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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. Those were the days. I miss that time too. Really got my heart pumping seeing the Bills beat the likes of them.
  2. lol We've all made our fair share of spelling mistakes...I know I have...It's all good and in good jest too Edit: Actually bowery I think you spelled it correctly. "resigned" just has two meanings, same spelling though. So you got it right
  3. Shiznizzle...damn...lol.. BillsVet it was all i could handle to keep from spattering my beer all over my laptop....lol
  4. I fully agree. Poz and Kelsay are not blame shifters and they do place themselves accountable. They are blue chip talents as people, and in the overall scheme of life that is what really matters. But as for NFL football players they don't cut the mustard. Poz is not making excuses for the scheme. He is pretty much saying "it's us" Everyone of us fans can make excuses for Poz but he pretty much said himself that it's on him if plays are not made. I respect him for his accountability on this. I respect him quite a bit actually. But if he can't cut it, then his position needs to be upgraded and Poz as smart as he is must know this as well. This doesn't seem weird to me at all. To me this just seems to be a superbly honest statement by an honorable player. He knows his limits as a player and he realizes he has to play better and he calls himself out on this. If he is honorable enough he'll be ok with being a good backup for a new starter in time. I don't think Poz will ever stop trying to improve, but if we get another MLB who is better than him, then for the overall improvement of the team Poz will be ok with being the back up. That is if he is the pure embodiment of a team player.
  5. Congrats Ice Bowl! Thank you for being supportive of the Bills this past season as well.
  6. lol yes I noticed my mistake too. I hate mispelling. Posted on my iPhone rather quickly and wasn't able to fix the error. For how great this phone is it won't let you scroll down far enough to edit/fix anything below an average sized paragraph.
  7. I just hope the Declaration is getting as much attention and respect on many other message boards as it is getting in this one. Glad to see it read on tv and it's nice to have read it being debated on here because it brings it more due attention. For clarification purposes I believe the thought of revolution is a last resort. I would much rather a government be changed for the better in the most peaceful way possible. When I think of the Declaration I think of all past and present who have faught for and continue to fight for what freedoms we have. Let our freedom not erode any further.
  8. He seems like a swell guy who doesn't take himself too seriously. It's good to see a man of his position genuinely trying to help a team and therefor a community without spoiling them with outlandish cash gifts. Good for him and them.
  9. Come on Merriman for goodness sake and all that is good in the world, have a healthy year and have a monster season. Keep turning into the hard working dedicated leader that I at first doubted you would become. If you become even half your former self it will be more than what we've had in years. Here's to a healthy Merriman this coming season!
  10. Good point bowery. We should all have a better understanding of the Declaration and Constitution. I have to admit I need to brush up on this myself.
  11. I prefer slimmer less curvy girls but I have to admit she's hard to say no to. Boner fuel she is.
  12. They said that? Silly fools.
  13. That was pretty kewl! Neat commercial.
  14. I guess this is my first time on here while watching the SB. Keep up the good archiving *thumbs up*
  15. Ralonzo you are on quite a mission aren't you? Forge on. You are single handedly keeping this thread alive.
  16. That bieber girl comment was hilarious.
  17. I thought it was good until usher showed up. His performance isn't as good as black eyed peas.
  18. This half time show isn't too shabby. Better than I've seen in several past years. And I'm sure the peeps surrounding the stage know who the performers r too. Overall it's aight.
  19. An anti-raping commercial would have promoted interesting comments I'm sure.
  20. Ya...same here...not easy to digest but hopefully now we won't miss out on the next Rodgers. We shall see. That defender who got his hand on Bens shoulder slowed down his release just enough to make him under throw the ball. A seemingly slight move like that making such a huge difference in point differential.
  21. The Declaration is a pretty big deal here for a lot of people. I suppose since so many people watch the SB it's a good way to remind people of it. Anyway back to the game.
  22. Stillers O-line is run blocking fairly decently considering all the injuries they've suffered. Well so far. Well except for the stop behind the line of scrimmage in the last series.
  23. You can never go wrong with a hot Jessica Alba pic. I really liked the Declaration of Independence being read earlier. Very moving. Christina Aguilara has a great voice but why can't the national anthem ever be sung the original way anymore? The classic version from 10 years plus years ago is awesome. Now it just sounds ridiculous.
  24. High motor is admirable, but only carries so far. Very respectable but in the end more is called for.
  25. I wouldn't be surprised if stony or tgreg end up being correct. That Buddy drafts Green or Peterson. Perhaps Green. We seriously need to upgrade our front 7 though. But if at our selection the BPA is Green and we take him, I'll have mixed emotions about it. Glad that we'll have such a stud but irked he isn't a position of great need.
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