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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. I'm in no rush for DW to leave. I hope he kicks ass chews bubble gum and takes names. If he kicks too much ass he might be tempted to have another go at a HC position somewhere. Personally though I hope he does well and sticks around for quite a while.
  2. Application of Art of War strategies. Not comparing football and combat. Stating that Art of War can be well used in football even though it was meant for combat. No disrespect intended to anyone who has served. But you get the idea. I would hope so at least.
  3. I think the Stillers are the lesser of the two evils. We must bear in mind that their O-line is extremely thin now due to injuries. This will benefit the Jests D. If the jests go all the way I will probably plant an olive tree in my back yard, grow and cultivate it. When it becomes big enough I'll trim some olive branches and offer to shove them up spags azz if he ever gets out of the slammer. If the jests win it all that will be a doozy.
  4. I'm thinking it will be a hybrid 3-4, 4-3 yet again next year but still progressing towards a 3-4. Wanny won't stay with us forever. If he does well he'll prolly get his crack at another HC spot again. But only if he does quite well with our D. In that case maybe Edwards will be kept around to improve his game and glean anything he can from DW to take over when Wanny does eventually leave. Damn I speculate too much. Go Bills!!!
  5. The football field is one of the most appropriate places for the application of the Art of War. Possibly 2nd only to actual combat.
  6. He can keep on wanting. Btw classic vid clip Senator.
  7. I'm not sure how much DW will be paid. I just figured Ralph wouldn't want to pay two DCs but perhaps you're right and it's not a stretch for him. I'm just glad Nix and the gang convinced Ralph that more DC experience was needed.
  8. Lol Meathead you are giving us too much credit to how we perceive these players.
  9. All the ins and outs of Jessica... hmm....
  10. Getting Mankins would make me dance a jig. It would be surreal. I doubt it will happen. What a line it would be though. Mankins is not the type of guy who I think would sit on his azz after collecting his paycheck. He would want to lay the wood on some Wilfork azz as best he could if he joined us.
  11. Ralph has gotten screwed by folks like Donahoe and Modrak and perhaps even his accountants telling him to spend less. Maybe Ralph even has screwed himself by taking their advice. Many of you here are more knowledgeable about this than I am. All we know is he hired the wrong people for the past 10 years. Those people have had his ear for quite a while and he leaned on them for bad advice. What I'm getting at is now we have 3 men, Nix, Gailey and Whaley who all seem to be on the same page. My feeling is these three men are a cohesive unit in themselves and speak Ralph's language and perhaps are getting his confidence to the point that he will give them more consideration than men in the past. Maybe to the point that he might be willing to listen to them more so than Overdorph and Brandon. I realize this might be reaching but what if this is the case? I can see an older gentleman like Ralph giving more free reign to older and respectful straight shooters like Nix and Gailey and also to an up and comer like Whaley who is Nix's protege so to speak. This isn't at all one of my best formulated posts. One or even all three convinced Ralph to cough up the $ to hire Wannstache. Now paying two DC's money. Nix, Gailey and Whaley imo are willing to do what it takes to win. And to do so would be to get Ralph's ear and confidence which I believe they are doing. Now that they are getting that, it's important that they keep trying to upgrade the staff and team. Nix needs to have a solid draft and imo get two solid (they don't have to be superstar) FA's who are somewhat young and improving who can start right away (I'm thinking RT and TE or even LB) who are not over the hill. The only baffling moves to me are signing Kelsay to his new deal and the earlier signing of Cornell Green. This post is basically about how the big 3 have gotten Ralph's confidence (imo) to the point where they have enough sway to help him make the right decisions. They might not be there fully but I think they are on their way. I just hope Ralph keeps paying more attention to them. Nix needs to get some good FA's and have a great draft to make this all worth it. If Nix doesn't go hard for at least 2 solid FA's and have a good draft then I'll be greatly miffed.
  12. Putting to a halt the career of a teammate on the Raiders was a POS thing to do, and so was spitting in another players eye (if i recall correctly). Those aspects of him I would not tolerate. But overall in general it's a good read. Even from a player who couldn't always control himself.
  13. I would recommend this book too Hopeful. During Romo's playing years I never thought much of him except that I admired his intensity for the game. After reading his book my view of him changed a bit. He was no longer just a pure berserker in my mind. His mentality and devotion to a winning attitude impressed me. He has some interesting nutritional info (the book isn't all about taking banned substances) in his writings too. Overall I would recommend it. Thanks for posting this and reminding me of it Hopeful. I'm going to have to dig up the book again. On a side note: We need players on the Bills who think of nothing else except for winning, winning and winning!!! A group mentality of doing everything possible (within legal limits) to further this team. This mindset needs to become clear and the group as a whole should strive for one goal only. Most here know this goal. Go Bills!!
  14. Wow sure looks like him. He'll find a way to post even from behind bars.
  15. Lol! I sure hope Moats' magic will rub off on Danny Batten. Looking forward to Moats turning into a beast next year.
  16. Hu would go oooh! Wang was that you? Not on my shoe! Why not in the loo? Oh boo hoo! Pretty cool for Wang that he had lunch in the White House tho.
  17. That's a great question. I would like to know that myself. I've been trying to find out with no success so far. She's a mystery.

  18. Wow lol, those fans are quick to hit the panic button.
  19. I was counting on Cool Joe, Ray Rice and Ray Lewis and gang advancing to put the Pat's to sleep. Now that they're put to an early hibernation themselves, all I have to say is... go Pack! Crush the damn Patsies, Jests or Stillers. I'm thinking it's a Pack/Pats SB.
  20. lol. The girl in my avatar remains a mystery to me, and what a pleasant mystery too. lol thanks for clearing that up.
  21. SDS I've always wondered, who is the girl in your avatar? It so looks like Hayden Panettiere. It prolly isn't, so who is it? very attractive girl. And obviously very passionate about her Stanley Cup.
  22. Now that's the pure definition of a hawt azz coach!
  23. I don't want either to win. In my dreams both their team buses would get flats and both teams would forfeit. Could be worse....could be much worse...but that's only dreaming...
  24. Wanny has one hellz of a cookie duster stache. It would be awesome if he came on board. Wasn't he the DC for Dallas during their SB runs?
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