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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. So did Goodell put money down against the Bills?
  2. Has the play been deleted from all records yet?
  3. Tuck rule needs to go. It's a rule for sissies. It's just not well thought out.
  4. Blatant BS calls like the one called on Stevie r making me question the legitimacy of refs. I already stopped watching my Pacers a few years ago when I saw how biased the refs were. If the NFL is such then... well then u don't want to kno what Im thinking.
  5. Oh PearlHowardMan where art thou? How I miss your effin gems. Your musings always raise my fandom to such highs.
  6. They will learn. Oh they will learn. It really shouldn't have come to this but the team and staff will learn.
  7. How does schitt ever get done and accomplished with pessimism?? Damn. Nothing good comes from a downer attitude. Effin ughies, I keep feeding this damn thread.
  8. "How bout you call a fair game. How's that sound?" lol classic.
  9. Dorkington you weren't stupid. It's just one game after all. Even the SB contenders have a let down now and then. Now everyone effin grow a spine and see the team growing in front of you! They are growing damn faster than my measely mind expected!
  10. Cunningham was great and even tho Vick can have surpassing games he's very injury prone. Rolling the dice with Vick.
  11. Thanks Bob. Our day will come when the officials will give the Bills a fair shake. Losses are good for team building. Bungles won't be so lucky next time.
  12. It's not a fact dayman but if you say so then so be it.
  13. Omg where's my panic button! We r 3-1 n still atop the AFC east n we are garbage! Damnit time to effin lose sense of reality!
  14. Critiquing is fine but anyone who bitches n moans needs to grow a set. and ya a shameful bump
  15. This didn't seem like just a bad call to me. It seemed almost purposeful. Not including the muggings our DL and LB's took.
  16. No Heels, you are not the only one.
  17. Derek I hope and think you will dine on crow til ur tummy bursts. I like your enthusiasm for the team tho!
  18. Joe and Slack, you can prolly handle it. But the others who can't... ughies...
  19. This was a tough loss for sure. Most of us expected the Bills to either win or blow out the bungles. But those bungles fought hard and the refs had some questionable calls against us and non calls against the bungles. Overall the game should have been won but it wasn't. So from now on it's a learning experience and this game will be used as a jumping board for the rest of the season as it should be. I saw and am still seeing so many fans going into panic mode for just this one game. Our players have character and perseverance. It's what this team is being molded into. And overall we'll be glad for this. But it's astonishing to me how many fans throw in the towel so quickly. If you fanatics can't handle one loss in one NFL game (when our team is 3-1 now) then how do you handle adversity in real life?
  20. Y does reality have to be so much more associated with pessimism than with optimism? Can't it find a middle ground? Reality is the Bills lost this game. Also reality is the Bills are 3-1 and getting better overall. Is this reality so bad???
  21. Yes we shall see. And when the team keeps improving I kno u will be here supporting them. I'm just not a big fan of peeps who look for the panic button so soon. Overall glad ur a fan ETD
  22. excuse? It's a long season and ample time to get back up to how the Bills normally play this season. Nice to see your optimism and vision.
  23. Exactly Joe. Now quit ur whining u panzies.
  24. Damnit I thought the fans here were the sturdiest of them all. Too many wanting a ledge so soon.
  25. Oh my, boo hoo the magic is gone Come on peeps. It's one game. Everyone has a bad game from time to time. What matters is how the team bounces back. Team is growing and will be fine.
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