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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. Awesome thread. My top 10 changes a little from time to time. Here's my top 3 for the time being. Pure hotness/sex appeal,mesmerizing beauty and class come into account. Each lady in our world has their own unique way of expressing their attributes. So let's keep admiring the ladies and not let their efforts of primping go to waste. Candice, the pure def (in my book) of hotness. http://www.thesuperficial.com/enlargedimage?postid=717541&parent=717451 Olivia's eyes are to die for. http://www.thesuperficial.com/justin-timberlake-olivia-wilde-04-2011/0404-justin-timberlake-olivia-wilde-04 Ginger is timeless. I think she'll always find a way to stay in my top 10. Others will try to knock her off, but she's a survivor. http://www.fanpix.net/picture-gallery/ginger-rogers-picture-16369371.htm Who's your top 3? With pure sex appeal, classic beauty, and class?
  2. I'm fairly certain they have to. Well in Cali I'm pretty sure they have to.
  3. lol, I like your version of "bread" better than mine. In fact my favorite meal during a game is a massive dagwood.
  4. If the house is this, then yes I would be hesitant to purchase the property. http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3787495680/tt0384806 Otherwise, make sure all blood is cleaned up and get the best deal you can. Also think about going into the business of hosting murder mystery parties in your new home.
  5. If cows were trained and bread for speed or feats other than grazing, it would be interesting to see what they could accomplish. Kewl story on this cow though. Imagine....war cows.
  6. Carl Sagan was and still is the man. He had quite a way of putting this planet into perspective.
  7. lol. 7 of 9 will prolly be a yum yum to da max for eons. Some lovely ladies just defy the laws of time.
  8. dev does this mean we are just cabbage patch dolls and GI Joe action figures just waiting to be outgrown and discarded? :0
  9. thanks bbb. much appreciated. What a blockhead I am. AMC in the thread title.
  10. What channel? I've wanted to watch it. HBO? AMC? Sci-fi?
  11. Makes me wonder if the intergalactic hoes r hot or not 1-10 rating. 3 breasts anyone? And what gets the alien ladiez buzzed. green margaritas?
  12. Thanks dev. If **** ever hits the fan and something horrid happens which results in 3rd or 4th in line to take command, hopefully enough citizens and troops know who is the proper person in line for succession. (proper not necessarily being the most qualified but just saying proper as in the correct line of succession).
  13. Isn't it the speaker of the house or the senate majority leader? I always forget. I'm thinking Speaker of the House. We as American citizens should know all this. I for one have some catching up to do. Who's 4th in line?
  14. The odds of another planet supporting life are extremely high indeed considering how many planets are out there (who really knows how expansive the universe really is. Scientifically we only know what Hubble has seen. For all we know the universe has a periphery 1000x beyond what we can comprehend. If only 0.0000000001 percent of other planets have even a slight chance of supporting some sort of life (whether similar to ours or most likely very dissimilar) then yes it seems reasonable to keep an open mind to such possibilities. Many civilizations have probably formed and died on other planets while the earth was created and evolved to it's present state. I believe you're right, too many people are gun shy to latch onto this. I saw a bright supernova type light one early morning. At first I thought it was something extraterrestrial but then thought it was my own eyes and imagination playing tricks on me. I still think about it because I've never experienced something like that before. Right now I think it was a trick on my eyes and senses. The future might prove otherwise though. Who knows. I think it is always best to keep an open mind, always do research, see things from different perspectives (not just our own) always be careful what research you read due to bias being involved by authors, and always follow what you think is right and just no matter how many naysayers or detractors there may be. KD you have a damned good point about them having intergalactic travel and still requiring headlights lol.
  15. All pay tribute to the cleavage goddesses
  16. It's risky pulling out certificates on dates. But if you do and she's cool with it then it's a definite plus. Personally I would only use certificates after dating a girl for a while. Everyone is different though and you might very well find the right girl who appreciates your thriftiness. As another poster mentioned, don't doubt yourself. Carry a smile and hold your head up and emit the attitude that she's lucky to be with you. Girls like guys with confidence. Even if it's quiet mellow confidence. Have some good dates Poojer and let us know how it goes.
  17. What I find interesting is that the public in general is so whatever about these lights and other such anomalies (with the exception of a staunch few who). If there are aliens (which a good number of people seem to believe) then I would think this would cause an uproar of an unprecedented level in society. The thought of life from another world visiting us is something that would ruffle our feathers more than it has so far. The level of intelligence on this board is quite a bit higher than the average Joe you would meet on the street. A large number of posters here seem to be fairly well read and educated. So I would suppose a good number here are open minded to the possibility of aliens. Some not I'm sure. I saw lights (they acted in a manner unlike man made floating lights) when I was a little lad which I believe to be of alien origin (just my opinion). I have some level headed friends who have witnessed quite a bit more. I'm rambling a bit and not trying to make one specific point. Just sharing my thoughts on how society seems to be so blah about something that could turn our thoughts on life upside down. I suppose I'm partly to blame too since I'm a part of society's indifference to this matter. Thanks for the linky Dev. Thought provoking for sure. I'm sure many more unexplainable sightings are yet to come.
