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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. Those were some very fortunate people. Let's hope we are all crystal clear in the noggins when we're at that age.
  2. My initial reaction is no. No, u never root to lose. if u lose then it happens. But it would be hard to feel good about it if u root for a loss. Just seems too out of character. So, No.
  3. In a dramatic turn of events, Whitner pulls the camera crew to a secluded lagoon out of sight of the tribe. He confesses "I have the scoup on how Kelsey got his obscene contract extension, but i'll only tell if i'm sure i can get enough peeps to keep from voting me off." Before he says more, he spots a lame hog limping along a trail and in hopes of gaining brownie points, he lunges at the disadvantaged animal, only to be juked out of his jock strap. Camera pans away quickly before too much is shown.
  4. imo Peyton likes wideouts who can run crisp routes he can count on. Like Collie does. I doubt Peyton will endorse any signing of Hardy. Poor Hardly.
  5. LOL, bowery, i hope green isn't on here reading up on this board, or u would hurt his sensibilities.
  6. I knew a 70 year old that had it all upstairs and was as clear as daylight. Unfortunately not many older folks are.
  7. Slack I like your post. I slightly disagree with one portion though. Some men such as Spiller, Wood, Levitre, ect... imo can be quite self motivated individuals. When it comes to motivation, Gailey and Nix probably don't need to worry too much about certain players. Some men need constant motivation, others a little bit, and there are those who fight thru adversity and find ways to motivate themselves no matter what the obstacles. Imo we have some, but not enough self motivators. Yes you are right, you find out about a person's true character when things are low and in the dumps. That's when you see what someone is really made of.
  8. Haha. i didn't think anyone remembered Sikahema. he was good return man for the eggles. Spiller will be way more than a Sikahema.
  9. NaPolian we need more confident leadership than this. Imagine this is Austerlitz. Bring out all your stops. don't hold back. I hope we give Spiller at least 15 touches a game for now on. 20 would be great though.
  10. Shut your trap. now get me a beer and like it. I doubt the real life Ike would take a defeatist attitude. I'm hoping you were just joking. but if you weren't, then suck it.
  11. I 2nd that! screw the pity party. I'll joke around from time to time about our situation. But never get down entirely like some. Hold your heads up high Bills fans. Life is too short to let yourself get down for long. Persevere. Always. Is there any other alternative? No there isn't. I bleed red, white and blue as well. These are Bills colors and our country's colors. Can't get any better than this!
  12. 3rd and possibly last sneak peak for tonight. As George Edwards falls on and destroys the tribe's recently earned source of fresh fruit, Chris Kelsay snickers and mouths into the camera "little do they know my new contract is a farce. I have pics!" Kelsay then stands up and goes to the horrified tribe who are circling the crushed basket of fruit in dismay. he pulls out a few fresh fruits from his pockets that he earlier snagged from the basket. Now in hopes of now gaining points from the group. Little does Kelsay know, after his talk with the camera, a face appears from underneath a big leaf, a face with peaked and interested ears to what Kelsay said... Moats. Moats says... "ah ha, kelsay i know your secret now. pics huh? I knew u never belonged." The plot thickens...
  13. Might as well adapt and change up the wildcat/WildBill a little bit. just for sake of example, why not go in I formation, with a backup qb in who has no problems with blocking, put qb in motion, hike to jackson, (can go on option with Spiller with guard pulling) or if another play is called hand off to spiller, or throw pass, or short lateral to qb and pass. there are many options besides just your basic wildcat. can't run this stuff too often in the NFL but why not be a little creative now and then.
  14. 2nd sneak peak. Shortly after Green expresses his concerns, George Edwards walks back into camp from a failed hunting mission. As he raises what little he could scavenge, a recently dead half eaten mongoose and a fish he found on the beach, he stumbles and falls on and demolishes the only basket of fruit the tribe just earned. Looks of scorn shoot in his direction "oh oh...oops... this doesn't look good" is his response before the camera cuts away. Stay tuned...
  15. A sneak peak of the next episode shows Cornell Green whispering his doubts in the camera behind some foliage. "I dunno man, for sum reason i think fitz n cj and even freddie r conspiring. they keep huddling by the fire and sneak sum nasty looks at me. i catch em tho. not sure what they mean yet. I even tried to get brohm to find out whats goin on, but he doesn't have his heart into it. he won't tell me sh*%... shhh quiet... they're coming"
  16. I get your point. Also i agree that we won't be down in the dumps forever. This thing will get turned around. It'll take time. A lot of people here don't like hearing it though "it'll take time" cause it's been so long. But it's just how it is unfortunately. As much as i'm sickened with how things have gone so far, I believe things will eventually get turned around.
  17. Then we will adapt. We'll draft blind players who are adept at playing in the darkness. Whatever it takes to win.
  18. Yes. Lowest point for me and i'm not even a veteran fan. Only been here 23 years. Some of you guys have seen quite a bit more. I'm not bitching tho, things are bound to get better...eventually. Might take more time than i anticipated. Ah well that's life. Strap up those chin straps fans. Get ready for a rocky road ahead and persevere. Those that can't hang might be left by the way side.
  19. I expected our team to take it's lumps and bruises and have a hard time of it while it got more experienced. But today our D in some ways layed over and took it like a man should never have. Not sure if it's lack of talent, players in new positions, lack of experience, or a new DC who might be in over his head. Or possibly a combination of those. In any case, i'm pissed about the performance. I'm not expecting a SB run here by any means, but today's performance left me aghast. Things need to improve for the better soon, even if it's slight gradual improvements. So ya i'm a lil up in arms about this. Not overreacting, but a tad up in arms yes. Still looking for the positives of our situation tho.
  20. damn. that was a harsh way to tell her :0 I hope she didn't take it badly tho. Your avatar makes me think of the Rising Sun over the taco bell dog. Are you inferring that the taquito doggy will come and rule us over?
  21. I wish i could have a decent comment on that. I don't have kids and i don't know if and when i ever will. But ya, I can see how good it would be to be able to first teach a child about the Bills (when they are on the right track). It would be difficult to teach a little one about our team when they are in such disarray.
  22. Then that question is answered Joe.
  23. Honestly, with all sincerity, you should root for the team that means something to your heart. And congratulations for having a daughter. May she learn as much about team loyalty as you know.
  24. Electing to kick off and get the ball in the 2nd half is what most teams are likely to do. I have no problems with this. On D if with our roaring crowd and adequate D we were able to stop the jests then great! We would be on O with no jest points and still have the ball first in the 2nd half. Unfortunately it didn't work out that way. Why say the winds were taken out of our sails by deferring? The crowd can get way into it for our D. Effin put your chins up and don't make excuses over who got the ball first. We would have gotten pasted either way. I still think it was the right call to defer. I'm in the minority here but oh well!
  25. Must've been a lot more frustrating for you and others at the stadium than it was for me and other fans who didn't have to witness the slaughter firsthand. Talk about frustration...
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