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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. I kind of was just giving you a hard time. lol. I was never here during the original skooby years so I can't really comment about what he was like. I have to give skoobydum the benefit of the doubt because he's the only skooby i've ever seen on here. He seems like a cool enough character to me. I haven't seen what some of you guys have seen in the past though.
  2. Check out the movie Thirteen Days. It came out about 10 years ago and it's a great movie about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Really eye opening about what our country went through back then.
  3. lol that's true. Then only the crickets would be argueing with each other.
  4. This is a really cool topic. If it's Gene Wilder, i'd go for Young Frankenstein.
  5. It would be great to see Brohm throw the ball with confidence 10+ yards over the middle.
  6. You started a thread earlier about not attacking each other. *me confused* As to the poll, I think our D will play better, but some of that might be due to them playing much of the game against Curtis Painter.
  7. Lions should improve this year. btw your avatar is awesome.
  8. I agree. It would be quite boring if we all had the same opinions. It promotes good discussion that we all have differing viewpoints. But there really is no need for personal attacks when one reads a post that doesn't go along with his own opinion. It's childish. If one disagrees then politely disagree and move. We're all on the same side here so we might as well try and respect each other as much as we can or as is tolerable. I think the art of tactfulness is still a learning experience for many of us on this board. Me included. There are a few idiots here but I usually but not always bite my tongue. For the most part I think there are some great posters here.
  9. Maxx, thanks for clearing some heads here and putting things into better perspective.
  10. I agree for the most part
  11. Don't forget to take pics. but at least wear boxers.
  12. Who's giving up? I'm certainly not. I'm looking forward to steady and consistent improvement as the season progresses.
  13. "If things go well" did u miss that part?
  14. I think Kelsay could get 6 if things go well. *nods my head in agreement*
  15. I'm just going by law of averages. It can't be too hard to ask for .5 sacks a game can it? Especially when that will be his focus on 3rd downs on well passing downs. Maybe i'm being too optimistic but it could happen.
  16. Haha. some of u guys have such a sense of humor. lol
  17. Oh ya, back to the subject at hand. hmmm... Honestly this is a toughy for me. Hard call. For now i'll go with Maybin. We have so many question marks it's not easy to say. Ok why not, Maybin. Wild guess. oh ya, um, 8 sacks.
  18. That's not shabby. It's an improvement. The guy needs time to learn.
  19. Didn't Maybin do one spin move and almost sack the qb? I am going by my best recollection from what one poster said from viewing the game. It seems like he's working on his repertoire. Maybe he wants to know two tricks.
  20. Can't really judge a guy by his first preseason game (although many on this board don't seem to understand that). I wasn't trying to knock on Tebow. I realize that it takes more than one game to evaluate a player. In fact I thought that if Buffalo had drafted him, Chan would be the right guy to maximize Tebow's talents. I just like the guys we drafted better overall than if we had gone for Tebow
  21. Just in jest, but we either should give Trent a lobotamy to fix his mentality for throwing over the middle for more than 10 yards or we get in touch with Dakota Fanning and have her send Trent a signed postcard for every TD he makes. That might wake him up.
  22. You may be right. But if you are, then that means that LTs aren't as important as people think. I was simply saying that a left handed qb would see the rush coming from the left side and would more readily be prepared to take action to counter act it. Nothing more nothing less.
  23. If we had taken Tebow, his backside protection would have been Green instead of Bell. Which would have been an improvement since there are less speed rushers from LDE. Not that i'm saying we should have taken Tebow. At this point i'm glad we didn't. McDaniels said that Orton is by far way ahead of Tebow and Quinn when it comes to running their offense. Having Orton on our team would have been nice. I'm a Purdue fan so i'm a bit biased. Seeing other teams struggle puts things into perspective for us
  24. The Good = Blondie = We're young and have no way to go but up from here. The Bad = Angel Eyes = Our schemes, talent level and coaching are suspect to some of you posters. The Ugly = Tuco = First preseason game.
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