.
  17. NE is barely 2-0. Bills, Jests and Dolfags all see blood in the water. Brady isn't dumb. He knows their lead is precarious.
  18. I want to get on Wilfork's case but I'm ok with knowing he goes home to his hot wifey each night.
  19. I'll drop some F-bombs. Fortune, Fortitude, Formidable! This team is on the upswing. Let the sow Gleason wallow in his negativity. It shouldn't affect reality. Edit: I read the article and disagree with Gleason about being "short on talent." There is enough talent but more experience is needed. Also maybe Gleason is not a sow.
  20. Film? Geno has no use for film. He'll be just fine with natural talent.
  21. Just a reference to Hell on Wheels.
  22. Both teams have pretty bad wideouts right now. Jests have a fullback named Bohannon. Now if they only had a Swede.
  23. I brought this up a few weeks ago (although other posters might have brought up the topic well before I did without me realizing it), is it possible now, with Eugene Parker being the big pain in the ass he has become, that could some teams avoid drafting players represented by him? Sure he could represent players who could become playmakers, but what would the point be in a team drafting such players if they will have to fight tooth and nail to retain them. If it's not at this point, will it eventually get to the point that teams will avoid players represented by Eugene Parker and similar agents? Would avoiding players represented by such agents send a signal to new players to avoid said agents? This could turn into an interesting predicament.
  24. Phuck the cushions. We need more cb's who can pound wr's at the line. I have been sick as well about big cushions. I'm glad to hear/read that John (Johnny) Adams is physical and might share our disdain for cushions.
  25. Just old enough to appreciate the good things in life.
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