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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. You have to be more specific Metzelaars. There is your typical regular standard issue sized crayons. Then there are your super jumbo sized crayons. If one wants to emphasize his opinion in a super duper sized way then he uses the jumbo sized.
  2. Billsfan I luv the potential we have. We seem to have a solid base now with Nix and Gailey. IMO solid drafting and focus. It'll take time as it does with anything worthwhile. It's only up from here. The speed at which it happens is yet to be determined. I've seen scrub physical talent work miracles. I can't doubt what we have with the proper leadership.
  3. Bye bye Troll. Crapola did i just feed u? sorry.
  4. That's what I was wondering about too. You might be right, perhaps it's just a simple coaching issue. That can easily be corrected once the coaches get on the same page.
  5. Ross Tucker is great. I've been following him on twitter for a while now. A lot of the sports writers I've seen bring up the standard issue bland topics to write about. Ross is different, he finds unique angles. His articles are very common sense and I really like that he brings an O-lineman perspective to his writings. So far his articles are fairly solid in my book and great and informative reads. My favorite to this day is on the importance of the 5 different 0-linemen positions. So what's with the links lately named "leonidas"? Are u guys trying to stick it to him? lol just curious
  6. Oh we made plenty of mistakes in the first several games. Too many to mention. Just like the Bills. But the players learned and progressed with the proper leadership. You're so right Promo, coaching is more important than most people think. Talent is great, but it's the right coach that gets all those pieces playing together into the most efficient machine possible.
  7. Let me give you a story about proper coaching and swagger. When I was an assistant coach in HS one year we had a below average team when it came to physical talent. Bear with me on this. We had no wide receivers worth a hoot. We had a starting HB that was great at reading his blocks but was undersized and slow. Our 2nd HB which we used a lot was tiny in comparison and could get tripped over by a fly. Our QB was a small fellow, but light on his feet. He couldn't throw far enough to save his life. FB was slow but he could break tackles. O-line was undersized and inexperienced. These guys played both ways more so than most teams we played. Started off the season slow but the guys buyed into the head coach's philosophy and mentality. The team grew into one cohesive tough unit. We had swagger to begin with and it grew. Almost everyone we played was faster, stronger, bigger, more experienced. As the season progressed our players got better and grew into their rolls and started to dominate other so called better teams. We made it all the way to the finals where we got beaten out by pretty much an all star team at our level. What i'm getting at here is that with proper coaching and mentality a team can go a long way. Don't underestimate searing focus, fundamentals, swagger, team unity and proper coaching. I think Chan has these qualities that he's teaching the players. It will take time to sink in for them. But imo it's been a long time since i've seen a man like Chan on our side with such an abundance of qualities which i like. Let's see some swagger, the more the better. Swagger, technique and discipline! Chan has grown on me Big Time.
  8. Our adjustments at halftime last year left a lot to be desired
  9. True that. Talk about a knucklehead move by the phins to not try and keep welker. Anyone who saw him play with them could see he always found a way to get open. Oh well their loss. Camarillo is a decent wideout. Nothing great at all but not too shabby. They'll miss him. Possibly another bonehead move by the phins that will benefit us in game 1.
  10. Definitely a good read. Thanks Beerball.
  11. Thanks for the report Bot It's encouraging to know that Levitre and Wood are showing their growing monstrous ways. There must be a way we can keep Joique on the 53 man roster. We'll need all the quality running back help with all the running we'll be doing and I wouldn't want to risk putting him on the ps. The qb's need to start throwing sooner. Enough with the hesitation. There's time to keep working on that.
  12. Thanks for the link Dog. I finally saw the video and... Nice! Good for Chan. And better for the Team.
  13. Sometimes that's very true too.
  14. Anyone here want to fess up and admit you were one of the hecklers? Lurkers? anyone? Don't be shy
  15. Nope, I'm simply just saying that sometimes repeated complaining just gets old. Nothing more nothing less. Simple as that.
  16. We know you don't like Trent. The thing is what's the point in you repeating this every chance you get? It just gets old. We get it, you don't like him. There's no benefit in you repeating it over and over and...over... I'm not super high on Trent, but I do hope he succeeds. If not him then someone. I hope that if he's successful, that you will cheer for him just as often, loudly, fiercely and vigorously as you like to trash him.
  17. LOL classic. I offer a complete and utter retraction. lol
  18. As Red said Trent seems a bit too aloof. He needs more fire in his belly. He comes off as a very diplomatic sort, perhaps too diplomatic. He doesn't seem to be one who would start controversy. He's so damn mellow. I wish he would be more direct with his responses and start walking with the demeanor of Gailey. A more outspoken qb as a leader is one that the players would be more willing to follow. Hopefully Chan's mentality rubs off on him. Too damned calm and mellow. I'm still willing to give him a chance this season.
  19. I don't think the heckling bothered Gailey personally. His skin is plenty thick. He was probably more concerned with the cohesion of the team and of them seeing each other as one unit who will watch each other's backs.
  20. Considering how inexperienced our O-line is they provided a nice running game tonight. Makes me wonder what we'll be like in a year or two with more talent added to the line + a year or so of more experience under their belts + Chan's ability with running schemes. Our running game can truely be a Force to be reckoned with. Improving the passing game would be a plus too. If we can run the ball right now with the guys we currently have at their experience level, it just makes me almost froth at the mouth of what is to come down the road. It's something to look forward to.
  21. This game sure was a pleasant relief The players are coming around. I'm going to sleep better tonight Joique Joique Bell!!
  22. Melissa Ordway http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2377802/ She's the hot as hellz chick from one of the Geico caveman commercials
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