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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. I think it's unlikely we'll keep 9 and if that's the case then I hope Shep shows enough promise and starts. Also I hope Chris White gains the coach's confidence enough to make Davis expendable.
  2. Really rooting for Chris White. I WANT this instinctive, hard hitting LB to beat out the likes of Torbor and if need be take the last LB spot over Maybin. Let the Chris White and Batten youth movement begin to take over. I see a lot of promise in these two. Ah yes, Coleman as well. Can't wait for preseason to begin!
  3. Great info Fitzbeardy. Much appreciated.
  4. Great post Dan. Optimism breeds success and vice versa. Thanks for the post to start off my day. Go Bills!!!
  5. Hey Bowery, I agree David Nelson rocks. I've been reading your posts and others this past week but haven't posted myself because you and other select posters already voiced views that I agree with and therefor I really had nothing else to add. Can't wait to see what Nelson can do in his 2nd year
  6. Lol. Marty Feldman is the glue of the movie. I damn well hope Spiller will be as shifty as Marty's hump.
  7. Go Frankenstein! When it comes to a classic like this, you just know. Thanks for posting these awsome clips!
  8. Goshies, lol I knew it would come to this. My fav scene of the movie btw.
  9. David Nelson's attitude is the epitome of what we need on the Bills. Fortunately for us fans, our team's character is a growing version of his never say die persona. I personally luv how this group is growing. Brad Smith is a great example. We need some meat and potatoes guys on the O-line if worth the gettng tho. We shall see what happens. Even if we don't get one other O-lineman our line will still be better than last year. Still would like Miller or Boss badly even tho they r not Chan's priority.
  10. I've had hollow point pitchfork ends at the ready in case of a dismall failure. But I don't anticipate needing to use them. I think of Nix as the mad Gene Wilder making the proper preparations to ensure forward thinking rebuilding no matter how many true trolls may say otherwise. Even a blind man can see progress being made. Progress too slow for some but progress nonetheless. The Panic Button has gotten too much use this week prematurely. Let's see how things unfold all the way before some here decide to call it quits. Go Bills!!!
  11. Good luck to Trent. He's a nice enough guy. Raiding doesn't seem to be his forte. He'll do fine in life tho which what really matters.
  12. Hplarrm you usually post too much common sense. Keep on posting. You don't often get many replies but I bet you are read more often than you think. White should be fine.
  13. lol apparently I'm still a bit hazy
  14. This is a good clarification along with what Hondo said. Now it makes more sense to me. I think in my drunken stupor last night when I posted things were a bit hazey.
  15. Yeppers, fugged up indeed. Common sense isn't as common anymore. Soon to be uncommon sense.
  16. This goes without saying. Of course we should keep Fitzy. Imagine the coniptions if we didn't.
  17. You said it better than I could have. It's def not the capitalist way. But it will keep the lower revenue teams relevant and therefor supply the league with a good number of teams to sustain it's existence. Overall I'm not a fan of propping up a business long term if it can't stay above water on it's own merits.
  18. I'm very sorry for your loss Scott.
  19. Agreed, very entertaining tournament from what I saw. Rapinoe's play and feistiness, Morgan's unquestioned hotness and talent, Wambach's scoring skills, and the overall play of our ladies will have me paying more attention to womens soccer for now on.
  20. Congrats to our ladies for making it this far. Congrats to Japan for a well played match.
  21. We need to see more of that hot talented pink sports bra! That was a beauty of a pass. What a great game this is turning out to be. Japan just won't quit. I hope the pink bra has more magic yet to give!
  22. Nice goal by Wambach! The noggin rulez!
  23. Tied 1-1. This game just got really suspenseful!
  24. What a pass by Rapinoe! A great goal by Alex Morgan! Go team!!
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