  18. I will too. Thanks for the link Beerball. It's insane what the first cosmonauts and astronauts went thru.
  19. My damn iPhone won't let me reply as well as I would like. Nasty, I offer my sincere gratitude to you. For the sacrifices you've made (and to many others on here as well) for the services rendered to our nation and for the view you have for what the founding fathers had envisioned. Let every man of worth and of substance uphold our founding fathers ideals. Ok now other than rebuilding our country, let's also rebuild a Bills team. By the way, what ever happened to the fellow with the Greek and Latin terminology? That was good stuff. Go Bills!!! Get those hooves a churnin and stampede the azzez off of anyone getting in the way! Nix, make it happen!
  20. Let's hope Nix and his compadres have more sway on Ralph's tendencies. Nix is an older gent, IMO he has nothing to lose by telling Ralph to back off with his preferences and to let the more knowledgeable peeps take a crack at finding a stud. Nix has balls, I don't see him backing down to Ralph. Nix is a gamer and wants to win. Whether he makes the most prudent pick or not, he will do his best to keep Ralphs mitts off the first pick. Or help sway Ralph into picking a guy Nix really wants. An older age makes a man either batten down the hatches and stand by his ideals or let's himself be swayed by others. I think Nix is the former. Batten down those hatches air tight Nix and take a shellackin and keep on tickin. But daminit make a good pick no matter what Ralph wants.
  21. Oldies are somtimes goodies but not in this case. We're building with youth. No Takeo backup unless it's WaW Zombies.
  22. It would really suck to lose Fitzy to injury. But if we did it would suck like GB losing Rodgers or Indy losing Manning. We can't fret so much about this. Things happen and we deal as best we can and in the most efficient way possible.
  23. For the first time in a long azz time I think we have a GM (with mini gm *Whaley*) who have a clue as to how to build a team. Many here seem to be fretting left and right up and down, some are calm and sensible, others not so much. It's my gut instinct that Nix knows what the hellz he's doing and he doesn't give a rats azz what we all think. I believe he would have liked Tebow, but Fitz's play last season soothed Nix's ruffled feathers. Babbling a bit but I'm known for that. IMO Nix believes offense is ok (for this upcomming season. Assuming he gets a quality TE in FA). He will balance going for D and BPA but probably will slightly tilt his sights towards BPA. I hope this means D in a big way but we shall see what the Nix wants. Ralph can go for a crowd pleaser and ticket seller if he wishes but Nix will put his crotchety and well versed foot down and IMO Ralph will oblige. The bean counters can have an uproar but at this time and at this point in the franchise's history, Nix will have the balls and perhaps the say so to tell them to shut their damn traps!! All speculation on my part ofcourse. We loyal fans have travailled for so long. It's about time we have a GM (elderly as he may be, but with a thumping heart and a will to succeed) who IMO will take a no nonesense approach to building a team. Bear in mind that a franchise team (such as ours) won't be solidified in one or two years. It takes time to build the necessary blocks for sustained success but we won't ever lay down and give up on winning a SB no matter how depleted our talent may be. We are on the upswing gentlemen and ladies. It's about damn time and it should last for a while. Demote Madrock to late round pick analysis and we'll be dandy. If we don't get all the pieces this year we can next year. Every effin day at work I tell my coworkers we are one day closer to the draft. It is the equivalent of my SB (for now). This year we are retooling again, next year reloading and kicking ass and in between we will try and demolish as many opponents as possible. Rebuilding is never an option. You always go for glory every chance you get. In the meantime you build and build and it gets easier if you have solid leadership. I babble too much at times I must admit but I don't care what anyone thinks, I'm a die hard, hard core Buffalo Bills fanatic! Go Bills!!!
  24. He has a way to go to get better at run D. He was a rookie so I'm not super surprised about that. If he's intelligent and hard working I think he'll get better at it in his 2nd year. I'm pretty sure Moats will raise his game. If the FO continues to upgrade the LB Corps I won't complain. As of right now Moats is what he's shown in his rookie year but he'll improve. A Moats, Merriman (Batten + draft pick, FA pick up) sandwich would be a delight to all our hungry tummies.
  25. I am all for throwing a lot of picks to upgrade our sorry run D. It severely needs to be improved. We have some guys in Carrington, Troup and Moats who will help us with this. I think though, there needs to be a balance to drafting. We cannot be so fixated in one area to the point that we overlook superior, talented players at other positions who fall to us, who can also help in the long run. For example we could be throwing mid range picks at an above average or average defensive player even though there is a potential stud available at another position of slightly less need. We need to upgrade the D in a big way, but I would not want us to reach too much and at the expense of not grabbing potential elite or above average talent in areas of lesser need. There needs to be a balance here. We can throw our focus at defense but at the same time keeping an open mind to picking a player or two who we think can really help us long term even if said player doesn't fill a huge gaping hole. Bottom line is, we need playmakers. It's all balance, we can't so focus on one area of our team that we lose out on drafting someone of impact in another area. Let's be clear headed when each of our draft slots comes up. Upgrade our D but at the same time be open to other potential studs.
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