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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. It's taken me quite a while to get used to all the good humored sarcasm on this board. Sometimes i can't tell the difference. But i'm trying. Live hitting? i thought they have only been playing patty cake so far. Lets seem sum serious hitting. Lets toughen up these mofos.
  2. Frickin a rain. I will be more pleased with Hail!
  3. This might be a little premature of me to say, but is Edwards slowly growing some brass balls and getting comfortable in a system that might work for him? Some of you will say premature, and I acknowledge that, but I'm thinking Chan can get something out of him that no one else has been able to. Edwards may not turn into a franchise QB but maybe he'll be respectable this year. Only time can tell. I'm being a bit more positive about him though.
  4. I would be cool with Ellis intercepting 10 passes this season and taking them all back to the House and along his run backs he yells out "Ttttttt ttttttt tttD" and I would not laugh. I'de be cool with this.
  5. You're right, maybe IR is automatically built into the Bills. It's the default mode :0
  6. LOL! so cruel. but i have to admit i chuckled. i know, bad form.
  7. Ya never go by magazines. They're sometimes outdated by the time they hit the shelves. I'm sure other more knowledgeable posters here can give you better insight on this. But what works for me is yahoo sports and espn. I'm sure there are other sights with much better info than the ones i mentioned though. They've worked for me, I can't complain about the results.
  8. It coulda been any number of factors. Maybe he was on certain meds that were not to be mixed with drinks. Maybe he tried a new hard alcohol that didn't take well with his system. Maybe he's just a plain drunk. It's all speculation. We'll find out eventually when the facts roll in.
  9. If our offense can improve just a little bit (more time on the field and less time for our D to be scored on), and if our D can improve just a little bit as well, then it seems like we could improve on our #16 ranking. Skooby's prediction of a better ranked D isn't out of the question.
  10. It happens. But in training camp? He made a serious mistake on his night out. I can't be one to judge too much tho. My buddy and i were out this saturday night and if there was a ditch nearby we woulda been in it too.
  11. You were there and I wasn't. So you have a little bit better perspective on him compared to Simpson. Actually I had a temporary lapse and forgot we had a Chad Simpson. But since u were there and u say Simpson was doing better, then for the time being i will defer to your judgement. But then it was only one day of practice and everyone has their off days. If it's Bell or Simpson, i hope the better consistent man gets a roster spot.
  12. Personally I hope we find a way to keep him. He's been a slightly pleasant surprise. If Chan doesn't see much use in a FB and if he plans on eventually trading Lynch, then by all means keep Joique. He is starting to remind me of a younger Fred Jackson.
  13. I'm for everyone improving their game thru experience, hard work, cohesion and dedication. Increments at a time as long as we see progress. Then the wins will eventually take care of themselves.
  14. Let this attitude seep into every fiber of our players. Always expect to win. Man, this is the type of leader we've missed the last 4 years!
  15. Come back Lori.
  16. Whew is right! That's a relief.
  17. Wow, good post Puts a lot of things into better perspective.
  18. You Never Ever hope to lose. What if the players were ok with it? Why even practice, why even show up to games. We have new players who want to fight and win. We didn't draft pansies. Solid drafting and the option of trading up should always trump any benefits of tanking a season for a high draft pick. Only losers would ever think losing is ok.
  19. I've picked up too many Bills players in the past and gotten burned. This year I'll go for Spiller but only if he slides. I know someone in our league will pick him up early though cause of how he'll be ranked on some fantasy chart. Lee Evans, he'll be the one i'll really consider for my 3rd wide out Everyone in my league will expect him to under perform again this year. But I'm thinking things might be a little different for him this time around.
  20. haha ya, Twitter is an interesting waste of time sometimes. It has sum cool redeeming value though. Ross Tucker has some kewl common sense tweets.
  21. Lol. Thanks Clip. I always have my eyes peeled for new talent. It's 10 or bust in my book.
  22. Hey Metzelaars, her name is Jessica Jane Clements. I appreciate nice looking ladies and she definitely caught my eye.
  23. Crush them like Barry Word / Christian Okoye.
  24. That sounds like a great one. Agreed and no more 4th quarter meltdowns.
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